schichi is the worst show we're still watching reeeee well i dont hate it that much but i do at the same time there's something about it that's really bad and i can't pinpoint it
My biggest complaint with this show is that I know it's going to have a non-ending okay elts start!
Shi chi se i
I think it mighjt be because this is like SAO but it doesn't have any high points liike SAO it's low-tier SAO >>565031 the fights it has one or two moments taht are nice this so far has none remotely close
I guess he's being ridiculous again. I thought he gave up.
The worst part of this is that Satsuki isn't even involved here. But we all know this scene's gonna mess up her chance of Haruto asking her to the dance.
haha what was that he just gave up? Did he even like her?
I figure he was more or less over his obsession then. He was just acting like he was still crazy to get Haruto to say that.
Man being Satsuki is suffering.
She really gets the rum hand here. Takanori has the other girl crushing on him. Asahi's possibly not even dead. Getting caught by Clive on the rebound would just be kind of lame.
All three episodes so far have been either directly or tangiently related tot -to this to-be couple. I wonder if the entire first novel runs along this plot thread.
Ah yeah, this new tsukumogami is Shio in Happy Sugar Life. I wasn't making that connection right off the bat.
The Japanese culture around items is pretty interesting when you think about it.
Yeah, I've been enjoying the little trivia snippets they've been giving about all these accessories and pieces of art. I'm always eager to learn about cultural particulars like this.
this is 9 right? whered ika go >>565097 the contract, is it worth the price? >>565097 maybe he fell asleep so how were your days >>565097 oh that's awesome what uni?
Well I don't know where I've heard that name before but she did the character designs for Penguindrum .
>>565096 He's contractually obligated to go vanish for ten minutes any time any of us comments on how we've made such good time while watching anime. >>565096 Not for us it ain't.
>>565096 My days have been all right. I probably got accepted into a university. I've been playing a lot of MonHun GU.
>>565096 I'm more than a little hesitant to go into the particular even if /moe/'s pretty much a private space. It was my second choice for getting in somewhere, and my first gave me an official rejection months ago, so I guess it's nice. It's an English major though.
>>565111 are you gonna teach english in japan and live the weeb dream >>565097 i should buy GU I forgot it came out
This lady is associated with some rather passionate people.
>>565115 I've got a few ideas of what to do, but teaching English in Japan, even maybe other Asian countries, is in the pool.
GU has been fun. It's pretty much just Generations on the Switch with slightly better graphics and a much nicer resolution. So that's both a positive and a drawback. The sheer content is nice but having played with some of the QoL of World, there's some things that are disappointing.
some real psychopassion >>565116 the layout of the 3ds kept me from enjoying generations and 4 much even the XL was just way too small the switch pro controller is super comfortable on the other hand I get the feeling some of the weapon movesets being different and the new physics being lost would be disappointing
>I don't want to be enslaved to a Turkey Shot!
Oh she can see through her bird's eyes. That's a neat power to have.
>>565117 It's a little annoying to go back to having to bring along Whetstones when questing, and needing to drop off the gathering quest items after picking them up. All the information World has in the monster log is really, really nice too. It's much easier to just open that and look at the monster's weaknesses than pull up a wiki or online database. Having to paintball the monster every ten minutes is annoying too.
i can't believe adam sandler was hyped up all episode and then just jobbed like that
Well I figure he'll un-petrify and show up for the resurrection of the Demon Lord next episode. Seems like the kind of event he'd be sorely remiss to miss.