Black Clover Cooking With Emiya Free! Hanebado! Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria --Episode 4-6 Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 18-20 Kyoto Holmes Lord of Vermillion Satsuriku no Tenshi --Episode 4-6 Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight Steins;Gate 0 Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 2-4
This Free has not been nearly as good as those that came before it.
I don't have any metrics to measure it against. The music and visuals are excellent though. This yandere's kind of a little exhausting for me. Too much of the story revolves around him and it's a bit of an oversaturation.
>>555825 I dunno I think it's not bad I didn't like yellow and blue that much
I guess this explains why he took so much interest in Rintaro at the start.
I mean this sure is satisfying, but man, Suzuha. Could have just shot him with the gun you had.
that line was so stupid
Oh it's not over yet.
Okabe's such a fucking wreck.
Also I guess this is the start of WWIII. Something like this level of full on military action in a civillian area doesn't happen without ramifications.
The protatgonists of the last two shows look a lot alike.
They're both named Aoi too. It's all kind of funny.
I think they're both from Kyoto too? Or at the least Kyoto Holmes takes place in it, and I think this Aoi might've been there before getting dragged off to Youkai World.
I think Kyoto Holmes Aoi is not from Kyoto, that's why she's always talking about Kyoto boys inclinations.
but Kakuriyo Aoi has a Kyoto accent, so it's safe to say she's from Kyoto.
Yeah, I remembered Holmes' Aoi moved to Kyoto at the start of the series. But I seem to remember the temple or shrine she was sort of named after being relevant in one of the mysteries, so maybe she was born there and moved out when she was young, or something. But eh.
Tengu really are way too prideful.
Danna's super eager to help her out with the cooking. How cute.
Oh no his game is up.
Well maybe the Tengu will all be nice and keep the secret for him.