Angolmois Black Clover Chuukan Kanriroku Tonegawa Cooking With Emiya Hanebado! Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria --Episode 4-6 Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 18-20 Kyoto Holmes Lord of Vermillion Ongaku Shoujo Overlord Satsuriku no Tenshi --Episode 4-6 Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 2-4
I also see Happy Sugar Life and Grand Blue, but only in 480 and 1080p.
I've also notified Ika.
Yeah, because for some reason they didn't release those resolutions on time. Or maybe that was the case for Grand Blue, I think the Sugar Life one was because it was a huge-ass resolution.
These guys have wasted so many man hours on this game.
It was a /// I wonder if they made much of a profit off of the debt from the end of the game considering how many man hours they've wasted
everyone but saemon is so hopeless they waste more time than they help
Maybe they'd be less of a waste in a more normal environment. This whole situation is pretty bizarre to drop a bunch of white-collar workers into.
Is gargling even an effective germ prevention technique.
yeah the salt dries out your throat so they dont have a damp environment to thrive
Interesting. I don't really worry much about getting sick, but it's good information to know.
zawa ZAWA zaWA
Wow I can't believe Tonegawa fucking died
haha they're so hopeless
It's such a silly situation. Tonegawa doesn't even contribute to the project but they all run around like their heads are cute off the moment they lose him.
he's trying to use a tonegawa voice it's so cute
>>555274 It's a lot of risk if they have to make any major decisions while Tonegawa isn't around though. They can't get his approval beforehand quickly.
They're not really that smart, they can't be trusted without guidance. They can barely be trusted with guidance.
Yeah but so far the best idea to run with as been clear as day anyway. Just do whatever Saemon-saburo pipes up with, duh.
I get there's more to it than that though.
>>555275 Even picking up smoking to try and emulate him even more.
>>555278 Tonegawa's gotta do something about Saburo or he's gonna get usurped Saburo's carrying it
the bubble sounds ahaha
Yeah I was chuckling at them in the previous bathroom scene too. They're pretty ridiculous.
>>555279 Saemon-saburo doesn't have the kind of gut to take control.
As they showed with the scene of all of them rushing Gonda with their questions, none of them have the self-direction to say "yeah, let's do this That's the thing that Tonegawa brings to the team as its manager.
saemon is the talent the leader can't be the talent, they have to manage the talent
>>555282 True true Tonegawa has the guts to take responsibility for what they go through with
Poor Gonda. I can be kind of sympathetic to being the one to always take the easy way out.
this show sure makes me think about a lot of things i wouldn't think to consider