Angolmois Black Clover Chuukan Kanriroku Tonegawa Cooking with Emiya Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria --Episode 4-5 Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 18-19 Kyoto Holmes Lord of Vermillion Ongaku Shoujo Overlord Satsuriku no Tenshi --Episode 3-5 Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 1-3
He's a good commander so you'd think he has some experience leading. His backstory leads you to believe he was still a hatchling when he became ronin though.
Okay, Overlord! okay lets start!
He already has that eye scar in the shogi flashback, so he's been fighting for a while at that point, I'd figure. Might be a good commander in battle but maybe he's underdeveloped in other parts of life. Living a life on the battlefield can do that to people.
Because Ika's taking a while I went back and checked. The shogi scene is in February of the eleventh year of the Bun'ei era of Japan. Er, ninth. The Mongols invade the island in October of the eleventh year. So there's only like two and a half years since the two events. However old the MC is, he's pretty much the man he is by the time he fights the Shogun's aide and on his time on the island.
ver +
>It's like an evil god is watching over me Well.
They've been quick putting those ogres to good work.
Yeah the trumpets have a really nice sound to them
Come on my man Saemon
He seems the most level-headed of the men in black so far.
YON K !?
Saemon-saburo is unstoppable once his PP is released.
Tonegawa's gonna stomp his drrams
Well his dreams were off by a long-shot.
>Some extremely extra-legal gambling How does something become extra-legal.
the work drama in this is so real ;w;
It's not wrong or incorect, but it's a little unrealistic to me. Incorrect, even. More than anything it's an exaggeration of it. Which makes it all the better. A satire or parody is better in the end!
>>549820 yeah yeah that's it Exaggeration is the right expression here
Like this is so cheesy and silly. But still essentially right on the mark. It's so good.