Thread #537566
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Angolmois Black Clover Chuukan Kanriroku Tonegawa Free! Hataraku Saibou Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Kyoto Holmes Ongaku Shoujo Satsuriku no Tenshi Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight Steins;Gate 0
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I let Ika know
This season's very weekend heavy. Though I guess they all have been heavy on the weekend lately, but this time around the weekdays are actually kind of light. There's like three or four days where only two or three shows we're watching air.
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Yeah, I noticed there wasn't too much new tonight. That's fine since we're playing catchup.
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let's see what should we do tonight free chuukan angolmois hataraku let's do that
Sounds good.
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free! okay lets start!
Hearing the one that grows up to be huge with such a shota-y voice is a really weird thing. It's hard to merge the two images together.
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Yeah, puberty is weird.
>Dude, you're so gay
This guy's scheming to keep im -him all to himself.
Haru's really forgetful with his towels.
those kouhai are irrelevant this season huh
They've got like twenty-odd characters now. I can't imagine they're going to address most of them in a single cour.
College is a more interesting setting anyway.
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It's an interesting direction they take it in. chuukan okay lets start!
They really like reminding us how much he screws up in Kaiji.
If only they wore colour-coded shirts like this all the time.
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He does a lot of teambuilding but his team never seems to really do anything.
Sounds like a proper office environment then.
So he's bribing them. Guess it's pretty effective though.
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wow it's sabotage!
Well it might be a convenient coincidence. He could be being honest about the grill plates being all trash.
Oh this is some pretty interesting retroactive foreshadowing.
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I guess he rebuilt team spirit. I bet he loses it next episode. angolmois! okay lets start1
Oh wait shit right the Mongols were the Huns. So LET'S GET DOWN TO BUSINESS
He's gonna need a much better map of the island if he's going to be tasked with defending it.
I guess it pays to be friends with the high general.
She's not the best actor.
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What a difficult person.
Maybe the senile old man is actually a decent general.
He keeps getting handed off equipment that got used by historic people.
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Well, they're sure to lose anyway.
Old man whent down smiling like a demon though. Went down, even.
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okay hataraku okay lets start!
We aru cells at work
Why is she side-stepping cautiously with them. She's not at risk.
I guess even a mild scrap wound is serious business on the cellular level.
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There's a whole garden variety of them this time around.
The White Blood Cells sure are vicious.
Child soldiers!
This is so silly.
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The body is crazy. thanks for anime!
Yup. Thanks.
this show is so good