Thread #526774
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we gonna rock down to>electric avenue
Hisone to Masotan --Episode 9-11 Caligula --Episode 11-12 Cardcaptor --Episode 19-22 Comic Girls Devils Lane Hinamatsuri Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 11-13 Last Period Steins;Gate 0
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okay let's seeeeeeeeeeeeee devils line hmm did we watch that oaky devils line caligula hinamatsuri comic girls it's devils line 12?
We watched one episode yesterday. The one on the list is the final episode.
Yeah, episode twelve.
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okay devils line 12 \ okay lets start!
Debiru>>526794 Yeah we missed you for episode eleven. You didn't miss much, Anzai got sniper-shot (again) and the guy who ended up being a double agent might not be as bad a guy as he's been made out to be.
hold up
i had the wrong episode to clarify i am ready now
>>526791 anzai dies a lot doesn't he
I guess if you've got insanely good regenerative ability it doesn't matter if you have your internal organs punctured once or ten times.
She re-makes up her mind on this topic like every half episode.
And then Anzai is actually dead for good this time.
Geez those fangs are pretty brutal. Like she's really gonna need that arm looked at after this is all over.
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yeah the vampires look legit scary in this
Gay best friend really seems to be a genuinely good guy.
Wow he's even putting in the work to make it seem like vampires aren't all horrible people.
that looks really painful
shi shi shi
Scaring the shit out of kids even when he was like ten years younger.
>She forced you to bite her arm >"Oh no I'm a monster" Anzai please.
b-but his dad killed 15 people
everything really went to shit huh
Well people don't always get their storybook ending.
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Oh hey a timeskip.
I guess that makes for a happier ending, but, eh.
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yeah it was kinda well it was a weird series to begin with okay caligula 11 okay lets start
I wonder how they'll pick up from the cliffhanger at the end of last episode.
>11 oops
So they all are literally in the matrix. Oh and the MC is actually old enough to be on a corporate board. I guess the fact that the other guy in their club was like thirty-something was apropriate forshadowing for something like that.
Well okay. I guess there's a not-Ritsu and real-Ritsu.
This version of this girl is much more entertaining than the shy one.
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This show is always so weird.
>I don't have 80% of my legs anymoer but don't pity me
This actual Ritsu is a little crazy.
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>>526853 this show is a little crazy
You know she shows up in the ED and looks like one of the main heroines, assuming this game has something like that. I wonder if the player can keep her from going berserk in the game or something.
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hinamatsuri time! okay lets start
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>everyone should be inside me forever slut>>526856 i wonder what the game is about
Hinna hinna matsuri>>526858 I think it's a pretty standard JRPG. Not all that sure though.
>Snow problem though That was pretty good Hina.
>Why does she get rewarded for that?
They sure are trying their hardest.
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what time are we at?
8:50 8:55 9:00
Oh huh, they did the timeskip in the anime. I'd heard about it but figured it was too far off to be adapted.
Oh geez she's still doing the puppets thing.
Rokku daze
OH WAIT THIS WAS IN THE FIRST EPISODE. I'd totally forgotten about it.
rok dazze
ore no katchi
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was this one or two cour?
One ... as far as I know. I'm pretty confused with this choice of a last skit though, yeah.
tHEY were spinning incredibly fast
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okay comic girls does jan watch this? haven't seen him post in awhile okay i guess jan is asleep or something lets start!
Comikku Shoujo Jan's watched episodes of it in the past, I think he's been around for most, if not all of it.>>526858 Beep boop Jan you still alive?
Aba baba
Sudden transformation from Spooky-sempai to Cutey-sempai
Ponytail Kaos is pretty high-level.
what time
4:40 4:45 4:50
I'm going to miss these "abababa"s when this show is done.
let's all work on wills
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laps was best gor; thos seaspn
kaos is such a pitiful creature
Kaos is my spirit animal.
Oh no Kaos.
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Kaos is having a tough time.
>>526961 Okababa-san
i wonder where kaos gets her chronic failure from
Maybe her dad failed so hard he went all the way around and ended up winning by marrying this lovely woman.
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Her mom is super graceful.
Oh this still shot there is the cover of the first volume of this show's manga I think. The original manga designs are a lot different from the show's. I like the show's better though.
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looks comfy
Oh they just remodeled the old dorm into something more modern. I guess that's an all right conclusion.
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We didn't see much of her friends this episode.
>>526987 i liked the old dorm better!
Well we don't even get to see what the new one is like! I do think those more rustic Japanese-style dorms are hella comfy looking though.