Thread #513870
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Hisone to Masotan --Episode 6-8 3d Kanojo Caligula Hinamatsuri Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 9-10 Last Period Rokuhoudou Shokugeki no Souma Tokyo Ghoul re Uma Musume Rabbit Horse OVA
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okay one sec and I'll be ready. Any sign of Jan?
I think he was posting in the thread a bit ago but that might have been notJan. Pretty sure it might've been though.
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Yeah looks like it was him. Maybe he'll show in the time it takes me to get tonight's shows.
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hello hello
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great perfect tokyo ghoul caligula hinamatsuri hisone ep 6 sound good?
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okay ready with tokyo guru
Hi yes that is eggcellent. This tab wasn't showing me new posts since the last one I posted. Didn't see Jan had popped pu.
TOKYO oops
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tokyo ghoul okay let's start!
>>513886 Ground Control to Major Jan
Ripperino There's way too many one-eyed ghouls these days.
Oh she's not actually killing this one just brainwashing them.
rip boy(girl)
Hah hah hah. He got some CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT.
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Well that really escalated.
Haise's just literally wearing Kaneki's mask Ah yup. Yeah they all remember that mask.
Geez louise.
papa ;_;
Well this is going to be a slaughter.
Ware ware wa SHINSHI dess
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Is he going to wake up and get edgy again?
Between this and Steins;Gate 0, Mamoru Miyano is reprising roles that used to be very eccentric and silly and are toned down and serious now. Though I guess Shu was rather silly an episode or two back.
Just make the whole fucking thing a torture party huh.
humans are looking super evil
Eh, I think it's just one of those "stare into the abyss and the abyss stares back" things. The CCG fights grotesque creatures and in doing so become grotesque creatures themselves.
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CCG are the real villains
I think both parties have components that aren't really villainous and ones that go a "bit" much. There are ghouls that host literal human auctions after all, and ones that torture and induce pain their prey before eating. And the show has shown human ane sides to the CCG. Villainy and heroism is all jumbled up and messy.
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okay caligula okay lets start!
what the fuck the anime
Curry Goulash>>513911 It seems like it's just been a poor video game adaptation. Probably is more engaging with JRPG pacing than a one-cour anime pacing.
>Though I'm still not in perfect condition Evidently so.
just a friendly game of kick the cunt
Lescue Man is such a nice guy
Holy hell this Shadow Man is a chuuni.
Sounds more like they're puking their hearts out.
that is very clearly a trap by the musicians
>>513919 he's super chuuni
All these trapped students are kind of silly.
wow it didn't even kill anyone
why didn't he use his shadow powers
Initially at least.
>blow up a building >kill 0/9 enemies >kill 1/1 allies
Man this guy's faces.
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yeah haha
They're rather slow to clue in.
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this show is so dumb
Oh okay I was gonna say, only ten episodes?
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yeah it really is hinamatsuri! okay lets start!
Hinna hinna
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if they all end up betraying each other i'll laugh it would be a perfect end to a stupid show >>513937 bep
A third one, huh.
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yeah looks like japan to me
Seems pretty Nipponese to me, yeah.
I guess survival isn't a big deal when you're literally psychic. Why doesn't she just fly over the ocean with her PSYCHIC POWERS though.
She's gonna go full WILSOOOONNNN before this is all done.
all these creative censors
>>513946 she's already past wilson tier crazy
wow she can keep herself entertained forever
In the time she's been stranded she seems to have levelled up in power. Ah she lost it.
We've fallen into some kind of Yakuza drama now.
nitta's do-no-evil quotient is too high for yakuza
Oh no.
Ka shi ra
That's not quite sake.
Well it's a sort of celebration.
And definitely a surprise.
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he's trying to hold back the laughter
This ED seems like it would be so much fun to karaoke. It's not too fancy but it's got some good notes and, well, just seems karaokeppoi.
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okay last one hisone ep 6 okay lets start
ready freddy
Hiso Masoooo
I guess dragons are pretty scary creatures to be around.
Weird old snack lady is stalking a new targe now.
Target, even.
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i also don't like custard flavored airplane
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I guess we're starting to get into the other pilots a bit.
Hisone is a little weird.
wow her raft got smashed up pretty quick
The reality is, flimsy rafts like that would get pounded pretty fast on the open waters of the ocean.
Aw man those layers of harmony.
firsto pengi
Wow detective Hisone.
her dragon is easily the coolest
They're like dogs, all howling together like a pack.
>Oyajii naming I'm happy that dad jokes exist in some manner in Japan as well.
fucking normies
AI suru Kuni!
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Thanks for anime!
thank you
Arigoettes. Jan do you have time for Uma Musume tonight?
yeah just give me 5 minutes to get a snack
Coolio, let me know when you're alive again.
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okay i'm ready for action 5 minutes later give or take okay let's do it!
Excellent precision on your part.
Oh man this show's actually already at episode eleven. It's almost done, probably.
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>>513990 i got distracted by a cat
>>513992 come to think of it i'm not sure how many episodes it is
Nah it's fine I wanted to look at a methodical, limited-inference way of solving sudoku. Kannagi's attempts at coding one has gotten me curious on means of doing so that would easily transition into code.
that part in the opening where the camera flips upside down always throws me off.
Yeah I know what you mean. I still don't quite parse what's going on there.>>513994 Wikipedia reports thirteen, so I guess it's got a full season run. They're generally reliable when it comes to this except when there's surprise announcement.s
Oh shit they're gonna have to race against the FAST French horse.
silence suzuka will just have to crush her in her return debut
Turning on that French charm.
wow she just broke rudolph's record in a training session
If you scare all your challengers away before they can run you technically get first place.
Spe and Suzuka are the real buddies.
true horselove
>here have some tips >nah fuck off condor
I don't need your LOSER tips.
Hueg horse has a hueg heart.
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>the doctor told me to put you down
i guess if suzuka wins this one then what will the spe-chan get to do? isn't this the big one?
Spe's probably gonna have another race. Or maybe they'll have a cool off episode next week before the big race finale for the last episode.
Oh shit it's a Kugimiya Rie horse.
wow that cut
>Named Sun Visor >Literally has a sun visor
oh shit are they doing a role reversal here spe-chan is gonna race while suzuka races for real
They're gonna be CONNECTED by their runningu.
Oh they brought back the "murii" of the horsegirls giving up. I found those pretty cute.
wow she smoked em all
You can't beat someone who's got a LOVE for RUNNINGU
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trainer-san sure gets all emotional over horses
Now Spe's gotta win her race against BROYE
>>514028 It must be nice to have something to throw your passion at like that.
Well that was fun.
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Yeah, though the race was a little short. Next week's should be really fun.