Hisone to Masotan --Episode 6-8 3D Kanojo Black Clover Caligula Cardcaptor --Episode 19-21 Hinamatsuri Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 9-10 Nil Admirari Rokuhoudou Shokugeki no Souma Tokyo Ghoul re
Uma Musume
Coffee Cuties OVA
watch like two shows without me i gotta go brb watch anything ANYTHING
Well, Rika? We won't have Jan at all tonight, probably.
Like sure, he's technically their leader and all. But there's three other "menacing" foes there and I'm sure they're gonna put up a better fight than he did this time.
Looks like it's a no from Ika. I'm okay with just stopping here.
I figured so. We're gonna need some extra shows ran if we're not going to drop anything else this season. I don't want to let HisoMaso build up to the point where you never pick it. I like that show.