Thread #511534
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Hisone to Masotan --Episode 6-8 Amanchu! Hero Academia Cardcaptor --Episode 17-21 Comic Girls Devils Line Cooking with Emiya Shirou Hinamatsuri Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Persona 5 Gun Gale Online
There is no FranXX tonight since they are running another special for the show in its timeslot.
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Oh, that's disappointing. I guess we'll do SAO isntead. Is Jan around?
Or Hisone to Masotan. Though we'd want Jan for that ideally too.
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hmm I was expecting him by now.
I am currently getting booty blasted inI Donkey Kong Country with my sister please hold for 10 mins
The one for the Switch? Or did you get it for the Wii U originally?
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persona 5 boku no hero GGO amanchu
Jan inbound
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okay persona 5! okay lets start!
ready!>>511546 Yeah the switch one I have a Wii U but I don't have a lot of games for it because it's a really mediocre console Probably the only nintendo console I regret buying I had played the one on the Wii on an emulator and it was awesome so I got this one Piracy earned nintendo a sale it's true It's really fucking hard though you wouldn't expect a nintendo platformer to kick your ass it will they added an ezmode for casuls in the switch version
Poor Sauna 5
>>511561 >It's really fucking hard though you wouldn't expect a nintendo platformer to kick your ass Dude Nintendo platformers are where the whole "Nintendo Hard" category for difficulty originated. It's great to see a return to form like that. I heard about the easy mode in the Switch version, I think that's pretty neat of them. Challenge is something a lot of people like in their platformers but some people don't have the patience for that. Having the freedom to choose is always good.
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>>511564 Yeah but it's been like at least a decade since nintendo made a hard game or at least since i've played one from nintendo it's a great game though the graphics aren't particularly improved it basically looks like the Wii game but in 1080p i always play on the default difficulty
Tropical Freeze was balls to the walls
>>511566 yeah the second boss has like 3 phases and takes 10 hits to kill mario are you even trying
god dammit fuck off mishima
Having only seen him in the anime he really seems like a little shit.
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he's a fucking loser for his entire here is best girl
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i wife'd her ASAP
MC tried to do the dumb finger thing but couldn't bring himself to do it.
MC appears to have 1 charm in the anime so far
They could have at least made a mess of the apartment if they were going to call a maid in.
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She's cuter as a teacher.
Yeah. I really don't like these super stiff twintails.
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i agreed too but i suffered through her silly maid outfit to max her rank >i'm a dad
He turns on the aggression as soon as his suspicions are confirmed.
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>>511579 i think he's turned on something else too
i dont like her maid outfit
I'm okay with the maid outfit but the hair is atrocious.
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her fluffy hair is clearly superior
YOU wa tashikani
>I can't do bad things >Moonlights as a Phantom Thief of Hearts
wow why is his IM icon skull instead of ryuji
fucking dropped
>>511585 The Phantom Thieves of Hearts did Nothing Wrong
Now he's just calling her over on his own volition. At least this time he could put her to work if he wanted.
this guy's grinding his confidants like mad
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>>511589 he needs her to make coffee and wash his clothes
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they skipped like all the parts where MC and ryuji got to know each other and hung out and went right to the rank 9 scene haha
I guess they got to pick and choose for the content they can adapt for the anime.>>511594 I've been wondering how they'll handle the Palace-diving once they have more party members than the game would permit. Maybe there will be made-up reasons why one or another character can't show up for the Palace that night or something. Or maybe they'll just all be there since they don't need to balance game mechanics in anime.
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as long as they deck ryuji here i'll be good
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she just listened to them beat the shit out of ryuji and laughed
She knows not to get in the way of MANLY feelings between MEN.
>When your teacher offers to give you massages on the down low
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>>511593 they'll probably just have all of the characters in all applicable scenes, that's how it's shown in-game via cutscenes so it can be inferred that four players per battle is a gameplay mechanic
plus you can switch party members in battle with the proper confidant skills as well i want to know where the heck futaba goes in her UFO while you're in the palace though
Ah I see. I wasn't familiar with the mechanics of battle to that degree.
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if you rank up the next-best girl's confidant level you can acquire skills to swap a party member during Joker's turn, or during anyone's turn when nearly maxed Outside of battle you can change party members other than Joker whenever you wish. boku no ideals
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Okay, boku no hero! okay lets start!
WATASHI GA KITA Things are gonna be getting inteeeensseeee
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Eraser Head cleans up pretty nicely, aside from his permanent dry eyes.
Bakugou showing some impressive quality of strategy, even if he's still pretty full of himself.
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Bakugou is super smart though!
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I wonder how well he'll be able to escape.
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if this guy is so powerful why can't he fix his face
I guess there's some powers that don't come up much. He can't have what he didn't steal. Or maybe that just goes to show how serious of a pounding he took from All Might.
This show has such good sound direction.
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This is a bit of a strange role for Marina Inoue. It's rare for her to do a character so meek.
Kirishima is a good man.
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Aw, poor Bakugou. He was on the verge of tears there.
Mt. Lady gets her chance to shine.
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My. Lady is hilarious. I like her.
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they appear to have been one step ahead of the villains the whole time now how is shit going to go south
There's still one ace card up the villain's sleeve.
oh he's awakening his true power
;_; Ragdoll
they took out her BRAIN
There's some post-ED stuff coming up.
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All For One on the move!
>>511623 How was that for shit going to go south?
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>>511635 that was awesome i want to know what happened to tomura though did he just evolve tusk act 5
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okay GGO okay lets start!
>>511636 Because I don't think it was very clear the manga's way either, the black goo portals are All For One's work. I think. It's time for Fukazirou to go beserk in GGO!
gg o
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>>511639 aw i was hoping he got a power up of some kind
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add loli
LLENN showing her veterancy.
The two groups are gonna have to fight from one side to the other to get to each other!
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she's trying really hard
Ah there's the booby tra- OH GEEZ SHE'S LOST HER LEGS.
now she's a stationary turret
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>>511648 can you still feel it
MASSHIN GAAAAN>>511649 A bit.
Man they're just pelting them with bullets. That's not even a strategy.
wow that's not a machine gun
So Pita and M are just gonna sit in place, eh. I guess all the fighting to get places is gonna be on LLENN and Fukazirou.
>Wire at head height Wouldn't that just pass right over the two of them though.
doing the i have legs again dance
>If we can get a train to run Hey GGO, if you're listening in to player comms for inspiration.
It's kind of funny when you think of those tiny girls talking like this.
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>>511658 they're a team of big brawly men that talk like refined ladiess
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senmetsu-chan is the best
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She's been a great addition.
Carpet bombing!
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>there's one left >fires 6 grenades at one straggler running away
I really hope this super cease-fire going on prompts a similar truce between LLENN and the macho lolis.
Crazy Pita
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she really went full edge
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Amanchu! okay lets start!
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>>511666 pito bread i'm assuming we're readying up for amanchu is ika really quiet tonight or is it just me>>511670 a fate worse than death >>511673 ok i forgive you now there's just one person who forgot about anime i'm gonna fall asleep yay
Ham and chew>>511669 I think Ika's pretty quiet more often than not. He can go an entire show without posting anything. Probably too busy playing GranBlue. A this -At this rate I'll be done the ice cream I got for Amanchu! before the show even starts.>>511668 Beep boop Rika
hi sorry i forgot about anime amanchu
Dream therapy.
Oh no they're all here now.
wow the cat's in the dream too
Pikari in a dreamworld sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.
it's alright she's just // not causing any damage to anyone else
Hah hah cats save the day.
She's known him for all of a single night. Ane-chan-sempai please.
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it was love at first flying boat
>I have a cat mama so I don't need a girlfriend
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wow she has a dream boyfriend and now he's gone
A dream boyfriend and a caring otouto. What a lucky girl.
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She kinda cucked sensei.
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>>511689 it's okay she probably got over it since she was a teenager
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holy shit i fucking called it
Omedettes Jan you called it.
Hah hah hah. The fuck is this sensei.
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what a champion
jan called it
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Yeah. Looks like it. I guess sensei didn't get cucked after all. It was onee-chan that got cucked.
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poor oneechansenpai
Man the amount of planning that would have to go into something like that is crazy.
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that was really cute looks like the next episode is comfy winter time or something when are they diving agian