Thread #498766
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Caligula Cardcaptor --Episode 17-18 Gegege no Kitarou --Episode 4-7 Golden Kamuy Hinamatsuri Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Mahou Shoujo Ore Nil Admirari no Tenbin --Episode 3-6 Rokuhoudou Uma Musume Heaven's Feel Movie One?
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>>498768 Sorry, I got distracted a bit hanging out with a friend. okay let's see here Oh is Jan around? Or is tonight the no Jan night?
He should be. Was in the thread pretty recently. He works night-shift on Tuesday nights.
i'm around downloading the new stuff from THE LIST
Za risutto
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okay then kakuiryiro caligula golden kamui hinamatsuri
what episode of rokuhoudou are you guys on?
All but the most recent.
that doesn't make any sense but i understand
ready for kaku
Oh right that's totally not the right answer to the question but I'm glad you understood.
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kaku okay let's start
Mini-kappa's pretty much now her familiar.
These Daruma are funny when running away. Oh shit a youkai NINJA.
That's a pretty kakkoii janitorial service.
She's getting more comfortable with moving about the youkai world.
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I guess running a youkai cafe would do that.
is your post still open or am i desynched
It's still open. She's been forgetting them a lot lately.
Oh no they're getting audited by the Youkai IRS.
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>>498835 >>498836 I went to go get ice cream. My AC is broken.
I'm saving my ice cream for the final episode of the night.
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That would be eating too soon before bed for me. okay caligula okay lets start
Yeah I guess I'm usually up an hour or so after anime ends at least.
when are they going to hook up
Here we go
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I still have no idea what's going on.
i have no fucking clue
at least we know that there are bad guys and they're doing something evil for some reason at least we know miyu best gilr
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she turned into edgy legolas
The fancy skirt she's got is kind of neat though. Even if it doesn't quite match with the school blazer.
Revenge of the fat ramen otaku!
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>get turned into a cute anime girl >still a dickhead
You can look as cute as you want, but that won't change how UGLY you are inside!
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these guys really need marche to help them out
Hah hah hah.>I should start facing reality a bit more! Looks like she's taking his role at least.
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Looks like that grey haired buy is about to go full Marche.
They should probably have given Mu a couple more songs in her repertoire. The one she always sings to make the AI students go crazy is nice, but it is getting repetitive.
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it's good background music but you'd think they would have had more than like 2 songs by now
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wow they're all getting their persona at the same time
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miyu has lost it
MC still doesn't have super powers.>>498896 The repeated "nande?" was pretty robotic. Which is a good touch considering she is a Vocaloid or something.
she sounded like a vocaloid there
>>498897 MC still can't believe this shit I guess
The bookish one gets a nice hat.
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yeah she has that witch hat
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MC is fucking woke
Oh speak of the devil and she sings a new song for you. This is nice.
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oh that girl has an orbital cannon
Mu's going bahsahk.
The music for this series is generally pretty good.
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yeah it's got a good soundtrack
i guess MC decided he hates the world and is going to destroy it
That's really only ever the right decision.
>>498913 i hope he saves the shit out of everyone
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Also a fitting motivation for a protagonist.
Hah hah hah. That's such a corny joke.
i think the ed theme is decent their club name is neat
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okay golden kamui okay lets start!
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this is the best show tonight
Hinamatsuri probably gives it a good run for the prize though.
Oh man that's a cool move.>>498926 Oh no Jan are you alive.
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>>498945 yeah my wifi died
This soldier is thoroughly unimpressed with the old man's commentary.
The old hunter doesn't really treat his dog all that nicely.
How the hell can you tell a gun by the sound of its shot. Like I guess you could maybe tell the type of gun. But the exact model?
>>498955 maybe these old rifles have more distinct firing sounds or something
Wolf just gets a whole leg to itself.
Shiraishi is determined to make himself a member of their humble fellowship.
Hah hah hah
She's just fucking stuck out the side of the lean-to now.
Oh I guess this shouldn't be too surprising.
Fujimi daze
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It left off at a moment where I really wanted to see more.
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hinamatsuri! okay lets start!
Psychic antics
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hinna hinna matsuri golden kamuy is so great
yeah this isn't rehearsed at all
They had a well-rehearsed excuse I guess. Even if Hina can't act for beans.
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the yakuza guy is way better at lying to the feds
Nitta please.
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>i'm insane, i might make a good actor
That sounds about right, really.
The women in Nitta's family are pretty lazy bums. He has to try so hard to cover up for her. Nitta really has it rough.
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She kinda fits in.
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ka ba ku ra
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His sister is also a little insane. Or maybe just a bit too drunk.
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she's a bit too drunk and insane it runs in the family
this show is so fun
This is why the best lies are the ones that aren't extravagant and too ridiculous.
Wow they just slammed the glasses into her face.
This whole family is nuts. No wonder Nitta turned out the way she is.
oh god they're all fucking drunk
He is, even.
Oh no the homeless are getting EVICTED. Kinda.
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this is getting sad even by homeless person standards
All these old geezers who got to remember what it's like to have a kid around. Poor guys had it rough.
Anzu is the goodest girl.
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Being a poorfag is suffering.
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anzu has seen some shit
She's learned how to be an excellent person because of it though.
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Very good episode.
>>499022 on the other hand hina has a nice life and she is growing at a very slow pace
Yeah, it's a pretty transparent Aesop the author has thrown into the series. It's a funny duality though.
Okay, sorry I didn't see your message last night until after you'd gone off, but you good for Uma Musume, Jan?
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yeah just give me a couple minutes to use the little janitor's closet
All right, orange up when you're good to go. You all set then? Okey dokes. Let's start then!
Okay that took me a little longer than expected Yeah I had to clean up milk because a cat knocked it over though
Oh I did that earlier tonight. Boiling water hurts.
They've been jumping over a bunch of races recently. Thought they've been covering important ones still.
>>499041 You don't say I wonder why hot things are hot
>>499042 I guess it's to give the impression that there's a lot more going on in the horse races than just the main entourage.
All my life I've been periodically tripped up by the philisophical quandary of "IF hot things are hot". I never really quite seem to learn.
>>499045 Are fun things fun? Is the stove hot? Is the cat in the box dead or alive? These are the questions our species really needs to know.
The answers to, I mean.
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I want hot pot so bad.
Spe-chan's turtleneck is 10/10. I love turtlenecks like that.
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The turtleneck sweater with lines vertically?
Yeah. Turtlenecks are grade-A articles of clothing in general, but that one is A+ for me.
They skipped another race.
Suzuka's sweater is pretty good too.>>499052 Well this one didn't even have any main characters even.
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I like big-chan's sweater the most. V-cut is always cute.
Yeah, I like it too, but I'd still have to rank it below Spe-chan's and Suzuka's. Sweaters are serious fucking business.
Turtlenecks have the unfortunate drawback of covering up your collarbones as comfy as they are.
Yeah, I was thinking that too. I really like collarbones but something about turtleneck design just grand slams the whole thing for me.>>499058 Oh this is another really good thing too.
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Clearly the answer is v-cut sweater with a scarf.
The big horsegirl is always such a cloudcuckoolander.
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They skipped a lot of time here.
Yeah. I didn't expect them to jump forward so much. They're at least respecting some realism with her injury healing, or at least the time required for it to heal I mean.
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It's a shame we didn't get to see much comfy winter stuff but running in the middle of the winter is kind of hard anyway and it doesn't really make much sense. From a horse racing perspective anyway. >>499061 Yeah I like that. You'd expect some heavy character development in such a long time though.
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snubbed hard
She's got no time for her friends while taking care of her waifu.
I guess Spe-chan is gonna have to learn to not mother hen so much. It must feel pretty bad to be Suzuka at this point still though. Being able to run but knowing you're not as fast as you could be.
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they're meeting her waifu for the first time in almost a year
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spe-chan is so dumb she won't notice her
Trainer-kun already knows there's a growing problem here.
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she's too gay to run straight
She lost her way. And Trainer-kun helped her find it again.
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Trainer-kun is a good coach. I guess her teammate getting hurt made her lose her way, but somebody's gotta take care of her!
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This show's got good writing for such a wacky concept. I like that it takes itself seriously from time to time, too.
The best kind of absurdities are the ones that wholeheartedly believe in themselves.
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But what I really want to know is what it's like to hear with four ears. Does it give you superior spacial recognition or what?
Maybe it's the same weird Kemono Friends ear thing. The ears are ineffective but act like they're actual working biological ears.
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>>499082 I hate that notion. It doesn't make any sense and it's not imaginative or fun at all! It's just a boring cop-out!
>>499079 you've called their bluff