Thread #486955
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i'm super prepared tonight let's watch golden kamuy RIGHT NOW
Hisone to Masotan --Episodes 2-3 Cardcaptor 16 Gegege no Kitarou --Episodes 3-5 Golden Kamuy 4 Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episodes 4-5 Mahou Shoujo Ore 5 Nil Admirari no Tenbin --Episodes 2-4 Rokuhoudou --Episodes 2-3 Shokugeki no Souma 16
RIP Rika
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Sorry, had to finish something up. let's see we don't really have anything too comfy do we?
Rokuhoudou was pretty nice.
yeah rokuhoudou seems pretty comfy as long as we watch souma and golden kamuy maybe we could watch hisone to masotan, was ika here for ep1? i forgot
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okay What is hisone?
Yeah, Ika watched the first episode of dragon vore.
>>486965 girl pilots a fucking dragon that turns into a fighter jet by getting eaten
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oh I recall that, that actually is comfy okay souma golden kamui rokohodou hisone sound good?
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souma oky lets start!
COOKINGU>>486974 Episode sixteen. Episode fifteen ended on the cliffhanger with Spiceman showing up as a BETRAYER.
hai hai
l is this 16 or 156 15
Arima really levelled up his outfit to look like he belongs in a Final Fantasy game.
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wow he betrayed his Christmas cake.
There's not enough spice in a Christmas cake.
At the least Arima will be playing fair cooking against Souma. Probably.
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His use of spice was borderline excessive. I wonder if he can shine while being subject to Central's cooking.
>>486980 of course he can he's souma
You kind of have to wonder how much food content these big events from the school create. How much of that food just goes to waste.
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>>486981 I meant spice boy. He's one of central's dogs now.
>>486982 i'm sure that they throw away tons and literal tons of food>>486983 oh he seems pretty rebellious so maybe it hasn't affected him much
>>486983 If you think of the First Seat, he was free to go about his own style of cooking while being the top dog of the Central students.
I've mentioned this before but I like how this show constantly brings back previous competitors and characters into future arcs.
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Looks like these guys showed up to save the day.
Minna happii
nice coupling
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i like how half of this show is just cool poses
You gotta know how to pose cool to be in a shounen manga!
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INTENSIVE COOKING It puts all those cooking competition shows on the Food network to shame.
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all those crappy reality TV shows clogging up my foodscience channel are on the chopping block
bear-y berry
Kumaniku hambaagu!
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a bear made out of fire
Just serve your patrons an entire bear set on fire. That's some kind of high cuisine, right.
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>>487009 mmm the delicious smell of flaming, urine-soaked bear fur
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okay golden kamui okay lets start!
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thiss is the best show tonight ika please respond.
Two Hokkaido shows back to back. Iiiiiiiikaaaa
Golden KAmue
Asripa is always so passionate about food.
>you must not be a bad person he's a pretty bad person dude
like a week ago he skinned a human being
Yeah but he was also entirely transparent with Asirpa on the terms of the gold and getting her to help him with the project. He's also respectful to her peculiarities. I think he's a good person even if he's a military man and isn't averse to skinning people for their skinmaps.
this OP is so fancy>>487022 he's an open minded person but he's also a pretty bad guy beyond his own interest he doesn't care too much about anyone except asirpa being as she's his surrogate daughteru
he's definitely a lot less racist than most japanese people though
>>487023 Well he wants the gold in part to help out the wife of his friend that died in Russia. So I dunno about not caring about people.
miso is really good though
It is super good. I don't know why it's getting confused for poop here.
asirpa isn't fooled by the wicked sisam tricks
You could see in his face there he had no clue what this was supposed to be.
To his credit though I still don't know what this is supposed to be. What a weird game.
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i feel like immortal sugimoto could field a much more scary battle cry than that
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>>487034 He's just a normal dude who is really hardr to kill.
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>>487037 he's an insanely lucky guy
Meccha rakki boiya
This show really likes its food too. Holy shit Sugimoto.
That was a pretty good story of Sugimoto's though. Considering he probably had to make it up on the spot.
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>>487038 I think he makes his own luck. Last time he almost died he dove into a bear cave.
>Hey, is your boss all right n tahidaskldhasdask;d Why.
Hah hah hah Sugimoto's face.
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what a fucking man gosh golly
>I'm gonna skewer this guy's cheeks and then ask him to fight for me This guy is pretty crazy.
>buy weapons from america
based USA funding the global war front
Oh shit it's this guy again.
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I was about to say, yeah, he's just going to skup out after you point an arrow at him.
ESCAPE KING doing what he does
Oh there's two of them now. Lovely.
Holy fuck Sugimoto.
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i told you he could make a fiercer cry
I feel he probably doesn't want to have two skewers skewering his cheeks just to scare some kids though.
Nevermind the knife skewering his chest.
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He's only scary when trying to survive. rokuhodo episode 2, right? yeah, episode 2 okay lets start!
yeah hes reallyl funny when hes trying to survive i didnt watch ep 1 is this show good
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>>487060 yeah it's good about a group of bros running a really retro cafe
Reaaaady.>>487060 It's pretty laidback and has a bunch of prettyboys in the cast without being gay.
It probably is a bad omen, that your store selling tea never has anyone actually talking about your tea.
The Japanese really have mastered the art of making incredible-looking deserts.
Desserts even.
Woah she's some kind of tea savant.
What's with the sudden English.
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keikaku doori
Surly old jii-chan getting spoiled by his granddaughter.
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his grandpa got the jii-chan to love tea
It's a n admirable thing to encourage others to love tea.
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his game was just to get him to love tea again
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it seems like this show would have been better in the comfy slot
Yeah, instead we get to watch a girl get digested by a dragon.
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>>487076 eh, some girls like getting eaten.
Yeah but even if you like it I'd wager they don't find it very comfy.
do any of my anime watching friends remember the name of that show a couple seasons ago where there was a school club that made video games and they were all very moe girls
>>487079 Stella no something orother.
>>487079 oh ok
>>487080 yes this thank you
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hisone! okay lets start!
Make sure you've got episode two.
i hope this show keeps up the nice animation
Hah hah the angry girl is WAY TOO INTO getting munched on by a dragon.
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you don't say
Holy fuck.
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the balls on this man
This is a soothing OP.
I think Kugimiya Rie's playing the glasses woman. She's been doing a bunch of kind of minor characters.
This poor girl. Everything she wants is getting taken by Hisone.
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>>487097 Yeah, she's getting older. The same thing is happening to Yukarin.
This old woman just hands off yoghurt products.
>Try to bully your rival with your own food >She loves it
She really is crazy dense.
She was way excited about her clever name there.
Hah hah she just kept it in her pocket the whole time. That's probably some waaaay gone bad yoghurt by now.
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Yeah, you should put that stuff in the fridge. Keeping it at body heat is probably bad.
I don't think the dragon likes the name very much.
>My dead seriousness always hurts others I know this struggle.
Her way of speaking her mind has no effect on this guy.
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>>487110 he's a genius
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what is with these outfits oh that guy is at fault
The guy's a pervert.
Really though there's no way they're going to let her off the program so easily. Though I guess no one would believe her if she tried to tell them the JSDF has a pet dragon
Oh no.
Oh what. This suit is hardly that much worse than the others.
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I admire their attention to sensibility with the vomit. But it's still a bit much.
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Oh she had an accident.
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finally someone else knows that feel
Oh shit we're getting some UNMEI here.
Some of these character designs are really Kumeta-esque (Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei). A bunch of them also aren't but it's kind of funny.
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This may be one of the best things this season.
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this show is really fun
I can't WAIT for things to get really Mari Okada.
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owo whats this
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the ED was really cool