Thread #479652
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Are we going to have Ika today?
a n i m e
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>>479658 A N I M E N I M E
Caligula Comic Girls Devils Line Gegege no Kitarou --Episode 3-4 Golden Kamuy Hinamatsuri Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Mahou Shoujo Ore --Episode 3-4 Major 2nd --Episode 1-3 Nil Admirari no Tenbin --Episode 2-3 Rokuhoudou Shokugeki no Souma SAO A - GGO Uma Musume --Episode 2-5
>>479659 damn i fucked up shouldn't have posted an image
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yeah we have ika okay lots of good stuff to choose from devils line golden kamui hinamatsuri comic girls>>479673 the edgelords like it a lot. i would like to cut it for GGO though actually i want to cut something for GGO devils line GGO golden kamui comic girls we can save hina for comfy another day
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i want to watch golden kamuy the most. GGO as well, and I guess hinamatsuri.
>lots of good stuff to choose from >Starts with Devils Line Woah there Rika.
Don't actually whoa there I'm just giving you shit.
>>479667 sounds good
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devils line 3 okay lets start!
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>>479667 >edgelord come on i'm doing better these days
Devil Slime
notokyo ghoul
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i should be edgeking by now at least
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it's darkah than brack
i wish it really was darker than black then at least i would be watching a great anime
My PC froze up in the OP what time.
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3:00 4:00 sorry it's 4 not 3
Ari goats.
She's been hanging around vampires too long. Starting to get a feeling for them.
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She is super naive. For hanging around with him, too.
If you remove the supernatural aspects and tweak them to more mundane things, it's kind of like she's dating a police detective or someth- Well I'm not really surprised but it's still something.
Wow this police woman is SPITEFUL.
This show gets really corny on the other side of -other swing of the pendulum too. It's both grimdorky but also kind of cheezy romance-y.
it's like a generic vampire romance novel as an anime
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Yeah, this is another show aimed at girls.
>I wonder why he keeps coming to my apartment
Oh shit.
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that startled me so much
What a mood-ruiner.
Yeah all this blood must be good for his mental stability. She is so completely unphazed by it, hah hah.
So what, is she going to be some kind of second girl in the love triangle here.
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this show is getting pretty good
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>>479773 This is a girls show, so the triangle will be two guys. I bet that white haired guy is #2.
>>479774 better than i thought it would be
I guess that's true for me as well. But I didn't really have much of anything for expectations for the show and it didn't shoot itself in the foot. So it's kind of cleared that.
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GGO okay lets start!
hey piro thats cheating no butts on the table
Ika Jam
This is such a funny way of explaining an English term.
shit i thought it was squad jam like squad party
Maybe the devs did too but this girl doesn't have the same notion that they do.
maybe piro has all her points in marksmanship and 5 int
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This is pretty good.
I guess that's the token reference to the original GGO material.
This part here is the author of the LNs trashing himself. I mean even look at Kino no Tabi, there's a fair bit of gun nuttery going on in that series too.
These two have become real solid friends huh. How comfy.
Pita has a pretty good mentality for the video game.
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Kinda funny how the accidentally became an infamous pkers. pker
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I wanna try the game associated with this. I think it's a bit pricey still.
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llenn-chan is gonna become a school shooter
Pairing a friend of yours up with your son is kind of a weird concept.
As video game partners I mean.
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big sip
>>479814 This is a high-quality picture here.
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>>479816 this show has some good reaction images
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That pineapple despawned after it died.
Poor pineapple. I guess it's all digital but the imagery of it feels like a waste of good fruit.
Gun nuttery is always such a funny thing to see for me.
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i don't like how he pointed the gun at her
The vocalist she's writing this letter to is either totally into GGO or she's reading this letter and going "the fuck is this girl on".
>listening to uplifting jpop while murdering people in the wasteland
>>479832 I mean I can relate. I've totally ran anisong or listened to R/a/dio or MOGRA while playing some games.
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>>479830 She's going to end up being associated with GGO somehow, for sure.
>>479834 Yeah I mean I presented those two options but I totally believe the first of the two.
But the image of a music artist who's not really into games reading her fan letter and wondering what the hell LLENN is talking about is way funnier.
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what a satisfying sound
Desu Game
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okay golden kamui okay lets start!
Time for some good ol' fashioned adventure roman.
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this show is great
Rabbit chitatap stew sounds pretty good.
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come on just try it
These guys are taking pages out of the Swiss military book. Soldiers on skis.
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His pvp instincts are very strong.
I really like the character designs for this show. Hah hah fucking hell Sugimoto.
FUCK that spooked me
You really ought to let sleeping bears lie.
>telling a fucking bear to kakkate koi
To be fair Sugimoto did say that 7th Division was full of crazy motherfuckers. Aw RIP bear. It looks like it took the whole squad of tem with it though. Them even.
the beaer ripped that guy's entire face off
Oh gosh that's one big good doggo.>>479902 And yet he still had enough consciousness to shoot the bear dead. The 7th Division does seem to be full of crazy motherfuckers.
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Oh, he orphaned that baby bear though.
>When we capture baby bears, we raise them in our village How kakkoii.
is this a fuckin australian noise
they probably want to know why his face is all fucked up
>>479915 To be fair so do I.
>>479916 because he's a crazy motherfucker who brings fists to knife fights all the time
Hah hah hah this old woman.
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wow she just met him!
Fuck, these names.
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learning about new cultures and shit
Sugimoto's a really decent and open-minded guy. I hope these crazy military motherfuckers don't come marching at the Ainu village though. They're too nice.
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That guy is crazy.
Oh man the old swordsman is Nakata Jouji.
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the undefeated vs the immortal, huh
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the undefeated vs the immortal vs the impaired
Unstoppable Spear vs. Unbreakable Shield, eh.
I love the scrolling visual for this ED. Stuffl -Stuff like this that shows all the characters in one single pan is so good.
the OP/ED of this show are really visually stunning
The actual songs are pretty great too.
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comic girls okay bye jan let's start!
Cosmic Are you tapping out here Jan or are you watching this a second time with us?>>479950 Toodleloo then
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oh yeah i'm out for tonight thanks for anime
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>>479949 don't forget to save tokyo ghoul
I never forget! It's the other scatterbrains you ought to be nagging!
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nagging them is worthless it won't improve anything i'd rather remind the person that can remember what i said last night
Ha wa wa wa
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The sound effects autism is probably the chuuni's influence.
This OP has some really good direction. The song is all right but the combined parts work really well to make a really good OP.
She really needs to work on learning more ways of expressing herself.
They're really trashing her. Poor Chaos-chan.
Now they're really bullying her. Poor Chaos-chan.
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what kind of name is kaos anyway?
I think its her pen name? I don't know why the rest of the cast call her that even if it's only in private though. She sems to be fine with it though.
What kind of wipeout is that.
Koyume is pretty mischevious.
I think the actual manga pages in the anime are done by small mangaka. Instead of just being done in-studio. I saw the cover of a manga volume done by the person who does Rumi's work. They actually do that sort of softcore porn aimed at a female audience.
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This is a strange situation to put your friends in.
Oh they're insultiplenting eachother now.
She always wipes out so dramatically.
Rumi's the one drawing ecchi manga but Kaos is the real pervert of the group. KORE GA II
Tsubaki's the one with crazy-good art skills though. Not that the other two who are good are bad or anything. But she's got some really good pencil shading going on there.
>You won't be able to continue being a manga artist if you become sick Tell that to Oda. Guy was working on One Piece even while in the hospital.
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Kaos has kind of a bleak worldview.
Yeah. She takes what might be the occasional despondent one-off line in another series and has kind of made it her character. I can totally relate though.
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thanks for anime!
Ariga motes