Thread #475120
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Beatless Caligula Comic Girls Gegege no Kitarou Mahou Shoujo Ore --Episode 2-3 Major 2nd --Episode 1-2 Megalo Box Nil Admirari no Tenbin Rokuhoudou --Episode 1-2 Saredo Tsumibito Steins;Gate 0 Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai Tokyo Ghoul re Uma Musume --Episode 2-4 WotaKoi
Also I'm at the bus station right now. Bus should be -- is here right now but I'll still need fifteen minutes or so to get home and settled in.
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pokay which of these shows are comfy? I wanna say like wotakoi and tada-kun? also is Jan with us tonight?
kind of
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What is kind of?
i am here kind of
WotaKoi is super comfy. That's the one with the fujoshi and the gamer otaku who work in the same office.
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Comic girls also aired tonight. I'll probably list one and not the other. We gotta space comfy out this season becausae there isn't a lot of it.
Okay I have arrived. Fifteen minutes to the post marker. You could have put together a list while I was coming home.
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well Jan said he's "sort of here" Whether Jan is here or not will determine what the list actually is.
Search [iqdb] (111 KB, 1280x720, [FFF] Love Live! S2 - 01 [954C(…).jpg )
I don't know what Jan's status is. Can someone message him? if jan is here tokyo ghoul megalo box steins gate 0 (is this a jan show? if not caligula) tada-kun>>475177 what does that even mean
i am here kind of. gosh rika
Oh I forgot to remove Tokyo Ghoul sorry. I was on my phone and had to use some workarounds.
>>475175 steins gate is not a jan show
>>475178 This means there is not a new Tokyo Ghoul, sorry.
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megalo box caligula mahou shoujo ore 2 comic girls
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okay megalo box how's the download coming? okay i guess we're all ready let's start!
i am downloading it
Mega Row
I thought we might see the last of this guy once Junk Dog made it into the pro scene. But I guess he's got history and will keep being his manager.
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Looks like it. They have a good dynamic though. He'll be a good coach.
Started from the bottom now we here.
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He needs to get better so he can use a good machine.
Wow man don't just waste a perfectly good apple there.
Po tem kin
He's paying the street kids with drugs huh.
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Looks like he's going to make a friend.
He's literally got his own ring now. How exciting.
i knew this guy was a real coach
Yeah this is a nice bit of complexity for the old man.
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hot blooded training!
Having your gym under a bridge by the river is kind of romantic.
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tsundere kid
This kid is something else.
Well now he's out of a gear. If he got caught stealing it how did he get it out of there.
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Looks like he's going to get some decent gear after all haha wow
Search [iqdb] (447 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Megalo Box - 03(…).jpg )
featuring dante from the devil may cry series
Oh shit these kids are metal too.
Hah hah hah he already busted the fancy new geah.
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The OST for this show is so good.
full counter
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such a good show aots caguila okay lets start!
Search [iqdb] (395 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Megalo Box - 03(…).jpg )
man i wish this was like 25 episodes or something ready for caligula
I'm really hoping Caligula is this season's trainwreck. Like a good, proper, Sunrise Trainwreck.
does he have a giant revolver for a hand
Nah looks like he's just got some crazy wrist strength.
oh he just has a weird bracelet and his revolver shoots a laser
Why is it a revolver then. In what world does a laser blast need a revolving chamber.
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>revolver laser gun just about the stupidest thing ever what a worthy ridiculous idea
>I don't think we should get involved You're being CHASED by evil high school stude- Oh she can't see them. What is she seeing then? Nothing? A bunch of high school students chasing them? Looks like nothing though.
>you know what i mean right no
Search [iqdb] (433 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Caligula - 02 [(…).jpg )
literally what the fuck
>let me explain >doesn't explain anything
He did the reasonable thing and bailed the fuck out.
www crazy
Oh no the human.api has glitched out. And the pet.api too I guess.
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mom.exe has encountered an error and had to close
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they have become woke
It is kind of advantageous to be in this world of crazy glitched face people though. They don't seem to agress you and they're capable of simple requests and instructions.
>>475306 yeah but then there's also monsters hunting you
>>475307 Just the thing to make the world more interesting.
These songs don't really fit the menace of the situation really.
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now this is a dick move
It looks like whatever this is she couldn't have gone any further though.
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so they're in some simulation but why
Why is bkub doing the PVs for these videos.
Episodes even
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mahou shoujo ore 2 get your eye bleach ready okay lets start!
I am no so easily broken. Not so, even. Gugh. I'm easily tuckered out though.
i downloaded ep3
He's breaking inside. Er, she's breaking inside. Man this is going to be confusing.
This is less mahou shoujo and more MMA. Oh here's the magic.
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And there goes the magic.
Who needs magic anyway.
Oh is her crush gay for bara men.
We haven't seen an OP yet.
Poor her.
Her best friend is surprisingly enjoying this entire situation.
I guess that's one way to have breakfast on the go.
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This sure is a weird show.
Her distaste for the other guy is palpable. I also think he's the shadow guy from just a few moments ago.>>475373 Yeah it's rather unique.
>Gets asked when she started liking him >Starts talking about how she likes him I guess she finally got around to it but she certainly took her time.
What, does the imouto crush on her brother for the same reason.
Nani the fuck.
Well that's, uh. Certainly horrific.
Oh wow her friend is a good person.
Oh it's actually a gay pair. Well I guess that's how it's supposed to be with mahou shoujo pairs.
She's even bad at singing in the ED.
Search [iqdb] (316 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Mahou Shoujo Or(…).jpg )
this show is wild
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pla okay even tada-kun okay lets start!
Time for a photo opisode.
i thought we were watching comic girls
I think Rika thought so at some point too. It looks like she forgot.
Hah hah hah. Cats are great.
fat cat
Having this cat voiced by Otsuka Akio is great. It's a very good cat.
i like the designs of thsi show
Theresa kind of feels like the kind of tourist who's just going around satisfying her impulsive interests.
>His face has "hit man" painted all over it Yeah because that's pretty much a skinny Golgo 13.
Holy shit Golgo that was stylish.
Search [iqdb] (391 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tada-kun wa Koi(…).jpg )
based golgo
What a silly myth.
But coffee and chocolate is a super-good combination.
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>>475397 Oh did I mess it up?
As far as I saw your last make up of the list had Comic Girls for the final show.
>>475418 you said tada kun then comic girls no big deal though
Yeah they're all good shows.
i might be working late tomorrow though so i'm going to watch comic girls too
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thanks for anime! bed time for me
thanks for animal
thank you
San kyuu