Thread #474302
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Anime Thread Get 'cho bodies in here.
Beatless Caligula Gegege no Kitarou Last Period Mahou Shoujo Ore --Episode 2-3 Major 2nd --Episode 1-2 Nil Admirari no Tenbin Rokuhoudou --Episode 1-2 Saredo Tsumibito Shokugeki no Souma Steins;Gate 0 Tokyo Ghoul re Uma Musume --Episode 204 Nyaa was down for an extended period earlier today, so it looks like HorribleSubs hasn't properly uploaded the shows that dropped during that to it. You should be able to get the magnet links for the new shows, Steins;Gate and Last Period, from the HorribleSubs site though.
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hello let us anime
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Do we have Jan tonight?
He might be around, but he might also be caught up in MonHun. I don't know if the new fight dropped tonight but it might've.
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hmm well maybe we should ave tokyo ghoul then?
He'd probably appreciate it. Probably.
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so let's see hwat we have here What's last period?
Last Period was that one game adaptation with a bunch of mobage-deprecating humour.
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oh right that was pretty okay okay alert me if I stumble on any Jan shows Saredo Tsumibito (did we watch ep 1 of this? I feel like we did) Nil Admirari no Tenbin 2 Shokugeki no Souma Last Period 2
We did, it had those two guys fighting a dragon and one of them had an elf girlfriend.
>>474341 last period is a jan show it hink
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Maybe he'll be back by then. If not I'll figure it out saredo okay lets start
Also if you want a non-Jan show we do have Steins;Gate out today.
Oh yeah this show had a fripSide OP. I don't think it's particularly good or bad but it's funny to me. The show kind of feels like it could be out of the late-00s' era when fripSide had an OP out every season.
Oh my things are getting saucy.
wait so is this show gay
I think it dangles the tantalizing prospect of gayness in front of its viewers.
>Come, you slaves of authority I didn't know Kirara was in this show.
>>474383 you tell me lol
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>>474383 Light fujobaiting I think.
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can't be helped okay nil whatever Yeah, there is a lot of women's anime this time. This is a weird season, marked by shows either being really good or really lackluster.
There's a lot of stuff aimed at young women this season. They all have these stupidly long names too.
mahou shoujo ore
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oops forgot to be orange okay just need ika okay since jan is here we can switch to tokyo edge if ika wants
hello friends
>>474417 hi how are you
>>474418 i am doing good whoakun how are you
>>474419 im pretty good switched units but now im right next to a gym and i only can get bigger but my 2 mile time still sucks fr*ck running
All right, Tokyo Ghoul instead?
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yeah tokyo ghoul I guess just need jan okay lets start!
okie >>474420 O K
Well I guess they were going to bring him back at some point.
He's totally going to go berserk like Sasaki.
So technically you could become a human monster and then quickly retire and live a life of NEETdom. That's a really tempting offer.
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gamer ghoul
Wasn't this one in the original series too.
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yeah That guy with the stitches was like the most edgy character in the whole series.
Everyone seems to have mellowed out a bit in the couple years that have passed since the MC fucking died the first time around.
the one eyed kingu
what are we watching after this by the way
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hm yes i see
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>>474456 I dunno, what's a good jan show? oh, we cna do Caligula if you don't want to Souma.
Souma if he doesn't mind skipping around. Caligula's a good one too that slipped my mind.
>>474459 caligula, souma, last period
Sasaki and the one with the eyepatch are the only ones that seem to get it right. Though this one with the eyepatch might be an actual girl anyway. It's a little unclear.
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>something tickles
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this girl knows what's up
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They're really good at Kaneki spotting.
>>474472 evil gay ghoul
Like aside from the fact that this series is a sequel to Tokyo Ghoul, it hardly feels like the same edgy dark series.
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She's right, Kaneki is boring when he's not edgy.>>474475 The art feels different too.
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>>474476 yeah it's way better when he's crawling in his skin. but he'll be zetsubou soon enough anyways
>The CCG is a gathering of people who have suffered losses Yeah and Kaneki is at fault for some of those even.
the op and ed for this are pretty good
i still like oshiete yo the most
Oh no this PV again.
it's like a jumpscare at the end of every episode who thought this was a good idea
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it's edgy okay souma okay lets start!
Supaisu>>474490 Episode fourteen.
this is 11 right? motherfucker
Bah damnit. Also again, in case you can't get Souma 14, the magnet is accessible from HorribleSubs' site.
This is such a game-y exam. It sounds kind of fun really.
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I hope they beat Central and we can get back to normal soon. The Central ac has been a bit full.
There are so many kinds of potatoes. I wonder if knowing the particular varities is really so distinct.
They get really underhanded trying to kick out the Polar Star kids.
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This is one of the reasons I don't like the Central arc. The odds are so stacked that it's always just a "hey look we made something good with bad ingredients or some other huge disadvantage we're so overwhelmingly good at cooking" thing in the end. I liked the hot blooded even handed battles.
The food trivia in this show is always interesting though. It's neat to pick up advice on cooking and ingredients. It does lean a bit too much into fine cuisine some times and leaves the realm I'd ever really be able to apply the knowledge in though.
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They cleared that one pretty easily.
i wanna travel on a sleeper train sounds like a lotta fun
Yeah I'd like to try it some day too. It's probably the kind of thing that's nicer in the romantic idea of it than actually doing it. But I'd still like to give it a try.
She's starting to slide down the tsun slide into dere dere.
ARE we doing last period?
I'm pretty sure we are.
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yep last period! okay lets start!
fort city hopeless
Does this girl just never sleep.
she's so hungry because she never sleeps
She gets the tent even when they're out adventuring but she doesn't sleep in it.
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You can use food to wake yourself up sometimes.
Having characters that are aware of the fourth wall and ones who aren't is always a fun trope.
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Hot springs episode already.
Though this time it's the girls that are making trouble.
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what is with these people
They're like the Team Rocket of this series. They even have a small pet with a sqeaky voice tailing along. They're also based off the hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil monkeys.
Oh this is totally riffing off that short spree of real-life locations being featured in anime that popped up last year or the year before.
This episode is being even more meta than the first one.
The Wiseman get all the gatcha luck.
>That's not what call girl means Oh yeah that's rather true, isn't it.
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time for the damedame gatcha
Oh no she's gonna make them rack up a debt with the gatcha overlords.
It's gonna be a two-star.
Ah, just another one-star. I think a two-star would have been a better punchline this time around/
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get rekt
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They got a good summon for once.
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wiseman are cool
They've got a great theme too. What's not to like.
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that dance they do in the ED is cute
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i want a gif of this scene without credits
Creditless would probably have to wait until one of the BDs.
pay to win
pay to win the animation