Thread #453601
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Koi wa Ameagari Beatless 12 Cardcaptor Citrus Dagashi Kashi --Episodes 11 -12 Dame x Prince --Episodes 10-12 Death March Grancrest Senki --Episodes 9-12 Hakata Ramens HakuMiko --Episodes 11-12 Marchen Madchen Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san Toji no Miko --Episodes 7-12
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Ika said he'd come after one show but we don't really have one to do without him. So we can just wait.
I am coming home my comrades
ez day today
>>453645 Watashi no nakama yo
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welcome home we're waiting on ika at the moment.
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okay lets see hakata ramens citrus koi wa ameagari ramen daisuki sound good?
sir yes sir just give me a couple minutes to change
ok \
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ramen daisuki no hakata ramens got my ramen confused okay lets start!
Double ramens night
>>453666 hai hai
instant rejection
Yandere gayboy
>running away wow he twisted his ankle that's what you get for wearing heels
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haha, banba is reliable.
a literal bug
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His old boyfriend shot his new boyfriend!
yeah his ex is super crazy
how long is this show supposed to be anyway?
the ramen oji is a legendary hitman wow
A development that is fairly unsurprising. It seems everyone in this town is a hitman, or at least related to the hitman business.
this city must be the capital of the death industry or something
he got a rare candy
How uncreative. He's just making them do what the institution did to him.
dude WAHT
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>don't underestimate the anger of a gay man what did he mean by this
angry old gay guy
The ojii retired hitman sure has some style. Cool jacket and hat for maximum class.
what a plan
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>>453718 he's the first hitman that actually looked like a hitman and he's a fucking maniac
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He uses a gun too instead of some weird gimmick.
just shoot him old man
The old man knows better than to get in the way of YOUTH RIVALRY
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>>453728 ah, to be young and murderous!
wow seriously beaten via candy
maybe you should have tried to reconcile before he stabbed you in the heart
i like how the cops are just like "oh another 40 guys got shot and slashed to death nbd"
the ending of this show is pretty nice this version too
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so was it a grand slam or what
i liked the show 7/10
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>>453739 don't think that much about it.>>453746 It was a good show, one of the better this season.
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pretty good it was like a dumber gorier durara 7/10 f or sure>>453752 can't wait for fucking nothing to happen again i'm going to unplug my ethernet cable to put it back in my ps4 it might drop me
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okay citrus ep 12 oaky lets start
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i'm back>>453756 yeah pretty much immediately haha
It totally dropped you.
a whole week long wait to hear that ie
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why can't wee be friends
Just be friends All we gotta do is just be friends
Time to crash this date.
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she looks pretty chipper for someone who just got dumped
Some people can bounce back from just about ANYTHING man.
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i like the big imouto
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all the best girls in this show are side characters the main duo are stupid
Best girl in this show is Harumin.
Spontaneous cloud formations.
suddenly 1000 people
Crowd even.
why is she fucking running lol
Is this really the kind of thing she should be shouting out in public.
this shit is so stupid
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I guess this is the last episode so we did need some closure kind of antics.
Well it's pretty faithful to the manga.
running through the streets shouting your feelings for your step-sister seems like a bad idea
And then another crowd spontaneously forms around them as they're making out.
>>453821 well that's not that unusual really
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Can't overcome the hueg imouto
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this is fucking lewd
Finally some slow-ass progress going on.
yes that's right the girl you've been regularly making love to for like the last year wants to try going on a date
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shouldn't be that shocking
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the conclusion was nice but the volatility of the relationship during the show makes me think this won't even last a week
5/10 great designs everything else is average or less
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the manga designs were better koi wa ameagari okay lets start
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7/10 it was okay
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holy shit i hate when this happens
a man after my own heart
it seems nice to be able to take a real break like that
Oh they're still doing this haircut thing.
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He needs to quit and become a professional author anyway.
Manager is kakkoii. I hope he finishes a novel he can publish.
Wow that's a really big slip-up on his part. Not being able to feature a new menu could really cost that store customers.
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best girl
Hah hah asshole bus driver.
She wants to RUN.
7.5/10 it was a nice show
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really good bittersweet ending. I liked this one.
Bang would be proud to see them not fucking.
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ramen daisuki okay lets start
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that was sweet 8/10 why is food so orgasmic in anime
Because the Nipponese people understand the importance of UMAMI.
I still think this is a well-done OP. The visuals are neato.
yeah the OP is really cool very SHAFT with the lettering anyways
Why this. Who does this. Nanja kore.
Get wrecked Yuu.
Search [iqdb] (508 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Ramen Daisuki K(…).jpg )
she's such a tryhard
you can buy food for under 500 yen at a fast food place in japan?
Yeah, fast food places have pretty cheap prices. Even in Tokyo i could find places with meals about this sizeable for under 700yen.
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 643x688, [HorribleSubs] Death March kar(…).jpg )
>google "ramen fork" get this .Japanese company Nissin, makers of the Cup Noodle, has invented the Otohiko, which is a tech-enhanced fork that will detect slurping noises and camouflage them oh no messed up my meme arrow>Japanese company Nissin, makers of the Cup Noodle, has invented the Otohiko, which is a tech-enhanced fork that will detect slurping noises and camouflage them
Cup ramen is serious business in Japan. I mean this show had a whole skit dedicated to them an episode or two back.>>453982 It's a really fun meal isn't it.
i want ramen again dammit
I wonder if I'm getting some CloudFlare blips or something. /moe/ seems to hiccuping a bit, but other sites don't seem to be having any issue.
maybe it's the russians fucking with the series of tubes again
Whoooo knows.
What a good ani.
Search [iqdb] (413 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Ramen Daisuki K(…).jpg )
i'm super gay for you ramen girl
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Probably used the illness as an excuse to go on another whirlwind tour to try out ramen.
>>453996 living the dream
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She wasn't sick she just wanted to go eat Ramen.
Man she's LOSING IT over this bowl of ramen.
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>>454004 a two week ramen fast will do that to a ramen addict
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mindbroken by ramen
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fucking stalker
This was a fun show. Good mix of food porn, ramen trivia, and general SoL stuff.
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It was a little dull in some places but was good. thanks for anime!
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i thought it wasn't that good it just makes me hungry the art is good though
thanks for anime i probably cant watch tomorrow watch stuff without me i can catch up not good stuff though good as in stuff i like
We'll watch ALL the good stuff without you. What even remaining on the List is stuff you consider good though? We'll probably have like two episodes of Cardcaptor and two of Dagashi to watch though. Oh I guess FranXX will be out tomorrow; I guess that'll be delayed a day.>>454014 Will you have Internet by Sunday night?
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let's just watch literally all of the list tomorrow
>>454015 probably
>>454015 hmm Pit OUt of everything that was listed above i dont think any of them are good besides like harumiko dame prince is fun i guess
>>454016 That's like twenty-one episodes, man. A good ten-plus hours of content.
Plus it's the inbetween week right now. Likely will only be two or three shows airing tomorrow max.
>>454018 Don't you worry Squid we'll make sure to save Marchen Madchen's last episode for you!
>>454019 yeah don't be a weenie we can do this