Everyone needs to power up big time to deal with these new villains though. I'm interested to see how they're going to handle the fact that the cast needs such extreme power ups.
The three knights are all at least some kind of armored. But Hendrickson is fighting in casual clothes.
I imagine that we don't have a very good grasp on what Meloidas is actually capable of. I think he's got a demon form or two to unlock that we haven't seen before. He could actually be good at magic, too, since his magic is demonic he wouldn't have used it yet.
Yeah I figure his real numbers are probably more on par with the Commandments. But at the moment, the most well-rounded is Ban.
I bet Mei's behavior really did make /a/ rage when the manga was at this part since she isn't acting interested but is defending her territory.
I feel that somenoe isn't looking closely enough at Mei or reading enough under the surface if they think that. Mei's just really good at drawing up into a shell.
Its It's weird since the bubblegum cutesy voice they got for her wasn't what I was hearing when I read the bit of the manga that was translated way back when. But it's still a good voice and suits her. Still makes for a bit of dichotomy.
So the orange parts are the striking parts. I've noticed that one of the robots only has striking parts on the legs. Have we seen it attack any way other than kicking?
I don't think so. We haven't actually seen a lot of footage of the robots fighting. And the majority of what we've seen has been of Strellizia.
Oh look, they had to reload orange into their spears.
Strelizia has tubing that leads from her spear into the main body. So maybe that's why riding in the robot kills the guy. It saps power for the spears from the pistil.
Oh the author of Marchen Madchen passed away before the full script for the story was finished. He was also the author of Mayoi Neko Overrun; I liked the anime for that one.
He died in May 2016; the first volume of the LN series Marchen Madchen is adapted from came out in February 2017. He's credited as an author but it looks like the actual writing is done by something called StoryWorks. I just kind of agree with Bang that the series started off interesting and in recent episodes has gotten kind of underwhelming. And I'm wondering if his passing might be an influence in that.
And these three are now running around shouting "BODY".
>>422345 Could be. I feel that it became somewhat generic in the last episode.
Oh there's this week's UNKO.
Oh no.
I got a pair of cotton gloves like those with the desk chair I got for Christmas.
These three kids are the ABSOLUTE worst.
Halloween is a pretty recent introduction to Japan. You never saw any references to it even in the late 00s' except in stuff like trivial information. But now it's common enough that they can do trick-or-treating references in anime. I find that kind of neat.
The thing that always strikes me as odd about her character is that her girl power is so ridiculously high even though she's autistically single minded about candy and games.
I guess she got second place this time though, which isn't that bad.
see she's always dressed to the nines with perfectly done nails that doesn't just happen! It's weird to imagine that a candy autist is capable of that level fo card. care
Well she's also a bit of an ojou, coming from a big family of candy manufacturers or something. But it is a bit over the top.