Thread #416388
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cardcaptors dagashi tojimiko pop team cirtrus franXX mahoutsukai takunomi
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Being caught up kinda messes with the way I want to do the list. How strange. Is Bang or Jan around? I guess Bang said earlier he was going out tonight.
Yeah and Jan doesn't seem online. He might show up before the watching time's over though.
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well Ika has not shown himself yet. I notified him that we were doing anime. so while we wait for him, let's watch an episode of cardcaptors. What are we on? 4?
Yeah, that sounds right.
Yeah, three was the frog rainsuit, so we're on four.
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okay then yeah cardcaptors 4 okay let's start
hi tell me eta
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hi ika we're doing cardcaptors right now since we're short on anime. we'll be ready for the next thing in 20 minutes
Don't fall asleep in the meanwhile.
Oh yeah we're getting MYSTERIOUS TRANSFER STUDENT MAHOU SHOUJO this episode.
>Pancakes, sausages, and broccoli That is a really weird breakfast.
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Maybe broccoli is breakfast food there. Kinda weird for breakfast but I bet it's a cultural thing and perfectly natural if you grew up with broccoli for breakfast. I like broccoli so I could deal with it.
This looks like a Rika character.
>>416413 I've never heard of broccoli for breakfast in Japan. I'm pretty sure it's not normal. I'm good with broccoli too so it wouldn't be a problem for me. But it's still a weird thing for breakfast.
How world.y Worldly even.
Oh no.
Yeah her being gullible was going to be a thing.
>When you've just moved to Japan and everyone around you is so nice it makes you feel kind of uncomfortable
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This girl is going to be trouble!
She's got to be the RAIBARU. After all Shaoran is her boyfriend now and the girl from the second half of the original season went back to Hong Kong.
You'd think by now she'd learn to not be so surprised by weird supernatural events.
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I guess Sakura is surrounded by dangerous people.
What on earth are these trees.
You know, another credit to this show is, unlike most mahou shoujo shows that have a stock scene they can repeat for the transformation scene. This one has to do a new scene for each episode because Sakura's clothes always change thanks to Tomoyo.
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These trees are weird.
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It's amazing that there was a tree stampede and she moved all the trees back herself and no one saw.
>She had to move the trees back herself Yeah that really does sound like a lot of work.
>When you call your girlfriend and she's at her old crush's house
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Sakura is a good girl though. She can be trusted.
Yeah, her crush likes her brother anyway. So it's kind of an unwinnable game.
Geez that's an ominous sound to end on.
Beep boop>>416406
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okay I'm thinking like pop team franXX citrus takunomi sound good?
I'm good for that. We can swap out Citrus if Jan appears at any time.
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okay pop team>>416448 Oh, did he say he wanted to do that? Well, we can do that. It means a light load tonight but since we're caught up that's no big deal.
shpuld we save franx for sam tmr
He did express interest in watching. But I don't think he requested we put it off. We could shift it lower in the queue for tonight at least.
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oh orange>>416451 I don't mind giving him a chance to watch it with us this week. okay let's start pop team!
we'll ask or see if he shows tomorrow ebi
More shogi.
They beat the shogi robot.
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Wow, shogi is really impressive.
>Kimi no na wa
Did bkub really like that movie or something. That's the second reference in the series so far.
That was like half the episode this week. What a weird skit.
Koi ni doroppu doroppu
are we gonna watch the repeat
Do you really not want to?
They've got another two good male seiyuu this time around.
>>416471 doesnt matter really
I generally like some of the stuff that changes from half to half. Though it's hard to know before seeing it all the way through how much changes.
The music for this shogi skit is pretty good.
Koi ni doroppu doroppu
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oaky Citrus okay lets start!
She's meddling agaaaaiinn.
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papa is a slacker!
Well it looks like he was a bit too much of a stick-in-the-mud beforehand. People ought to live their lives freely.
Don't stick your dick in craaaazyyyy
Mei really ends up with a lot of tsunderes.
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>>416499 Mei is just plain crazy.
Harumin totally is best girl. This series doesn't deserve her.
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Harumi is a good person, always dealing with her drama without complaint.
Suzu really kind of bullies her way in everywhere.
>Just happily lets Suzu ride off on her bike Undeniably best girl.
Some people buy a flashy sports car for their mid-life crisis, or launch said sportsc -sports car in to space. Mei's dad quit his cushy academy job, stopped being such a stick-in-the-mud, and ran off to an impoverished country to teach kids.
Well that's not really the voice I had in my mind when I read her in the manga.
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takunomi oh good point i forgot about that one tojimiko okay lets start
We could do Toji no Miko so we're still doing four full shows. Ready.
Wow she's like a spy.
That horn's grown out of her eye. How unpleasant.
i like the other show more i forgot what it was about but its better
Real particular there, Squid.
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oh it kinda looked like she straight up exploded but I guess she lived.
>>416530 what was that other show about the one that was like kancolle but not
no it was airing thjis season unless this is the show im talking about
oh im stupid i was comparing it to itself
Yeah I went and looked through the list. This is the only Kancolle-like show this season.
Also while I was looking, I realized that Slow Start should have aired for tonight. Looks like it's slow though.
How rude, woman.
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takunomi!>>416538 I feel like 3 gatsu should have aired tonight as well. okay let's start!
what episode is taku
>>416543 Episode five.
>>416540 That's right, it's also a Saturday show. Not sure what's holding it up.
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>>416546 Maybe it is some JAPANESE HOLIDAY over there.
Maybe. 3-gatsu in particular is an NHK show, which means it airs on a general broadcast channel. So maybe the Olympics or something else sporty got in the way of its airing slot.
Yeah, wine and grape juice are noooothing alike.
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hmm I'll have to try that. I have trouble with red wine.
Yeah, I'm going to file that one away to test at some point. I can't really do normal wine too well.
brunette and blue are totally going to be gay for each other right
Nah man just wait until they get boyfriends.
Brunette really likes her snacks.
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It just got dangerous.
You've got to be careful around drunk people.
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We didn't see too much of the blonde this episode.
Yeah, I was thinking that too. She had like fifteen seconds of screen time.
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thanks for anime!
Mhm, thanks.