Thread #400850
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Koi wa Ameagari etc. Beatless Cardcaptor Daga Shikashi Grancrest More Crangrest Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens Hakumei to Mikochi Kokkoku Mahoutsukai no Yome Poptepikku Takunomi
And Mitsuboshi Colors
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okay anyone have any preferences? I want to finish with Mitsuboshi Colors, but that's really my only concern.
Jan was watching FranXX and was alive in the other thread so he should be around tonight. We can also likely fetch Bang probably.
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Chyuu has Nanatsu ep 2 out too. Let's do that!
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okay Nanatsu Hakata Ramens Grancrest Mitsuboshi Colors I will be subbing out the middle two for Mahou / Pop Team if Bang and Jan show up. I'm going to grab a drink while Tilde gets ready.
I should have it in a moment. I mean by a moment, literally seconds. You could have just kept orange and got the drink and probably been back by the time Ika oranged and things would be as they always are.
wait i need nanatsu
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okay let's start!
They're changing around the start-of-episode preamble a bit.
i'll download mitsuboshi oh did you guys watch pop team epic?
No, we kept it aside.
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No, we were saving it for you!
oh i was just wondering why it wasn't on the list
the big list i mean
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Because Tilde occasionally plays with the names. Poptepikku Is what he described it as.
It's also what they call out during each eyecatch between skits. More or less at least.
man i guess tilde is a fucking nerd
Oh I remember her from the first series.
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Oh yeah I forgot about her.
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you're watching nanatsu right
That's right. We can do Mahoutsukai after this. About twenty minutes.
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Yeah, that's right. We're very early. Want to join us?
>>400875 we're like 5 minutes are you wathcing
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yeah i will sync up to whatever you are at when it is done downloading
no lets restart
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orange to restart okay let's start!
Oh we're doing this. Aight I'm at the start.
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i can just watch the first 5 minutes later tho
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>>400883 It's too late, you're stuck now! This gives me a minute to pee since I drank down my drink.
It's a little weird seeing a giant ball of black energy and faces being called the Pacifist.
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Maybe he's a pacifist because he has no arms to punch with.
ban attracted a wild bulma
He forgot to turn off his swag.
oh shit they found elysium finally
King got his royal title fucking URSURPED.
king got kucked
KING ban
I don't really remember Gilthunder having pink hair. But it has been a while since I watched the series.
it was pink
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I remember him being blondeish. Pink is close to that.
It might also be the more civilian clothes throwing me off too.
wait she could become small?
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She's little again. Can she just do it whenever she wants now?
Guess so. It's probably a convenient power to have for a giant.
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Being shunned because she was big is part of her backstory though. So I guess she gained this power at some point.
those kids were really convenient to making a point
doesnt Diane like melidoas
I looks like she's rebounded on to King or something.
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I thought she did too, but I guess she likes King.
i remember they had some backstory together in s1
I wonder if they had to leapfrog over some stuff to get to this arc from the conclusion at the end of the anime.
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I dunno, it seemed like it picked right up where the first season left off. Looks like his best friend is a hat now.
Yeah but that might've been manufactured. I haven't read the manga really, so I don't know how it all lines up normally.
The Sins are really dysfunctional.
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Gowther is one of the ones that you really can't trust.
Gowther is crazy
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he's just an extremely autistic psychic robot
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He's got the auts really bad. okay mahou okay lets start!
no yome
what time
0:40 0:45 0:50
this might be the worst anime opening of recent times its so lazy
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oh yeah she just got ebola
Poor Silky. She just wants to be a good meido.
>cleaning the living room >spy the girl living with the lich that owns the house covered in blood >run outside to see what's the matter >he just says to watch the house and walks into the forest
Time for more TITania.
It's a centaur.
Chise seems to have really spent a lot of time in the series injured, or otherwise incapacitated.
Oh it keeps happening.
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Time for M U R D E R.
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>sure hope that girl is ok
That's a pretty sombre way of showing the passing of time. Silky is such a good girl.
Oh man that is some COOL magic.
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silky is amaidzing
well this sure is moody
The little gravel-voiced grouch ended up being a pretty decent guy.
silky is so cute
She's a good girl.
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okay someone fetch me a bang! let's do pop team XD Jan will be joning us, yes? okay lets start!
epic! ep 2 or 3?
Poptepikku>>400953 Three.
i like the OP
strong synth tech
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Being an idol is tough.
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thug life
This can't be a good idea.
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this is the best idea i've ever seen
this kind of thing NEVER works out
This was definitely not a good idea.
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uh no it worked out
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Looks like it went well.
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you have to pay to get what you want
did he just say baguette francios
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What is this gaijin!
It's the same gaijin from the first episode. What I don't get is why the first roundabout isn't subbed, but the second time it will be subbed.
this is french culture perfectly represented in my japanese animes
They don't even have thirty minutes left in the episode they can't do this gag.
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something about the evil king
is this dragon ball z time
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the art in these shorts is really good
Koi ni doroppu doroppu
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why do they repeat the episode
is this too deep for me
once with female VA's once with male VA's
Some times the scripts for the episodes have changes between the halves. Also apparently this set of male seiyuu are the seiyuu for Cell and Freiza from Dragon Ball.
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It's a creative way to turn a half length episode into a full length one.
Yeah that's definitely Wakamoto.
my favorite part is when the male VA's sing the insert song
The lines of the tall one in this episode are really good to give to Wakamoto.
oh now the french is subbed
SEE THEY SUB IT IN THE SECOND HALF. They intentionally keep you around. How scheming.
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Are they just going to pick up the counter with the next episode and randomly jump in once thirty minutes are up.
Koi ni doroppu doroppu
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Maybe the clock will get to love live too okay mitsuboshi colors okay so just need jan jan are you out there if you are still getting it it's okay to let me know so I know if you're watching okay well maybe Jan isn't coming let's start!
Mitsubishi Crow
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time to remember how annoying yet endearing children are
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Make sure to watch Takagi-san with us this week, your reaction is always amusing.
oh no i missed an episode of that didn't i
It's super episodic so you're not really behind per say.
those still frames damn
She's forcing her daughter and her friends to do her work for her.
these kids aren't gonna sell shit
>Y2K glasses
I just noticed his store is called Whale Factory. What a fucking hipster name for a store.
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Maybe he sells phone games.
What is this matchstick girl skit.
wow she's really selling the starving child schtick
what the heck
Wow look at these Friendly Neighbourhood Yakuza.
yeah just a cheerful and playful group of wandering human traffickers and inside traders
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They're doing a good job selling them.>>401024 Yakuza are a bit more tolerated in Japanese society. In America, just plain being in the mafia is illegal. Being in the Yakuza isn't illegal, they have legit businesses too.
this guy is a dick
You'd probably be a good bit of a dick if you had three brats fucking with your actual job day in and day out.
>>401025 i know ploease rika
jesus christ
he's enjoying the banana
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That's what happens when you don't buy the bananas.
these are kind of terrifying
what a strange mother
They're kind of remarkable.
is this old lady okay
Not for much longer.
they just immediately run to him
Like I said. Little. Shits.
Props to Oyaji for putting together these interactive games for them to play.
yeah it would have been nice to have someone to make my childhood more than a painful slog towards the dreadful adulthood i'm suffering through now
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That is a really legit looking bomb.
jesus girl that's some deep shit you're dropping
Literal deep shit.
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That girl is good at making stuff up.
Oh man that was a good riddle of Oyaji's.
Hah hah get fucked Saitou.
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oh yeah i would have liked to watch mitsuboshi but i was called upon to do someone's bidding gomenasorry guys
this show is so healing
>>401049 Sorry you missed out, man. Sunday through Thursday nights tend to be a little less lenient in waiting time.
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>>401051 its cool dude i only just got back i wouldn't want anyone to wait more than like 5 minutes for me
is her name just sat-chan does she not have a full name
Full name is probably Satsuki. So Sa-chan but they hard consonant the "ch" so it becomes Sacchan.
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okay, thanks for anime!
thanks for anime