Thread #398344
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dame prince violet evergarden nanatsu Grancrest Senki Miira no Kaikata okay I think that's it the anime threads all being bumped made life a little harder
Yeah that's probably a nuisance. Checks out with what I see though. Also Miira no Kaikata looks a little dumb so I don't mind putting it aside if there isn't a particular interest.
hi Nnatsu i sout?>>398351 they watched it already Let's watch MIira first
Search [iqdb] (105 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 07 [7(…).jpg )
Whether it gets watched depends on if Ika wants to save Grancrest for Jan, I think. >>398349 >>398350 Yeah, it's out.
Rika you were even there as Jan and I were talking about watching it with just the two of us.
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I can't remember things like that!
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Looka like Ika wants to do Mira that's fine with me Miira then the rest of the order will be dame prince nanatsu violet evergarden okay lets start
Well now I have to go and re-download it. Won't be more than a minute. Also we should watch Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan at the end. It's fifteen minutes. Okay I'm ready now.
nanatsu and evergarden will be fun
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 11 [7(…).jpg )
>>398355 I think we can fit Shirou's cooking in since we got an early start tonight.
Wow THREE monitors. I want three monitors. Don't really have the desk space for it though.
Yeah that casket is kind of really...Catholic. Seems weird to have a mummy in it.
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That's a lot of packing material.
Is this guy's fate to be surrounded by dumb pets.
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Having an unidentified undead thing crawling on your back is probably scary.
>It wasn't weird this tmie Now -No I think a bite-sized mummy is still pretty weird.
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 637x693, [HorribleSubs] Love Live! Suns(…).jpg )
So I guess it runs on water.
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I guess too much water is a bad thing.
Well I stand by my assumption that it looks a little dumb but I guess it's not as bad as I was expecting. Probably the weakest of all the shows we've seen this season though.
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I need to see more to pass judgment. Not a lot happened this episode. okay dame dame prince okay let's start!
Dame desu yo
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Yeah I would say something like a glowing egg may draw a lot of attention.
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how weak.
Wow rude.
>>398379 O ha na Chan
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Oh here's the Ika favorite.
They just cut him off in the middle of his line to go to the eyecatch.
im home
Violet Evergarden in about thirty-five minutes. Nanatsu no Taizai in about eight but I don't know if you watch that.
i haven't seen violet evergarden if this is episode 2
Oh well then you've got something to watch while we do Nanatsu no Taizai.
He keeps walking into her bedroom and is surprised at her being in bedclothes.
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He doesn't seem like a very clever man.
He's damedame
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okay nanatsu! okay let's start!
Ready.>>398393 BAT MAN
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It's been awhile but I think the first season ended with some crazy big fight in the capital.
That's what passes for formal clothes in this time and era?
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They're doing their best kinda
Meliodas kind of makes a habit of doing his own thing.
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Everybody is being unsightly in front of the king.
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So the pig has a scouter.
At least there's finally a point to it being around beyond comic relief that would probably be old by now.
The music was getting pretty cool in the build up to the eyecatch there.
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I assume that they can power up if need be too.
power revel
Search [iqdb] (134 KB, 1280x720, [Chyuu] Nanatsu no Taizai - Im(…).jpg )
Why is she normal sized here?
She was normal during the party probably so she could party with everyone. Having to sit outside the house while everyone is partying inside must get pretty lonely.
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hmmm I guess I vaguely remember something like that.
>When a person stops thinking, that's the end of them Okay, Sherlock Holmes.
Oh boy is this another GRANRODEO x FLOW song.
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It's ten versus seven though. Talk about not playing fair.
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Looks like this will be more about good guys vs demons, rather than knights vs knights like it was last time.
uhhhhhhh so i got sucked into a black hole so i might not make it
RIP in peaces. Try and get up to date with Violet Evergarden though it's pretty good.
how about you get up to date with my dick
I think I'll avoid something that we'd both regret.
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 546x680, [HorribleSubs] Ryuuou no Oshig(…).jpg )
wow you guys okay violet evergarden 2 okay lets start!
Time for dolls.
Well his brother seems like a lovely guy.
Oh I wonder if each chapter's going to have sort of a filter through a particular character's view of Violet. That would be kind of neat.
They need to beat the Doll out of her. By making her work with the Dolls.
Oh man that is pretty WEIRD. It's super cool though.
Hah hah hah. He tried so hard.
Wow she's really forward with him.
I find the sound and feel of typewriters really nice. It's kind of relaxing. But modern keyboards are just far more convenient to use and I can type faster on keyboards anyway.
Oh no Violet.
Her autism is kind of cute at times though.
She's so bad at this. It's amazing.
Oh huh. I was just thinking "they've got Minori Chihara voicing her, I wonder if she'll do a song for this series". And then it happened.
Oh she's finally in her uniform.
;_; They're really dancing around this inevitable disaster.
Search [iqdb] (140 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Dame x Prince A(…).jpg )
okay cooking with shirou! okay let's start!
yo Wait what are we wtaching
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So is the holy grail war going on during this, or is it just set in the timeless bonus time setting that all the other shorts are set in?
Pretty sure it's just the timeless bonus time.
>>398450 Cooking with Emi Yashirou!
Oh hey it's the return of ponytail Rin.
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>>398450 [Doremi][1280x720].[B8EE1D6C] is the filename. Do you need time to get it?
cant oh
i think i shall pass lazy
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Are you sure? I don't mind giving you a minute.
yeah its ok
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okay well thanks for anime!
Taiga has this kind of timeless voice that always sounds like a mid-twenties lady who's starting to get kind of desperate.
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haha Shirou's cooking music has those funny synth elements that are similar to Emiya's theme. Though it's changed now that it's a little further into the track.
It does start off pretty intense though, eh.
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Oh there's still a little synth in it. I wonder if that is intentional.
These cooking anime shows are always a little EDUCATIONAL. It's funny what you can learn from anime.
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Watching something like this before bed time may have been an error. I'm hungry now.
Perfect time for a midnight snack.
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I guess this is set in one of the threads where Ilya came to live with Shirou.
And one where Lancer ends up slumming it about the town.
I'm not really big on shrimp but everything else in that bowl is pretty good. The Japanese do soup broth and noodles really well.
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Illya came to live with him in Heaven's Feel. Rin is also living in her house still, so it wouldn't be a UBW thread.
Rider's also physical and accompanying Sakura too. This is probably a weird continuity thread that doesn't really fit entirely properly in anywhere.
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Well that's going to be true since it's super peaceful and comfy. It seems to have more in common than Heaven's Feel than the other routes though.
Oh hell yeah it's got housewife Caster too.
Oh and EMIYA. I hope EMIYA and Shirou get to have a cook-off in one of these shorts.
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Was that Kerry in the ED?
Yeah he was in his retirement kimono.
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I hope we get to see him. Kiritsugu is like the only character in the series with a voice that is as good as Shirou's.
I like EMIYA's voice. But I guess that's also Shirou eh.
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Different voice actors, though. Shirou has a very calm voice. I like it a lot.
I know, I know! I was just making a joke there.
I don't think there's a particular Fate/Stay Night voice I'm particularly huge for but there's a bunch I like.
Search [iqdb] (545 KB, 703x720, 1465269625803.png )
Shirou and Kerry both have super calm voices. I like voices like that. Thanks for anime!
Yup, thanks.