Thread #397458
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grancrest senki beatless takunomi black clover sora yori overlord 2
since we're in excess maybe lets save grancrest for jan
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Fine by me! I was thinking black clover overlord II beatless sora yori takunomi
sora yori last right yeah oh is takunomi more comfy?
Search [iqdb] (107 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gochuumon wa Us(…).jpg )
That, and it's like 12 minutes.
>>397461 I watched Grancrest with Jan on Sunday. We can do it whenever this week.
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Is everyone okay with the order I picked out?
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Black Clover! okay let's start!
Black Kusoba
ok>>397466 ep 2?
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Dungeon seems like such a bland fantasy world development. The end of last episode was pretty hype though.
what time my video took long to open
2:25 2:30 2:35
i like this op more
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Both OPs are good. This show is 2 for 2 with great OPs.
this mask guy totally isnt the secret evil guy
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Wow, she's so nice. She isn't even bothered by all the tsun tsun.
So nice she's incredibly rude.
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>he didn't run away he's just a psycho
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Captain Vengeance isn't really much better than Weird Mask as a name.
I think its Vangeance
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Astra seems like such a loser but Yuno regards him as an equal and a rival. I wonder if there's going to be a flashback event that shows us why.
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That seems like the kind of thing that won't work well on Asta.
Most things in this magic-based world probably won't work well on Asta.
Battle maniac
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he is kinda wwwwwwwwwwcrazy okay overlord 2 where is bang he probably wants to watch this too no sign of bang? oh there he is okay lets start!
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>When you're on this many layers of BATTORU
sorry things got intense i'm here almost just loading okay ready
not the lizardmen !!!
Lizardpeople did nothing wrong.
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Time for a transparent info dump to the viewer.
Laser tail
i want a laser tail
A pet hydra, eh.
i want a pet hydra
Lot of mouths to feed.
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As neat as this is, I want to get back to Overlord!
If my scant check-ins on Overlord threads in the past are any indication, we're going to have a lot of lizard people in the immediate future though
the two storylines will surely meet up
based on the opening it seems like a big war its gonna happen between everyone
he wants to mate
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Wow, he's forward.
Wow guy.
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wow these are some horny lizards.
They're still young. Probably.
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I hope they get to the point with the lizards soon. I at least want to know why this is relevant to the rest of the series.
She's sort of a proper druid now.
I would be okay with the two plotlines taking a few more episodes to intersect it's not so great if they just immediately integrate them
also i wonder if they'll assemble a group of 5 heroes one from each tribe
Maybe Zaryusu is gonna get him a harem of girls from all the tribes.
MAN i'm actually mostly upset i don't get to see these two engage in glorious combat
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Oh, the ED has a lot of lizards in it.
>a near-outsider from one lizard tribe walks up to another lizard tribe to engage in diplomacy with entire civilizations at stake >immediately asks the leader of the other tribe to marry
The illustrations in this ED are really, really good. But I guess the original illustrations of Overlord are gorgeous so it's to be expected.
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okay beatless!
i can't find this one
oh there it is have to DL should be like 5 mins tops
Yeah Beatless is another Amazon show.
okay i have it i said 5 minutes and it only took 3 haha
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beatless okay let's start!
oh boy exblosions
Well okay.
Woah that's some kind of TECHNOLOGY.
Well okay.
is this going to be the season of roboobs and robutts beyond measure
Are there a lot of robots this season?
also has sexualized robots
Oh i guess that's true. FranXX are inhuman enough that I didn't really make the distinction.
whoakun certainly did
Woah is a fucking degenerate though.
Cool girls don't look at explosions.
Wow he's buying it too. Hah hah that's some really futuristic self-checkout.
Oh no.
Well this got sci-fi horror all of a suddent.
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Geez fucking louise.
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Oh, she's a robot.
He called her one earlier but yeah. She was pretty indistinguishable from one until her voice got all metal-y.
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I originally thought this was going to be about bands or something based off the name.
I knew it was going to be normal boy meets weird girl because that's how all these shows that get Redjuice illustrations end up being. But I guess I didn't quite expect this kind of technocracy.
See it's even kind of retreading the same ground as episode one of Guilty Crown.
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Wow, a cute girl appeared and asked him to be her owner.
Oh well that's one of the less lewd ways of getting biometrics they could have used I guess.
Also this music is really kind of out of the emotional tone of the dialogue here.
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when your girlfriend comes with a ToS
That's a cool gun though.
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It's the keikaku fairy. She has double the number of eyebrows that a person should have.
She's pretty good at lying for a robot.
>I mean, finders keepers, right?
I guess being robo-sexual runs in his family or something.
Well I don't really know what I expected but that wasn't really what I was expecting.
i thought that was a really bland ep 1
i think i'll like this maybe
It's animated by diomedia so maybe we'll get a weird total trainwreck of a show by the end of the series. They're good at that.
I also didn't expect her to be so socially-pleasant after that long, wordy introduction. Usually the main characters in shows like this are kind of Rei-clone-y.
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Too early to call. A premise like this could go anywhere.
>What would you use me for, owner?
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I guess robot figured er figures out that she has a soul is going to be one of the plot lines. okay sori yora will bang be joining us for this? okay lets start!
Robutts can be people too! He watched it last time so I figure.
>I could die right now I know how that feels, girl.
this OP is nice
This is a pretty musical show in general. I like it.
Wow they're bullying KanaHana now.
This idol-y girl is kind of dead inside.
FormerRei@mobile 2018/01/17 (水) 06:52 No. 397598
I'd bully KanaHana if you know what I mean.
>I'm borrowing your sandals But then what did she walk to the house in.
Dame desu yo
>Can you be attractive? Wow lady that shortstack is plenty cute.
The characters in this show are really fun.
Bluff Level: Zero
These three are real troublemakers.
Oh it was just a dream.
This is such a feel-good series. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
What, only -10C in Antarctica? It got even colder than that up here.
look how hype she is
>I could just die right now >Before becoming one of the first high schoolers to see the Southern Lights
what's the name of the last one? like the whole name
Shiraishi...Yukina? I can't remember her given name but her family name is Shiraishi.
no the show
Oh.>>397617 It's really well-encoded so it shouldn't take long to get.
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takunomi!>>397617 hurry and find it! okay lets start
and of course i don't find it
oh she's cute already
oh she's ALSO cute
Kuuru byuuti
so far she's the least cute
I guess sharehouse is what they call a bunch of roommates to a house or something.
the helpful girl from the station is going to be a roommate
This one reminds me a good bit of Kou from New Game!>>397633 I mean they're everywhere I'd expect. They've got a particular name for it though.
they have apartments like that here too
is this show going to be about alcoholism did yebisu fund this
This woman is really into her beer-pouring.
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Yeah, she looks a lot like Kou. She doesn't really act like her though.
>>397634 Yeah it's going to be a bunch of young women sitting around drinking all episode.
guess that's fine with me
avacado and tuna that sounds dope
tempura is the shit
uh oh
my tooth needs to stop coming in now please
These are some pretty snazzy drinking snacks.
those DO sound like lovely jobs but everyone comes to loath their job
Took me about two weeks this time around.
i still love my job sometimes it's frustrating and i was very upset when the conditions were wrong but now is fine
FormerRei@mobile 2018/01/17 (水) 07:24 No. 397649
What if your job was just aligning sights on guns?
so is there going to be other brands in other episodes or is yebisu going to own this show
It looks like next episode is going to be about highballs. So they'll have an assortment of drinks they drink.
yuri vibes stronk
All the girls in this show are kind of blushy but the MC is super blushy.
alcoholism is real
You've got to be able to handle your liquor!
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thanks for anime!
that show was pretty fun
Cute Women Doing Cute Things Anime is truly evolving every year.
there's a lot of cute girls this season
That's kind of true every season but this season is pretty good for it, yeah.