Thread #375713
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That "anime" took forever!
UQ holder youkai apt souma two car fate kino umaru boku no bitch
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oh actually fate isn't on the list tonight. But 3 gatsu is.
Was reading it before it was cool! But his choice in girl is crap! The eldest one is best.
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Just waiting on Tilde.
You didn't link the thread in the main thread again.
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Oh, I guess that's true. I mentioned it but neglected to link it, sorry. i'm thinking UQ holder 3 gatsu kino umaru are we on umaru 11 or 12? 11 I think?
Yeah, I think that's correct. I think there's two episodes of it on the pile.
lets mahou
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okay I think we're UQ holder 12>>375764 Is Jan around?
i dont know
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Let's UQ holder now and see if Jan shows up later. UQ 12 okay lets start
i just received your message i will join you afterwards
Yuukyuu horuda
Rakan was a great character.
Even as a sort of good guy, Fate sounds a bit like an evildoer.
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Well Fate has always been like that. I'm sure they'll save Negi in the end.
Lightning God one-on-one.
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Kirie is having a tough time.
Oh like we had to see this twice.
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Some of the girls are in two places at once.
Well okay.
>Cheerfully reminiscing about being stripped naked
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sasuga ken
Oh no.
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okay let's find Jan and do mahou!
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maybe he's here mahou just need Ika. okay let's start
Bubble bubble, toil and trouble
maybe huh
yas>>375848 never fear i have arrived
More elfsong.
this anime is really atmospheric i like it
oh she entered the weapon world we disgaea now
Staves are probably a pretty useless thing to level up.
Wow she's making magic.
i feel like she should be sealing clow cards with that wand
It's a pretty cardcaptors-y wand isn't it.
This is a really end of show-y finale despite the show being two-cour.
turning into a badass phoenix and riding into the sun is a pretty good way to break your magic wand in
did anyone else think the spinning thing really didnt have to last that long
Probably not.
>>375914 i can only imagine how much money they are saving on this episode
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this is really similar to something that happened earlier in the series
Yeah, she keeps falling into Elias' arms.
>In just two days It really does keep happening.
that felt like a finale
Yeah, that's what I was saying. But the show is two-cour.
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Well, at least we're getting more. okay 3 gatsu? okay let's start!
thanks aomine happy christmas
They always bully Shimada. He doesn't deserve this suffering.
so hes gonna fight the last boss in a show match right
Seems like it. I wonder how hard he'll get thrashed.
Shimada's lived a rough life.
this guy has cool moves
This plain looking guy is a bit of a chuuni.
These two ojii-san are actually huge experts in shogi despite acting like goofs a lot. They've done stuff like this before.
poor chuuni guy's friend he was so optimistic
Oh if he's teaching the principal shogi, he'll always have a club at least.
poor kiriyama
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oaky umaru 11! I guess the parent teacher conference is going to happen in 3gatsu soon.
Okay Umaru?
I hope they destroy that pathetic teacher
oh oops i closed my post Umaru 11 okay we're all orange lets start
They ran in to each other at their friends' house.
Bomba ends up being a pretty good onii-chan.
Also I always thought the Tanukichi nickname was because she's like a tanuki with how she transforms from being a perfect high school girl to a worthless blob.
i like brunette and oniisan
Tanoshiki naku naku nai
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thanks for anime!
Yup, thanks.