Thread #367404
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I'm here.
I like anime
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gimme just a sec to make the list gotta finish something up
we have 2 mahou episodes
whoa how did i know
mahou x2 two car kekkai sensen souma blend S yuki yuuna no not that love live ballroom FATE? oh caps boku no bitch okay i think that's it
lets do 4-5 shows
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If everyone is willing to do 5 we can do mahou mahou kekkai ballroom blend S
hmm maybe just 4 i dont know what do people what to do want*
I can do five.
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I want to do five.
ok lets go>>367411 ready up
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is jan okay with doing all this stuff?
yes i would like to watch all of that i am downloading mahoutsukai right now.
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I belive it's mahou 10 we're starting at.
okay I have 10 ready now I am getting strangely slow download speeds is this what losing net neutrality means only downloading anime at 5MiB/s >>367418 we did it reddit
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i had bad download speeds early this week okay let's mahou 10 okay everyone is ready let's start!
oh no not the pups
what time
exactly 1 minute
0:50 0:55 1:00
i love this opening
i like the opening of the opening
the rest of it is great too
>each torrent limited to 5MB/s AT&T please no
tonights shows are like my favourite
Dragons sure grow fast.
i thought it'd be the opposite
dragons usually live a long time and take a long time to grow stereotypically
this show is so magical
that was a weird looking transformation
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His skull face is really expressive.
it never changes it's just his body language not his face
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that's quite a few scrapes
this isn't a bedtime story you liar it's a history lesson
Plenty of bedtime stories are history lessons.
so when did he decide to make himself look more human
he was just born yesterday and you're playing tricks on him that's low
How tsundere
that was fast
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mahou ep 11! okay lets start!
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it's like a double feature! wow, so fast! rika probably isn't even ready yet!
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press done!
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was that english floating text in my anime
All the episodes titles for this show have been in English.
i guess I never paid attention to it before!
god dammit elias stop bullying the animals
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He's kinda cute when he's little.
even when he's hidden he still scares kids
Elias really lost it.
i dunno he stopped pretty fast when he was asked to not kill everyone
if they had just been a little more polite instead of throwing rocks because he looks funny everything would be fine
so elias watched him do magic and cook once and learned how to do it?
unlimited bangarang 2017/12/17 (日) 06:57 No. 367480
I'm here before blend-s but my friend says not to watch it until i can watch it with them
>>367480 well who would you rather watch it with your friend or some guys on /moe/
>>367479 i guess he's only naturally good at magic
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>>367480 Get her to watch it with us then!
>>367480 >>367486 yeah just text her a link to this very thread
and then she will know you go by the online username unlimited bangarang
How romantic.
this anime should keep going forever
unfortunately all good things come to an end kekkai?
Search [iqdb] (55 KB, 1280x720, [Mezashite] Aikatsu! - 19 [720(…).jpg )
okay kekkai oaky lets start!
hai>>367512 bur
the monkey has been in a lot of episodes this season he's even in the OP
please ika
Oh SHIT it's Black.
wow leo got read like a book
I mean Black's literally a psychic or something it's not exactly fair.
oh no
is she being mind controlled
I'd imagine it's more likely to just be someone seducing her.
just how many people are spying on leo
everyone wants to meet imouto-chan
All of fucking Libra it seems like. I guess the world doesn't need immediate saving at the moment.
meanwhile downtown jerusalem's lot is being blown the fuck up
Leo is a good kid.
that is a difficult name to pronounce in japanese
Leo's sister is a bit more spunky than I expected.
she's got pep in her inability to step
Poor Leo. He never catches a break.
what the fuck
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Some crazy stuff is happening.
huh he only has one
so anyone with the eyes can see everything the eye owners have seen?
Wow dude that's rude.
Damnit Zapp.
oh this is a two parter
We're at the end of the season. Such is life.
why does dr. seuss want another eye is one eye not enough to control shit enough
Oh Carnage is wrecking shit in NYC.
looks like stuff remains undestroyed no longer than 5 or 10 minutes in new york these days
does libra ever actually sleep do the creatures from beyond have an agreed curfew can't fuck shit up after 11pm
lieutenant law is too hard for power armor
>Lieutenant Law
>>367544 You know what they say. Justice never sleeps.
this is basically alex mercer
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I don't like the dimming stuff they have to do now.
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why does it dim that annoys me too
Angry cellphone typing
he did it without opening his eyes?
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>>367550 because it's some kind of anti-seizure thing.
maybe leo and this crazy fucking demon can work things out and develop a mutually beneficial relationship
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>>367553 whats the point of anime if you can't have pretty colors and flashing lights
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well they will probably relax the anti-seizure stuff soon I think something happened that made them do it. okay ballroom>>367558 I guess not! okay let's start!
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so is bang not watching blend s anymore or what >>367556 well i hope he manages to get it in. best of luck to my pal.
pl the last episode :(
check out those 10 frame breath cycles
didn't this happen with them as kids
That was a SYMBOLISM scene.
they reused the symbolism scene except now they're really doing it for real
dancing in the rain seems tough
seems like unnecessarily dangerous
offroad balldancing the new meme sport
minus the like
it can replace frisbee golf
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Looks like he got his power back.
This music always reminds me of Donkey Kong Country music.
i like this song
he can't stop thinking about dance even when he's dancing he's still thinking about it
hyoudo didn't choose dance he was born dance
what you can't activate the shoujo sparkles in this kind of anime
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wow, it's a dance explosion. getting kinda flip flappers in here
2nd place bittersweet ending
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Looks like they got the good ending.
Ara ara
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they cheated with the sparkles
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tatara has evolved from dork to dork good at dance
>End of the series >"Finally at the starting line:
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Kiyoharu is crazy.
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>i can't believe it took him 24 fucking episodes to win
oh shit
the most shocking thing this episode was when hyoudo smiled
this is probably the last thing ever wasn't the manga ending too? or was it just caught up to the manga
It caught up to the manga, and the manga was going on hiatus. The content in this episode is actually anime-original, but it's probably fair to assume the ending probably matches the author's intentions.
d a t a s s
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okay bruendo okay lets start!
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the other coffee cuties
>Could this be a deito? No way man, no way.
anything can be a deito if you're reaching hard enough
Could a sandwich be a deito?
a sandwich is something two people can do together right?
sandwich deito is legitimate
wow he looks like a made man
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 09 [7(…).jpg )
Did they formally start dating or is it just heavily implied?
jelly of a dog
Yo Maika.
Oh they finally used the "Ma, ika" pun.
oh no contention
owner show that rude dude who is the boss
poor pupper is depressed now
this is literally a date though how could you misunderstand will anime find a way
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That almost happened to me, I almost had to reset my phone because I forgot my passcode.
>hits his bag >"ow, that hurt!"
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>>367621 how did you forget something like that? was it soon after you set it or something?
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No, I use it every day. I just forgot it.
Poor Akizuki.
haha poor surprise
Being tsundere is her job, Akizuki.
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>after you finish shoveling down another guy's creamy dessert made with love
just do it dude
god bless you trap kun
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She's become really deredere.
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literally me watching this
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I like that Surprise hangs out with the guys more than the girls.
tough words from a guy that can't even get a girl to eat his parfait
Search [iqdb] (397 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 11 [7(…).jpg )
>>367639 of course he's completely 100% a guy in girl's clothes
oh no
next episode is when maika finally understands and they go out right
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Weren't they already going out?
they haven't become facebook official yet
i mean she comes over to his apartment all the time and they keep going out on day dates and they're taking care of a dog together
not sure why he is so nervous when they're already a thing
And she's the one doing the kabedon-ing in the end.
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Djr er She was even going on about how they looked like a married couple.
i like sister and surprise the most tsundere and tsundere are the best pairing
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>>367650 it only works because he is sitting on the floor
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it only took us two and a half hours to watch two hours of anime
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That was a good episode! thanks for anime.>>367662 We did it in about 2:20 I think.
>>367664 we started at 12:20 my time and finished at 2:32 but there was some minutes between the thread creation and start time
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it all depends on how the refs want to time us
we didnt do that bad