Thread #366484
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yuki yuna
just becase
two car
boku no bitch
Shoujo Shuumatsu is slow today I guess.
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To ????make up for it???? just because was also slow so we have that and it should have aired yesterday.
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okay there's ika
I'm thikning
yuki yuna
just beacuse
we still h ave mahou
but we can do it tomrorow
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yuki yuna
lets start!
Tsuki Tuuna
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How do you make non-alcoholic liquor anyway.
The tag team of Sonoko and Togo is a real force of nature.
dumb yuna
this is against the law
It's all for a good cause.
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Looks like a hijinks episode to counteract the very heavy despair.
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Oh, here's the despair.
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>the taisha kept another big secret from us
like it's a surprise
Yo what.
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yeah that's kind of an odd turn for it to take
lets start!
It's probably some marriage to Taisha or something.
Oh yeah this episode will probably have Kino's backstory.
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This little girl can't be Kino, right?
She doesn't really look or sound like her.
Well I'll say she doesn't really sound like Kino, but this is much more a Yuuki Aoi voice than the one she normally uses for Kino.
Also this is really some menacing imagery here.
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Kino #1 has a good head on his shoulders.
But a bad set of pipes in his chest.
oh so that is kino right
Not entirely.
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She is gonna get disposed of.
Now she's Kino.
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She's way cuter with long hair and emotions.
Most girls are.
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that was a pretty good epsiode though
just because
lets start
Kino was a good man.
Kino on the other hand is kind of bonkers.
I'm not entirely sure but I think her changing schools means that her and MC-kun aren't aiming at the same university anymore.
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He's gunning for camera-chan anyway so it's fine.
Hah hah how embarassing.
I mean it was kind of her fault.
Even if he's some how so technologically inept that he can't change a phone wallpaper.
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Looks like it didn't go well for him.
Oh, well, maybe he has some hope.
Well did and didn't.
Man she has some devotion.
Gosh she's cute.
This series really makes the yearning part of me go wild.
Shiritaku nai
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Someone find bang!
is this the only OVA?
No clue.
unlimited bangarang
did not know
give me second
need to water the garden
There's no PV at the end of the credits so it's hard to know for sure.
Leaning towards this being the only one though.
unlimited bangarang
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let's start!
Su su
unlimited bangarang
unlimited bangarang
i just want this show to last forever
why does it have to end
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Oh, they're basically wearing the colors of their characters.
unlimited bangarang
unlimited bangarang
actually she wears that a lot doesn't she
unlimited bangarang
and he wears pink often
Wow he's a master race nerd.
unlimited bangarang
unlimited bangarang
unlimited bangarang
that was supposed to be "hahaha"
i'm not a loser like tilde who ends his ha's with an h
She wants the Lily.
unlimited bangarang
wow that kind of disrobing takes immense skill
>Of course we'd be doing here at her place
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Two Car - 02 [7(…).jpg)
They both really know how to lose their spaghetti.
unlimited bangarang
They are also on the kind of date that NERDS around the world dream of
unlimited bangarang
unlimited bangarang
oh fukc
What is this, To-Love-Ru.
unlimited bangarang
unlimited bangarang
if they don't kissu i'm mad
unlimited bangarang
ok i'm mad
unlimited bangarang
i hate the writer so much right now
Oh fuck.
unlimited bangarang
that is the most asspulled interruption i have ever seen in my FUCKING life
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 637x693, [HorribleSubs] Love Live! Suns(…).jpg)
Wow, he likes gaudy computer cases.
What, you've never had people knock on your door to ask if you believe in aliens?
unlimited bangarang
it's actually rather rare for people to go through the extra effort required to not buy GAMMER GEER
considering most of the market is gaudy
They went from a PC-making deito to a gaming deito.
What a totally nerdy date.
unlimited bangarang
4k waifus
i understand now
my next paycheck is going to amazon
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 10 [7(…).jpg)
He's his waifu's waifu.
unlimited bangarang
l a p t o p g a m i n g
unlimited bangarang
they should do more lap gaming and less laptop
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 736x699, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg)
Don't be such a normie.
Wow their characters are almost naked in a hot spring.
unlimited bangarang
look i saw a joke
no matter how bad
i must make it
that is my code
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 556x689, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 10 [7(…).jpg)
They're so weird.
They have trouble with normal date stuff but can strip their characters down and sit in hot springs together without any problems.
unlimited bangarang
these guys create more spaghetti than all of italy
Maaaan Sakurai.
unlimited bangarang
I mean he curbed the rapidly accumulating spaghetti.
But it's still pretty disappointing.
unlimited bangarang
i understand that koiwai is a good guy
but i'd still keep a close eye on him
unlimited bangarang
>this show is now isekai
While she was asleep her apartment burnt down and she died and reincarnated in Fruit de Mer.
unlimited bangarang
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where is Aqua
>Princess Sakura
Okay GOOD he's in a princess dress.
unlimited bangarang
he's in a dress
unlimited bangarang
and that's literally bowser
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 553x604, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg)
Wow Kowai is breaking the fourth wall.
unlimited bangarang
unlimited bangarang
>her character is also her guide
unlimited bangarang
wait a secon
What a strange dream.
unlimited bangarang
this is actually a psychological thriller about getting spiked with shrooms
I mean I get having dreams about games you've been playing too much.
But this is something else.
unlimited bangarang
Cowson is the department Kashima would actually work at
>Both green hair and his character work at the same store
Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 693x719, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 04 [7(…).jpg)
Wow, his character is his boss.
Man and here I though today's shows would be a cleanse from the total absurdity of Animegataris last night.
Very yes.
unlimited bangarang
oh is animegataris getting weird?
unlimited bangarang
>her own character is calling her cute
unlimited bangarang
that's not right
It's good to have self-confidence like that.
Search [iqdb] (116 KB, 772x717, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg)
Well, it's kinda natural that she'd have good compatibality with a husbando she created.
what is this ova
>Three members of the Four Heavenly Kings
So who's the third, HUH.
unlimited bangarang
Oh there we go.
unlimited bangarang
oh no...
unlimited bangarang
oh he went AFK
Probably just that his game crashed/
unlimited bangarang
she's literally lucina in that outfit
with short hair
Search [iqdb] (302 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kono Subarashii(…).jpg)
And here I thought we were getting a hot springs skit.
unlimited bangarang
oh no
unlimited bangarang
oh they didn't show it
Search [iqdb] (124 KB, 731x718, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 08 [7(…).jpg)
Kind of disappointing after all that build up!
unlimited bangarang
oh lol
Search [iqdb] (393 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kono Subarashii(…).jpg)
unlimited bangarang
they kind of hinted at a hot springs ova
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg)
The animators forgot that his computer setup was pink in the last scene.
Such is life.
unlimited bangarang
it's okay aqua
you didn't actually have to see sakurai in bikini armor
Once it became clear we weren't getting it this episode, that's what I figured.
Maybe we're not done with OVAs yet.
unlimited bangarang
you guys are on blend-s 10 already, right?
We've watched all the aired episodes.
Yeah, we'll be watching it next anime session.
unlimited bangarang
and then blend-s 11 is tonight?
unlimited bangarang
tonight as in 12/16/17
not as in right now
unlimited bangarang
i won't be home until like 11 or later tomorrow night
please don't forget about your beloved bangu
It's always the last show we watch on Saturdays so you should be good.
unlimited bangarang
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i expect bikini armor sakurai within a week