Thread #349126
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youkai apt two car animegataris UQ holder chuuni taisen black clover souma umaru
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Anyone have any preferences? I would say chuuni taisen black clover souma animegataris
that sounds god good
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okay chuuni taisen okay let's start!
chui'>>349158 rat willl kill him
I wonder if Rabbit will fucking DIE.
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>>349158 I feel like his time is coming, but thise episode may still be about the twins. and how is that guy flying? He's just got an ice jetpack.
I don't know I asked that same question when he was flying at the end of episode seven. He's been up there in the air for a whole episode without reason.
If he dies because he doesn't see his brother's head whipped towards him-- Oh I see this is some weird Rabbit teamwork. Hah hah hah. I WAS ACTUALLY RIGHT.
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uh but how does he plan to land
He'll just get Monkey to catch him.
dragon is a super jobber
Both siblings ended up that way.
tiger ox rat rabbit
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Monkey was a good character, I liked her. She's really the only one so far I'm upset that died.
There's a major difference between the dojo and the battlefield. I wonder if it's- Aw it would have been neat if it was Boar that had been shooting at her.
For the Rabbit episode there's an awful lot of Tiger.
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So this ?high school girl? saw the horrors of war and became a drunk?
I get the feeling this is a couple years down the line.
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Well, I guess she was wearing a suit and stuff. Which is odd, she's dressed like a high school girl in the ED. Maybe she just likes clothes like that.
She became a total animal pretty quick;
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>send daughter off to war >get mad when she comes back messed up
Yeah he ain't a very good father. Or sensei for that matter.
Oh and the current-day parts of this episode are still 3DS CGI.
3D CGI even.
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>when you're so strong you don't need plans
They keep throwing that head around.
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was kinda houseki no kuni for a minute.
Like I said >>349230 All the current-day stuff in this episode has been CGI.
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I meant the part where people were shattering.
Oh I see. Well super-cold temperature will do that to organics.
Aaaand RIP.
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Did he just die like a chump? It can't be that easy.
The fact that we've gotten zero backstory on Rabbit so far is suspicious to me.
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He did die in the splot was supposed to die in according to the ED. but his eye was still glowing too.
And there would be a sensible twist for a necromanTIST having some means of getting around being dead and all.
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okay black clover! okay lets start!
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This show has a good OP.
Sassy Village
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Convienent exposition, he's giving a geography lesson as a reason to why he wants to kill villagers!
What a convenient asspull mechanic.
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I guess if she makesa big magic ball but doesn't do anything with it she doesn't need to control it.
They even show the mayor guy not actually dead in the PV. Not that I figured he was dead but I assumed they'd AT LEAST have it as a surprise
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Yeah, I guess it wasn't big enough a surprise to even hide. oh well souma! okay lets start
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He got naked fast.
It wouldn't be much of a series called "Shokugeki no Souma" without shokugekis.
Erina's ojou level is pretty high.
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Lots of big VAs in the elite 10.
Yeah. Kana Hana playing the bitchy robot girl sounds fun. Wow she just slaughtered her teddy bear.
RIP in peaces Also having to choose between being expelled or shutting down your club feels kind of unbalanced. Oh and they're getting involved with stuff they shouldn't be bothering with.
Hah hah hah. Takumi is laying on the smack.
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He triggered the edgy guy.
Alice is rather chaotic.
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okay animegataris! okay let's start!
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The NTR part of Central is really emphasized on these badges for some reason.
Also this girl's lines for the anime are a parody of another character this seiyuu has voiced.
Oh her dad's revealing his powerlevels now. Took him long enough.
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I guess he's revealing his power level at the time he's needed most.
Oh wow he was the Comiket staff member.
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I guess he knows which daughter is his favorite now.
Messenger apps having a "read" feature is one of the worst modern updates to text communication.
>Ace of Bench What a dispair-inducing title name.
>Fresh Prince of Tennis Okay. I'm done. This wins.
The references in this series are starting to get heavier and heavier as we get deeper into it.
Their anime is going to be GARBAGE.
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They're going to show us the anime right? The audience gets to see, right?
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well making anime is hard.
Everyone's gotta start somewhere though.
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I liked the part where she called him chuuni.
>Is this the power of money
Oh I see. What a clever use of meta.
These are some REALLY good 3D models of the girls though.
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Well I actually do like this ED, and yeah the 3D models of the characters are very good.
Oh their deadbeat sensei is some kind of idolfag or something.
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>>349430 I bet he's from the anime club before.
Yeah, I could see that. Or he was really into idols of his time period.
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thanks for anime!
Yup, thanks.
thank you