Thread #327409
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net-juu shoujo shuumatsu kino yuuki yuna
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Where's Ika?
No clue.
Yes hajime
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okay yuki yuuna okay lets start
I guess she's actually dead then.
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yeah I guess that's better than her being disabled. I knew she was going to die but I'm surprised it was so fast. I think I saw a few extra suffering frames in the OP.
The OP has in the past had brief glimpses of stuff that happens in the episode in it. Always been from the cheerful, goofy SoL scenes. They've now subbed those out for battle scenes I think. Guess we're done with the happy-go-lucky.
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Wow, they're making the girls view her too.
Well if not, their last sight of her would have been that shot of her after she fought off the Vertex, all battered and bloodied and missing at least half an arm. Maybe this is a nicer appearance to end on.
That priest was staring the whole crowd down, like he was daring anyone else to say anthing else bad about their god. How autocratic. Also I guess she's gone berserk now.
I guess they both are a bit.
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They'll probably get their bankais soon. Maybe this episode.
The most of them, they all crowd Sonoko and bombard her with questions. But they back off once Sumi shows up.
This can only end in tears.
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Sonoko seems extra broken this episode.
>Watch your friend lost and lose until she's wasted all her money down to her last chance, and ONLY THEN help her
Oh i guess the bankai thing isn't even implemented yet. And her death is spearheading the implementation.
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Yeah, they implement it in response to Gin dying. But it's not really better than dying.
I'm not certain, but I think Gin isn't singing the ED anymore. Or at least not singing for the majority of it.
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kino okay lets start
I wonder if this motorrad talks too. Oh they answered my question. It must be pretty depressing for a sentient...thing to be stuck in a single room for years unto decades.
what itme
10:55 11:00 11:05
Her eyes remind me of the artstyle of Iron-Blooded Orphans.
I liked that country's story.
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okay shoujo shuumatsu! i'm emailing ika we've been orange for almost 15 minutes>>327465 by my clock we're at 12 minutes oh hi ika nice of you to show up let's start!
Ready. I mean I guess ten is most of fifteen so yeah. But yeah he's really taking his time.
hello sorry
The "one two three" in this OP came up just about the same time I was trying to count something out in a game and now I can't focus on counting it's too funny to me.
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Those buildings look a lot like commieblocks.
They look pretty Japan-y to me. This room is really bleak though without any wall coverings.
The way they pop things into existence is kind of funny.
Okay what is with all these floating buildings.
It's pretty dangerous to go about driving when you're dead tired. Even if you're driving a treaded truck.
What a dream.
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I wonder how you get steel beams to stand on end like that.
Whoever did the sound design for this show really gets rainfall. This is some really nice rain.
That last skit was 10/10.
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Yeah, that was a strong end for that episode. okay net juu okay let's start!
Okey dokes.
netujuu Are we dropping altair?
I gave up trying to push it so I guess so. We're like three or four episodes back.
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I think we'll probably do a good bit of altair on a slow day. I don't want to prioritze it over good stuff. but we can put more priority on it if you guys want though it means something else will be pushed back though
For the longest time it feels like I've been the only one particularly motivated to watch it. And since I haven't really been motivated much at all lately that fell out too. Whatever.
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Well, it is true that Altair bores me to death.
I didn thate it but I don tknow if i enjoy it enough to watch more than 13 episodes of it I like the ed song though a lot
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I guess he decided to be dense in the end.
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Oh good, his friend was helping him out after all.
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She's barely dodging getting found out.
gasp s
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I guess she found out before she got found out.
This feels like something out of a game. Using a sit emote or whatnot in a bush you can walk through. It's kind of fun how they sneak little things like this in every now and then.
Wow he's messing with her now.
I'm surprised sh e told him
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Like when you sit in a bush and your feet clip out?
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Yeah, it's not cool to call out her real name like that!
I think they're in PMs already now so it's not a biiiig deal.
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He is on some huge levels of smug.
If she told Lily she's actually a woman, that would probably make him realize it actually is her he's been playing with this whole time.
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It seems like it will be awhile before Lily finds out.
Hah hah her lies are saving her for now.
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Lily is thinking hard!
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Why is he being so no fun?
Oh Kanbe knows Lily is a guy IRL.
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oh this is going to go well Lily is dressing her up the way he likes for the date that his friend has set up for him!
I feel these two are just fighting about their ideal woman now using her as a medium.
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Lily-chan has the right idea.
Yeah I agree. Long hair is the best.
d e v e l o p m e n t
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It looks like only minor character development though.
Oh shit. I wonder how many coincidences can pile on before he can't lie to himself anymore.
she got the date wrong
Come on man. Be her knight in shining armor, riding in on a horse.
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Is he going to do it, or is this going to be a disappointment?
I almost thought he wouldn't recognize her.
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That's not a bad haircut. I'll allow this level of character development.
If he likes long hair more there's a good chance she'll grow it out again anyway. Hopefully.
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well once again I can't wait for next week. Surely Sakura will have figured it out now.
Hah hah hah that PV says a lot about what will happen.
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Looks like he's still being emo in the PV, yeah.
It also looks like his sempai somehow manages to make the date too.
purple is pretty irl
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Love Live! Suns(…).jpg )
THat is a good show. I think senpai is just trying to help him though.