Thread #320443
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net-juu shoujo shuumatsu kino altair hmm that may be it
Yuuki Yuuna.
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oh good catch okay yuki yuuna kino shoujo shuumatsu net-juu
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so starting with yuki yuuna
Uh, my torrent's stalled at 7% and none of them are running. I'll be back after a restart.
Aaaand of course this episode is almost 850MB.
oh good bang is here
Yuuki Yuuna is only a little smaller in filesize than every other show we're watching tonight combined. Also my download is complete.
OKay ready?
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okay yuuki yuuna let's start!
How foreboding.
Wow they even went and picked out a really obscure word in English to show how obscure she is.
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short shorts over spats is weird.
There's a beetle just hanging out on her shoulder.
Sonoko is pretty ridiculous at times.
I wonder if this is where everything starts tumbling down. It would be kind of funny if they went the entire series with this building forboding only to culminate on the finale with nothing too terrible having had happen. Wouldn't be really good storytelling though.
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Not for awhile, I think. They don't even have their power ups yet.
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>>320476 That's more or less what they did last time. It didn't get bad until the very end.
Yeah but there was a good bit of constant suffering that happened with them losing shit along the way. There hasn't been any of that yet. But I remember that only really happened once the power ups starting coming in.
Oh this is a change of pace though.
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Yeah they'll probably get bankai soon.
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Gin is dead? a lot earlier than I expected.
I think her entire lower body isn't connect to the rest of her. And she didn't have an arm there.
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Oh, the preview kinda makes me think that Gin may still be alive. Just disabled.
Having "sayonara" as your episode title is pretty foreboding though.
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Maybe they put Gin out to pasture. okay let's kino oh i see
i have like 2 minutes left on ep3
it's probably mostly ED so i'm almost done
okay yeah i'm ready also the talking doggard is in the preview image
Okey dokes.
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 03 [7(…).jpg )
okay kino okay let sstart
>>320491 Even shows up pretty quickly.
What is this council of Black Mages.
Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
the boat illumanati I guess.
this guy might need to chill
he has good intentions but i think maybe it would be fine to let things be
oh i see
I suspected it was Kino but the shotgun threw me off. Though I figured it was her that came aboard when they talked about a new traveller anyway.
Hah hah hah Kino's straight to fighting them as soon as she got thrown aside.
Oh no.
>The machines became the elite S K Y N E T
The former prince has a lot to learn of the ways of the world.
he's just gonna keep going all stabbed up and shit wait is he in trouble
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He probably needs some medical attention. no not a grenade medical attention
10/10 fucking dropped
but seriously though that's just plain rude i mean it's anime so everything probably going to turn out fine but jesus christ
I wonder if these two will continue to bump into each other in their travels. He kind of acts like a foil to Kino a bit.
Search [iqdb] (114 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 01 [7(…).jpg )
That was a good episode. shoujo shuumatsu okay lets start!
yeah that was really good come get me for christmas cake on the internet
Part two of shoujo adventure romance.
Well that's a thing.
That's a really fancy camera lens system.
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuki Yuna wa Yu(…).jpg )
It seems vaguely futuristic. Some of the stuff in this is like that.
Yeah it feels like the apocalypse came in the somewhat near future here.
I wonder how it's powered.
Oh no
Rest in pieces, statue-kun
Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg )
It was a really strange statue anyway.
I think with 52,000 photos remaining you don't really need to be stingy with how many photos you're taking.
I kind of want something cheesy.
>Is this the afterlife? >Better arm myself in case
Kami dess
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net-juu we need bang though okay lets start!
A fabulous recommendation for online life
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I think this is my favorite of the season, so far.
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Cute clothes from loot boxes are always tempting.
Oh are we finally getting into the IRL lives of the other guild mates.
The mole she has on her cheek, from the side and from a distance, some times looks like one of those age creases you see on older anime peopel.
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what time
Rude oji-san Oh is this turning into a surprise weird reverse harem.
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I really get this girl.
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It really is annoying when other characters stand on top of you.
DESIRE SENSOR I'm surprised this sort of thing exists in Japanese gaming culture too a bit.
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>>320566 I guess some concepts are just universal.
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Yeah, this is where she spends money on a gacha and gets nothing worthwhile and regrets it.
Or not.
Is convenience store-san the green guy?
Search [iqdb] (180 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Net-juu no Susu(…).jpg )
>>320574 Probably? They're both green motifs and have sharp-ish eyes. Unless they're playing our expectations up.
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>>320574 Signs point to yes. He's the only one it really could be at this point.
Oh I guess the fat character and the obvious woman playing a man are the married ones. And th- Oh well that's kind of obvious, eyecatch. Guess that pretty much confirms who's playing the catgirl. So by process of elimination, the conbini guy is their guild leader.
I get this guy a fair bit. I could totally end up going to a certain store if I wanted to see someone badly enough again.
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I feel like there's a bit of a disconnect between Lily and he rplayer. That doesn't exist with elite NEET-chan, her character is pretty much her despite her attempt to be ikeman.
He knoooowwwwssss
>>320581 Well I feel for some guys they might feel pressured to be a little different when pretending to be a girl. Even with the Internet giving you a shield, some guys just lapse really heavily into male nature. So if they're conscious about that they might be pressured into putting the act on.
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She's actually pretty good at small talk.
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This guy knows that his friend is crushing okay yeah he's trying to help him out? maybe
The office life segments of this show reminds me of a manga series that's getting an anime next season. I think you'll really enjoy that one when it comes out too, Rika.
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Is he trying to help or is he just being an ass?>>320586 an office show from next season?
It's a manga adaptation. About a bunch of otaku in an office. It's got a good - Oh no. He's on the border of realization.
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I wonder if Lily is going to figure it out.
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Lily is a lot sharper than the average anime character.
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Oh no. Is that CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT I spy? Or is she just doing a partial ponytail.
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'Course it might just be this girl from the background of the ED. The colour saturation makes it hard to tell.
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hmm It's hard to imagine her really dolling herself up and getting a haircut since she's not really itching to go on the date.
this hsow is fun
Search [iqdb] (347 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Net-juu no Susu(…).jpg )
Especially since there's this perfectly cute, somewhat done-up version of her we haven't really seen yet.
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>>320593 The hair color looks slightly different in that picture too. I don't think that's her.
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Well either way it seems like there will be progress on the shipping. I can't wait for next week. thanks for anime!
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Also because I'm comitted to this now the phone in that PV image and Morimori's phone are pretty similar. I mean most phones aren't exactly considerably unique nowadays but there's still a similarity there.
oh my moe desynced i thought you guys were just really quiet
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Well I hope she doesn't get her hair chopped off.
Yeah I'd be pretty bummed if that's the case. I like long hair like hers.
And yeah, thanks.