Thread #318762
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altair urahara uq holder evil or live black clover youkai apt konohana kitan boku no kanojo
Youkai Apartment and at least one episode of Urahara would be nice. I'm not quite set on retiring Urahara.>>318767 Huh, all right.
I thinK I want to drop urahara it feels way too kiddy
it looks fancy but its stilla kid show
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So is that yes or no to dropping urahara?
If Squid wants to drop it, it's fine, I guess. I'll keep an eye on it for an episode or two myself to see if it gets more entertaining. What about something like Black Clover/UQ, Youkai, Wannabe Slut, and Konohana?
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I guess we did give Urahara three episodes. It's unlikely to change much after episode 3 let's do black clover youkai apt boku no kanojo konohana so orange for black clover okay lets start
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This guy is still yelling.
I remember episode one spawned some threads on /a/ with people complaining about how he's always shouting at everything. Apparently he turns it down eventually? I'm doubtful if that's actually the case.
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I think he will still be yelling on episode 12, yeah.
maybe his voice will be sore by then
He's also got this sort of "ein" nasal tone to everything he says. It's doubly annoying.
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>anti-bird what a funny sounding term
It's a mime.
This series is pretty easy to telegraph.
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The mime reminds me of the feels guy.
That guy has THREE Z's in his name.
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>all she does is sleep a master of taking it easy.
>She has an amazing power you would never expect >Then doesn't say what the power actually is
I bet MC wil l end up in black's team maybe Sasuke too
Yeah. Like I said, this series is pretty easy to telegraph. Sasuke will end up either in Black's team or this fancy pants dork's squad.
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Yeah, I think so too.
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How is he going to avoid getting thrown out? oh I guess by fighting really well.
Black will be like hes interesting after he aces the last exam
>All I've been doing so far is shouting Wow this series has become self-aware.
he'll fight his "friend"
not sasuke
Oh wait the ED has them in their magic knights uniforms. They aren't in the same squad.
aw I think it would be more fun if they were
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okay youkai apt okay lets start
Playing with mud, huh.
She was reading to them straight out of the Bible.
I can't trust this woman one bit. Her eyes are way too suspicious.
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She's kinda just altogether suspicious.
Something's wrong with her. Either she's got ulterior motives or she's fucking bonkers.
that was kinda funny
This girl gets triggered by all sorts of things.
>One person reading is being disruptive I mean, I get the club president's frustrations and reasons for it, but I really don't know how that works.
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Chiaki-sensei seems like a master of taking it easy.
He's also a decently reasonable human bean it seems. Also holy fuck this woman.
shes so coocoo
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She's gotta be possessed or something.
You say that, but there are real people like that in perfectly ordinary life.
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yeah but this is youkai apartment so she probably needs that kind of help okay boku no kanojo okay lets start
Fair 'nuff.
Wow she talks like to her family too. She really has a screw or a dozen loose.
Oh maybe it just runs in the family.
I say as if that makes everything sensible and as expected.
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Yeah, his daughter and wife seem to be similar.
I noticed that other girl in his harem, the one aside from the onee-san that also looks ordinary, has TSF-san pupils.
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It kind of seems like the wife may be the source of everyone's troubles.
Not to mention her dad has a lot of similar character patterns to the MC.
Well that's a little sweet in a horribly misguided way.
>Having to be a father listen to his wife talk sex with your father He has a rough life really.
How scientific.
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He has it rough.
Okay this is starting to get a little over the top.
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>called to pick up your daughter who is literally delusional from fever >the first thing you do is perv out
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konohana kitan okay lets start
What the fuck is going on.
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This is beyond my ability to take in stride.
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Something weird!
Last episode got pretty crazy gay between these two an- WHAT. What the fuck is going on.
its eating their nightmares
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Yeah, maybe it has something to do with dreams.
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spooky ghost stuff is happening.
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That was a pretty good episode.
That was a really, really good episode. But fucking weird. Also this show is REALLY GAY.
that was a very weird and good episode>>318928 we knew that since ep 1
Yeah but like, every new week they seem to just up the ante.
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Definitely a good episode. thanks for anime!