Thread #317924
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deecent show sto night
souma evil or live junni taisen black clover altair code realize uq holder youkai apt hmm I think there was something else too.
2x evil or live Fate
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Yeah, that was it. So what do you guys want to watch?
Souma, Juuni Taisen, don't really have any other particulars. Also moving quickly would be nice because work tomorrow.
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Going fast suits my purposes perfectly well so ika come up with something you want watched quick and then I'll make the list.
Can we just orange for Juuni since it's an easy show to start on. Decideding while watching is EFFICIENCY. Deciding even.
Okay Juuni Souma Fate +1 I do nt know wh ich they're all average
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that's fine too juuni okay everyone is orange let's start
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was code realize good? I don't remember. juuni fate code realize souma
Code Realize was the show with the reverse harem in a Victorian London with giant gears everywhere for no apparent reason. All the guys are based off famous literary characters like Lupin, Victor Frankenstein, etc.
what time
I don't know I haven't started yet because apparently my torrents are throttling again. I don't want to re-orange because I don't have time so I'll just join in when I'm done.
>>317947 what time are you>>317955 are you nearly done
I don't know it's impossible to have an ETA when my speed is jumping from 3+MiB/s to 50b/s.
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oh I'm at 4:00
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>>317950 Oh, the one with the girl with gemstone boobs.
she's totally going to kill them
Even in more casual clothes it's kind of hard to tell Monkey is a gril.
Girl even.
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She's not really very remorseful even though she's pretty much realized she got Chicken killed!
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Did she really just dump backstory for an entire episode just to randomly die at the end?
That's kind of how it's gone so far, hasn't it? Boar, Dog, Chicken; they've all had character pieces and died at the end of the episode. Also holy hell, Rabbit has some weird calves.
She actually went and died. The absolute madwoman
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Oh hey, she actually didn't die. That makes her the only one to survive her episode. Sasuga Sugoi.
Yeah that's a little surprising. I guess we're already suberting the expectations. How exciting. Or she's just gonna die at the start of the next episode.
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she'll probably just die at the start of the next okay fate okay lets start!
Ready. There's a scream right at the start of this episode and for a moment I thought I'd loaded up Black Clover by accident somehow.
Compared to Astolfo, even the most grizzled magus would be a child.
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Funny how the imperial dressed seemingly evil group from the start ended up as the downtrodden good guys.
What a good skill for an Assassin class Servant.
You know they have someone who's literally called the NECROMANCER. Why not get him to help.
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Oh I hope spider nee-chan doesn't die.
what happened to the acid mist? why isnt sieg and spider onee-chan kill
I guess it was already dispersing by the point that they started moving about and breathing heavily.
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okay code realize okay lets start!
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This girl has built a really respectable reverse harem in a short time.
Wow and she's getting special training from all of them.
Oh here's the token shota, huh. Wow he's an actual vampire too.
>The shota is actually Dracula Fucking what.
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Yeah, I'm not sure how that works.
I guess Van Helsing and Dracula are the "we're a reverse harem but we need at least one pair of kinda gay bachelors involved".
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souma okay lets start
mabo tofu
Onaka ga peko pekoooo
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuki Yuna wa Yu(…).jpg )
So Souma is going to win with aroma bombs, and by serving customers faster.
Well in a battle of commercial success, being able to sell to more people is always a very good way to win.
that looks good
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I'm sure that Souma has some trick to be able to serve them faster.
You're right, but I bet you can't guess what it will be.
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So he's going to use profiling guy to clone himself. I wouldn't have guessed that, no.
I feel it's a little disparaging that Souma and the powerhouses all got cooking upgrades during their Stagiarre training arc and ME GU MI just got better at customer service. She's still best girl though.
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Megumi's power is customer service, though. She's good because she's good at people. She also needs to have an unimpressive power since she's the every(wo)man. She's almost the protagonist at times.
Miito's got MEAT.
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The power of friendship. Or maybe rivals.
that was a good ep
>3D-printed food THE FUTURE
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thanks for anime!
Yup, thanks.