Thread #307243
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anime thread
love live code realize two car blend S mahoutuskai houseki no kuni ballroom kekkai sensen altair ousama 3 gatsu? is it an OVA or something?
3gatsu kekkai ballroom Ousama shoukaku
I dont wanna watch Houseki i hate cg
>>307245 season 2
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Oh, I see. Well, does anyone have preferences on what we want to watch? I'd like to watch Love Live, Kekkai Sensen, and Blend S. I don't really have a prefence on the other thing.
i can do anything i like 3gatsu ballroom blendS the most probably dont have tow atch 3gatsu or ballroom ronight
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Let's see if Tilde has anything to add.
Oh I want to watch Houseki, I liked it. Not necessarily tonight but I don't want to drop it.
Also we have two episodes of -wait no we don't we watched Code Realize eventually. Uh I guess I'd vote for 3-gatsu for the fourth.
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okay then love live kekkai 3gatsu blend s sound good? i'm going to go use the facilities real fast and then we'll get started
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okay love live! okay let's start!
All right.
long live
A hundred students doesn't really feel like a lot.
>Their sempai as school idols But the senior year trio were the last to join.
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They had a failed group before though. I guess that's why they said that.
FAILURES don't get to be sempai.
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What is this weird swerve into Zen Buddhusm.
Buddhism even.
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Zura must have something to do with a shrine?
Yeah I think that's why she's so country bumpkin-y.
Oh they're fighting over the song now.
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>try to write music >do everything but writing
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That was funny censoring.
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I guess this is where they randomly get their song idea.
The water droplets making music was a nice bit there.
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kekkai sensen! okay let's start!
My computer froze up and needed a restart while I was orange. Can we reset.
so wait ?
Ready. Riiiikaaaa.>>307351 Oh don't give me that I can't control my PC freezing on me.
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geez you guys okay we're taking it from the top? we're all orange let's start!
We were orange for a good minute or two while you were faffing off somewhere.
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I was paying attention to the episode! Kekkai sensen is good.
I wonder if the people who do the subwork over at CrunchyRoll get a script of the OP/ED songs. Some of the stuff like the punctuation in the lyrics here feels weird to just be guessing at.
RIP Zapp.
HEY WAIT. That LOVE piece is from Philadelphia, not New York.
>When two men come up to saying they have a baby
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Wow, he was laying on the charm.
blad breed
This vampire's hair is postively luminous.
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Are they going to get him? oh no a building is falling out of nowhere.
The reactions from the three of them there was pretty great.
macho dog
Zapp you're in no shape to-yep.
Oh hell yes.
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Looks like he gets to finish what he started.
Oh right Leo can see the vampire's true names.
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good ED this time
Oh boy is next episode Chain's episode? How exciting.
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These blink and you miss 'em moments really get my hopes up.
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okay 3gatsu>>307379 Yeah, I hope we see her again.
i didnt finish s1 yet how strong are vampires a gain
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oops i meant to be orange 3gatsu>>307381 vampire s are pretty much unstoppable, the only thing you can do to them is figure out their true name and seal them that's why the ability to see their true name is so important okay let's start
Ready.>>307381 Yeah like Rika said. They're OP as fuck. Even if they're not actually able to kill anyone they're still immortal and all seem to be bloodthirsty assholes. So you have to seal them with their true name.>>307388 Oh, sorry, what I meant was, even if there is one out there that's weak and can't kill anyone (I don't know of any beyond what we've seen in the anime), they're still immortal.
3gatsu>>307385 >>307383 oh i see
>>307385 why cant they kill anyone
Oh fuck yeah the shogi cats return.
Murder on the Orient Express?
Dude what the fuck.
>Pure glucose Does that even taste good?
The mustachio'd sempai is a pretty nice guy.
I was kind of hoping we'd get more Bump of Chicken songs in the new season but I guess not.
Oh it sounds like next episode with have some of Kiriyama's raibaru. I want Shimada to show up more thoughhhh.
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okay blend S! okay lets start!
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when you have to practice your sadism
>Something this cafe lacks Sanity, probably.
Such a kindred spirit.>>307425 I think this is the last show of the night.
how much you guys have left?
oh ok no worries
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Ninpo stripping.
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It's evolved beyond its original concept.
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wrong thread
How naiive. Fujoshi are totally aware of yuri value too.
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thanks for anime!