Thread #303632
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compiling the list is hard let's see altair UQ holder urahara konohana kitan boku no kanojo ga Majimesugiru okay I think that's all.>>303641 It just looks like a romantic comedy. Do you know something about it I don't?
I'm not really sure how much I care about that last one.
You do know what "bitch" is in context of Japanese, right.
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Well, I'll flip through it wihle we wait on Ika.
What about Evil or live? let me skim that one
It doesnt look bad its like battle of the neets
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I think boku no kanojo will be fine. It just looks like a raunchy comedy. so ika wants the edgy thing too?
boku no kanojo is probably an ecchi harem comedy we'll see how far it goes
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okay who has requests for the list before I make it?
i wanna try evil or live it might be bad but who knows
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okay evil or live urahara boku no kanojo konohana kitan does this sound good?
ok>>303667 not really i wanna try evil or live though>>303667 if we werent watching evil or live at my request we'd probably be watching UQ holder
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evil or live okay we're all orange! let's start!
You really want to put off Altair and UQ Holder as long as possible don't you.>>303664 Not you you dolt. Oh wait I don't even have this show whoops.
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okay we'll give tilde a minute>>303667 UQ holder is new tonight but not really that good. With Altair, I'd rather watch something interesting instead.
UQ is new yesterday. Same with this show.
>>303670 You've had a single episode to judge it. I feel you're leaping to conclusions.
we coudl replace urara but i think that show is probably more liked by us was the the unique one?
Yeah Urahara is the stylish one written for kids.
All right I have this show.
okay lets see if we end up dropping this after ep 1 what does evil or live even mean i get what evil or die would mean
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okay orange again let's start!
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>>303674 Perhaps I am somewhat jumping to conclusions, but I know that it is written by Ken, which is a strike against it, and that they have totally ruined Eve, which is another strike against it.
>>303686 Youuuu don't know what you're talking about.
what happened to eve i like her in UQ holder
She's the same she ever was. Rika's just laser-guided amnesia-ing stuff because she just wants excuses to dislike things.
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>>303689 I do too!>>303691 >>303694 No way, Eve used to be a pouty little girl type. Now she's a busty onee-san type. It's a totally different character.
No you don't.
She was never a pouty little girl. Again, you don't know what you're talking about.
This is some brainwashing stuff
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>>303697 She was brooding and solitary before.
That's not even remotely like pouting. And besides the whole point of her character arc over Negima was opening up a bit towards people.
she is a bit different personality-wise but I think she'll go back to normal once shes small
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>>303701 Well, brooding is probably the better word.>>303702 I don't think she wil lever go back to small! This is probably Ken's wife's fault.
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Are you saying she'll go back to normal?
I'm saying you don't know shit and you're making assumptions to justify a desire to dislike something.
I think she's going to become MC's loli stand
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Well that's just like your opinion. I know that I liked Eve before and I hate this new Eve.
And I'm saying you're completely forgetting her actual characte r for the sake of doing so. So stop acting like you know shit.
you both should relax
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>>303711 I don't really see where I'm acting like I know anything here. I admitted that I may be mis-judging it at the beginning of the conversation. Things like "I hate it" are totally just my opinions.
>>303713 It's too late I'm already revved up.>>303714 Your opinions are based on misconceptions because you're conveniently forgetting things to justify your opinions. Which is pretty infuriating. If your opinions are based in incorrect facts then your opinion is flawed here.
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Well, it has been awhile since I read Negima. And it's really hard to move forward at all if you're telling me that my opinions are wrong. So I'm just going to be quiet about it now and watch this edgy thing.
NEET abduction
>>303719 What's there to move forward on? You're not going to re-read the series and you're going to remain adamant in your incorrect facts to keep your opinion.
can you stop actually who give s a damn
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>>303722 My plan is to just capitulate! I could be wrong, it has been awhile since I've read it. I wasn't planning to drop UQ holder or anything.
MC is so lame
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That got weird.
i am your master and your body belongs to me
Did the MC even ever agree to being this guy's prison slave. Yeah I thought not.
why is purple special? are they gonna 2v2 other people
He's got purple hair.
that wasn't soooo bad like a 5
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I don't know. I guess we'll see when the plot starts. The msot notable about it was the weird gay stuff urahara okay let's start
this is acutally a kids show huh
It sure is written like it. It's an anime original though so it's kind of hard to be definite.
Title drop.
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The plot does seem simple and kiddy so far.
>Final boss in episode two
So many different flavours.
Oh no zombies.
very kiddish unsure if i want to continue
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The style is really all it has going for it. The story is too childish to be very interesting. okay boku no kanojo okay let's start!
i hope this show is more like the lewd jokes student council thing
I saw some people shooting down that comparison but I don't know how correct they are.
At least this show has Yuuki Aoi.
>His first girlfriend That's sort of implicative of there being more huh.
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We'll see if this one is worth keeping around. In such a good season it will need to have something special.
The harem's piling up pretty fast.
too fast
She's being a nuisance to even the other people in the class.
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The sister looks like that girl from the alien show.
she does
The character designs in general are reminsicent of it. The eyes remind me of it pretty well at least.
That ED was kind of catchy.
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This show was nothing special. konohana neko okay lets start
ij \
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This show is comfy.
It's pretty relaxing. Wow how rude.
This pink one is the fun sort of two-faced.
small white is pretty funny
Japanese gods always have such cool names to them. Oh she was a secret agent all along.
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Maybe she will learn not to be such a meanie.
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thanks for anime!