Thread #297692
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altair dies irae shoujo shuumatsu net-juu
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Kirara said that dies irea was one of the worst things he's ever watched. So I could go either way on that.
let me skim it
No Yuuki Yuuna or Kino no Tabi?
I wnna yukki i didnt watch kino
This is a Kino reboot so that wouldn't be a problem.
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Oh, it was hiding on my list. I don't see yuuki yuuna on my list though.
It had a HorribleSubs release so that's a little strange.
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I see it on my backup list. The script for my main one messes up sometimes I guess. so that puts us at altair dies irea yuuki yuuna kino no tabi shoujo shuumatsu net-juu
Dies looks badf
LEts start
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The list I'd do would be yuuki yuuna shoujo shuumatsu kino no tabi net-juu
yeah i couldn't finish dies shoujo Shuumatsu is also the comfiest show of the night btw
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Any thoughts on the list? I don't mind puting shoujo shuumatsu last if it's really comfy though.
I'm pretty much whatever right now.
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okay then yuuki yuuna okay let's start!
What happened at the end of yuki yuna gain Yuna is suffering alone right?
Dunno I never finished it.
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>>297727 That was implied but not stated explicitly.
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This appears to be a prequel and not a sequel, however.
How convenient.
are you ready to see these three suffer
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They're gonna suffer BIG TIME since we already know what kind of end they get.
I only remember the fate of one of them besides black hair
Another series of Everyone Dies. At least they're all cute this time.
I forgot how the show went the more power they use the more they lose or something?
Puffy vulva
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>>297740 Well the first series reveals what happens to Washi and Sonoko. It's not hard to guess what happens to the third girl.
They other two had pretty standard transformation scenes and then hers just goes off the rails.
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Sonoko is a bit of a weirdo.
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Wow, Washi's bow is so little.
Hah hah hah. How creative.
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haha what
oh yeah they had bankai i remember that
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I don't know if they have bankai yet though. If I remember it is an improvement they get later.
at the end of yuki yuna did they get their stuff back? i cant remember
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>>297761 Yeah, they got all of their functions back.
>I've been thinking of asking you out Ara ara~.
I like sonoko the most
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Sonoko is best girl in both works.
I understand -why- they're doing it. But having Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero as the main title of the series feels very distracting by now.
dont worry she'll show up (at the very last episode)
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It is a bit weird yeah. okay let's do kino no tabi okay lets stat
Kino I heard the original series was good why are they remaking it
>>297783 Eh, there's a lot of possible reasons. It's been a long time since the original project, and considering Kino's seiyuu has changed, it seems some people might've not been interested in resuming the project. Perhaps they felt the original series wasn't as earnest to the source material as they could have made it. Perhaps it needs a style update to match the modern era. The novels are still ongoing so having an anime series going is always good promotional material.
everything is wrong reeeee
sounds like he's gonna die really fast
>>297800 Thats exaclty waht I was thinking
Yuuki Aoi is doing a really good job of not really sounding like Yuuki Aoi at all.
he put him on the her on the hitlist
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Oh yeah, I forgot the bike talked.
wonder what it's gonna be like maybe there's no law because no one actually does it huh that an interesting style
It's a little amazing to me that Kino can get Hermes up and down staircases into inn rooms like this.
not boyish enough
well judging by how the town looks i guess they just have a sheriff who revenge kills
That looks like waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy too much whipped cream.
Wow, transparent tea dishes. How hoity-toity.
poor hermes all CG
time for a western showdown too bad kino practices his draw
calling guns persuaders is fun
>I was a traveller like you >Then I took an arrow to the arm
Oh shit that guy dual-wielding butcher's knives. He means business.
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be nice or else
this is why everyone should own a gun
wow a cane sword
How gentlemanly.
did they reuse that
This guy should be fine
well he's still need to do the occasional kill
i feel like kino's voice is kinda almost the same intonation and face almost always with that smile
I fucking love Yanagi Nagi.
colosseum might be an actual remake
that was decent
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okay net-juu now okay let's start
is this sword art online but not trapped intside a game
No this is a recommendation for the virtual life.
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is it this all over
a cat daki!
lazy neet mode
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So she got fired?
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Oh, she quit. Well Idon't blame her. You die if you work!
elneet wew
It's near-impossible to get fired in a Japanese office anyway. You have to go above and beyond the call of duty to get fired.
that name list is that you ika
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Naming characters is super tough.
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that's clearly a ratticate
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This girl is dangerous. You have to be careful when people are randomly nice to you in mmos!
surely it's a boy
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>>297901 a girl playing a boy who falls in love with a boy playing a girl would be a really good love story.
It's kind of interesting that they end up needing four seiyuu for two total characters.
ATATATATATATA omae wa mou shinde iru
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>>297905 The same thing happened in Netoge with a few of the characters, but they dropped the in-game appearances for the girls really quickly.
>>297905 do you think they will keep it up though?
amazing ikemen roleplay
Cuddling together in a giant anemone. How romantic.
Oh her computer set-up is starting to snowball.
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glowy keyboards are obnoxious. My keyboard isn't that glowy. My mouse is kinda glowy though.
that's too much decoration for an underwater locatio n
My keyboard has illuminated keys/backlight, but I keep the backlight off and the illuminated keys to the minimum. My room light's always on when I'm on the computer so I don't need extra lighting. My mouse is a little silly but it comes at a good deal so whatever.
oh no she left her for an esports guild
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>>297920 bros before hoes?
>>297921 she did the exact opposite though
>ara ara elf
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She is good at dressing her ikemen character though.
The coat doesn't really match his buckler though. It's a cool outfit but it makes him look kind of dorky carrying a small shield like that around.
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Her character is still one of the best looking ones though!
hiru please
Oh, the guy with the cute girl avatar isn't half bad himself.
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Yeah, he has pretty high specs. He's a good catch for elite NEET-chan. I hope they get together.
Pft what is this perfect coincidence.
the main character is fun for this at least
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She's going to think he's a normie even though he's actually her internet girlfriend. That was a fun sentence to write.
What a fabulous recommendation for a virtual life. I wish I could be a gaming NEET forever.
shuumatsu yay
Search [iqdb] (135 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] URAHARA - 01 [7(…).jpg )
okay shuumatsu>>297943 Yeah, I really hope they play up the romance between protagonist-chan and her online girlfriend! That would be a really cute romance. okay we're all orange let's start!
That show kind of put me in a Bonnouji mood. Damnit it all because of you two I was looking for it under Shuumatsu when it starts with shoujo.
The faces in this show are so potato-y. I knew it was coming but it's still a remarkable thing.
i think abyss was more potato
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I Would need to see them side by side to determine which I thought was more potato. This is very potato. It doesn't bother me though. Also the cuter one is named Yuu.
Yeah it's not a bother but it's pretty remarkable.
abyss faces are more rigid when it comes to form i think the head retains it's shape these ones are blobs that have more flow
The black-haired one reminds me of the MC of that Stella show. The manga for that series had really potato-y faces too.
but she couldn't see that first hand direction
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Kinda makes you wonder what Yuu needs a weapon for.
Whoever thought nuclear winter could be so relaxing.
I guess it doesn't matter how much explosives they take. Even a small pack of them would probably demolish their entire little truck. Those rations are a good find though.
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Good thing snow is kind of soft.
>Not knowing what chocolate is WHAT A TERRIBLE FATE.
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It looks like they learned the nature of war.
Those kinds of rations are always super calorie-intensive though. The two she's had was probably a good-sized meal for how tiny she is anyway.
but it's also sweets chocolate taste
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>Just eating snow off the ground
Oh this is a really familiar feeling sound. I wonder if... Huh, Masumi Itou isn't involved with the series by the look of it. Those vocals at the end were very reminsicent of her.
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I wonder if nuclear winter snow is more or less clean than normal snow.
the show lineup is nice on this day
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/07 (土) 06:12 No. 298001
>>297999 Depends on how much fallout is still in the atmosphere Among other things
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/07 (土) 06:13 No. 298002
Also I will tentatively be watching Shoujo shuumatsu so I may anime with you next Friday
oh yeah the made in abyss ost is out and very nice
I liked Kino and Net
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/07 (土) 06:14 No. 298005
Really the only reason I haven't done anime with /moe/ is cause my comp is borked ansld I can't be assed to fix it
watch on your mobile device s
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Shoujo Shuumats(…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (113 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Made in Abyss -(…).jpg )
After reviewing the evidence, I think that Shuumatsu is more potato than Made in Abyss.
that's in images in motion i don't think that holds
shuumatsu is very potato
FormerRei@mobile 2017/10/07 (土) 06:18 No. 298012
>>298006 Maybe I will