Thread #29158
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i need to find ika
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I found Ika! Let's all out.>>29165 We'll be doing Masamune after no matter who is around. Rook is always a crap shoot until he appears Tilde hasn't been an anime friend lately oh look there's ika okay lets start
btw are tilde/rook around for masamune after haihai
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they (nearly) all have sculpted butts
feels bad carrying idiots tbh
captain is so nice
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Captain just totally creamed him though
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The bad giys are making a comeback. They need to stop them!
future captin forn ext year tbh
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Why not just go around it?
that's not allowed you can push through the middle of it to get to the back of it though
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It's against the rules to go around other players?
only in that situation (a maul) don't choke gion
oh so you cant go around
ok masamune-kun no revenge
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masamune's revenge okay let's start!
o r a n g e stato
>Please contact your M He sure is her M.
Mirror heart
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Her plan backfired bad.
Well his didn't exactly work out either. Instead of getting some one-on-one time they're stuck in a group of friends.
wagamama is a good word
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He'd lose his spaghetti pretty fast if it were just him anyway.
Yeah but even so, that was his plan at the start.
Meido has some nice casual clothes.
And Masamune's in a fucking Hawaiian shirt.
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I like corny Hawaiian shirts.
The glasses feel kind of weird with that sort of dress.
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It's a skanky dress to begin with.
But the glasses are prim and proper-y. So it contrasts a bit.
lol poor flatty
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I bet that "boy" never takes "his" T-shirt off.
oh slut girl has heart pupils
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She's still acting like they're dating, in a way.
She wears that revealing sort of dress but aprons up for work anyway.
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Well, wearing a dress is even more of a reason to wear an apron when cooking.
is her going to fuck the secretary #lad
>normie woooooooooow
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Normies, EXPLODE
>>29216 Yeah but that's like saying wearing steel plate armor while skydiving is all the more reason to bring a parachute.
Class inchou is a good girl. Shame she's got no backbone.
These delusions make me nauseous.
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Poor Aki. It seems like everyone around her is out to get her.
She's kind of a bitch to most everyone around her. Karma is a bitch.
At this rate, Secretary-chan will start getting some grey hairs.
>Admits to lying and deceiving for no apparent good reason >"Oh he's a good kid"
he did not do nothing
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He's not very good with women, and Yusaki-san is weak to men.
a 1000 years too arly
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Tilde would you like to watch some more stuff?
Sure, I can do a bit more. I drank like a litre of coffee this evening hoping it would break through the barrier of a wonky sleeping schedule. I'm still good but I don't know when I'll start crashing.
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okay 3gatsu? okay let's start!
All right.
Hot-blooded shogi
Unexpected dramatic encounter with the last boss in the second arc of the main story. Wjat -What is this, a JRPG.
The sisters get such little screentime these episodes with all the shogi going on.>>29269 I think the sisters actually had a pretty accurate idea of the situation.
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Middle sister is best girl.
She's kind of cute when she's like this.
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>not unzipping your skirt/pants a little bit when it feels too tight
Oh she's snatched that green cardigan he's so attached to. Next you know she'll be wearing it home.
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shes moe when she isnt super evil
I guess he gets to keep his cardigan.
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He and nee-san actually have pretty decent chemistry if they could dial it down a notch.
Nikaidou is really endearing. He can get along with just about anyone, it seems.
Without being able to change anything, things seem to change anyway.
oohhh the endcard is chihayafuru's artist
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okay Let's idol jihen and end on something comfy okay we're orange, let's start!
Ending on Idol Jihen is like washing down a nice supper with the lemon-infused finger bowl you're supposed to clean your hands with at the end or beginning of a meal. Can't remember whichl.
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>>29288 Poor planning on my part! I should have had us to chaos child then 3gatsu.
Either way I think I'm just gonna go sleep.
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haha okay have good sleep
that evil guy's face is pretty detailed
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Maybe he's actually a nice guy.
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I can kinda understand why all the diet members are so butthurt and evil. Imagine having a real job with some amount of prestige and then one day the profession gets flooded by retarded little girl.
cause little girls are taking over the government
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I'm pretty sure they just broke the fourth wall.
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Thanks for anime!
thank you