I think this is so bad it's good in a way. Like what will they do next!
okay let's start!
Finally I will be free from this. You know I had to watch last episode TWICE? When I was first skimming what you guys watched last Monday I thought you'd done the youkai apartment show -instead of the youkai apartment show, you'd watched this show. So naturally I caught up on it, only to figure out later in the week you hadn't actually watched it yet.
Who the fuck was this guy even. He showed up every week in the OP but I don't remember him being relevant. I don't even remember him being a character.
I was wondering that too. I don't remember who he is. I hope he never shows up. That would be the most amusing result.
The OP also has a shot of the pervert sentient sex doll and what's probably presumably her creator with her creator kind of being lecherous. But we don't really know if that's actually her since the creator hasn't visually shown up in the series. I don't get it.
Wasn't the problem with her partially that she's a bit young. Has that issue been thrown out the window now.
Wow, she was stalking and peeping on them getting all lovey-lovely.
I don't know, I can't quite believe that anyone could be invisible in a room with him without him noticing! He's supposed to be the strongest best guy ever.
He's not really in the same vein as Onii-sama-tier Marty Stus though. He's got all this power but he's kind of pathetic and dame dame in some things too.
I guess for the final episode, he's going to take everyone as wives.
This was a weird series, he just kind of wandered around doing nothing much for 12 episodes and then took every girl in his harem as a wife at the end.
Last episode of this too. I wonder if this actually follows the manga or if they accelerated things to conclude on the Jabami/Council president game. It kind of feels like everything started going really fast all of a sudden.
When you think about it, it's kind of surprising that the one to win Yumeko's heart in the end was protagonist-kun. A surprisingly hetero end to a series with so much yuri imagery.
I wonder if this is still doing well enough to get a season three. Though any new animated material would be a LONG way off since I'm pretty sure this catches the series up to the manga. They could always do an OVA series on the spinoff manga volume about Aoba and Nenecchi's highschool time.
I would think that its doing really well but sometiems people have bad taste
>>286334 It's popular but lack of source material is a problem. There are shows that have caught up to the source material and still had relatively quick new seasons though. Just by them adapting a larger percentage of the scenes in the manga.
Hidamari is a good example of a series who caught up to the source material but still managed to have relatively timely new seasons.
Not only can you just do the trick with adapting a larger percentage of new scenes, you can go back and adapt skipped stuff as long as it doesn't disrupt the plot.
Apparently they also cut a lot of chapters from manga on this adaptation. I guess they wanted to end both seasons on the "game finished" event so they shuffled things around to manage that. And it would be harder for them to properly re-introduce those into a season three.
Also Kou is going off to France, huh. I actually knew about the bit about her leaving Eagle Jump from the threads but I didn't know she was going off to France.
Oh Kou isn't playing their game. Good of her to properly credit Aoba, at least within this conference.
You can't just randomly skip out on work like that.
On a general level I agree but this seems like only a couple days after they sent Peco off to be sold. There's likely very, very little direction for them to follow at the office at the moment.
Wow those are some harsh words to use.
Pft. Poor Momo.
Wow she's got a pretty nice seat on that plane. The planes I ride in never have seats like that I can afford.
Well, that was nice. A second season of new game was a treat.
And next season we get a second season of Himouto. Though I'm still of mixed feelings of whether that's a treat or not.
I also have mixed feelings of Japanese culture having the developers of the game having to buy actual copies of their game. Maybe it's just skits for this series though. Actually having to do something like that would be a little cruel though.