Thread #281088
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aneim anime too
games konbini that's it
Isn't there any leftovers from earlier in the week? I wasn't here Monday so I'm not certain got watched or not watched that night.
oh and kakegurui that too
Like, for shows from Monday, I still have remaining, Isekai Shokudou Isekai Smartphon Youkai Apartment no Etc.
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Yeah, I'm opening my bloated anime folder right now trying to see if we missed anything.
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okay I think we missed Isekai Smartphone, but that's the only one we haven't watched.
Did we watch this week's isekai Shokudou? It normally comes out Sunday/Monday and I don't remember watching it on Sunday.
Ok what first lets phone
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Oh, it appears we haven't watched that either. restaurant okay sop let's do gamers konbini kakegurui restaurant are you okay with saving cellphone, ika?
>>281098 yeah lets do konbii first
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OKAY oh caps i guess that's fine though konbini
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I'm gonna need to replug my Internet to get this fixed. Expect delays.
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Do you have anything else already downloaded?
Anything that
hasn't aired today. Or really anything that isn't Konbini Kareshi. You managed to pick the one show that hit snags. It's coming along smoothly though so if you want to start with it I'll be ready in time.
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Ika is very good at that. Let's start with Gamers instead. Or are you going to be ready within a few minutes?
I'm ready NOW.
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konbini we're all orange let's start
This isn't even a torrenting problem. Steam is a DDL with its games and it still does these stupid hiccups or periods where I can't get it to download more than100KiB/s. It gets annoying a fair bit.
This OP showcases a lot of characters but for the most part there's only really been content featuring the four of them.
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Yeah, there are a lot of couples we don't see anything about.
>I told Masshiki I liked her Yeah and then she went fucking comatose. What does that say about you, huh.
>Born with a weak heart Yeah that's about as Keyaids as it gets.
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Yeah, I guess she really did have keyaids.
Oh those hot milk teas are really good. Though they're more milk and sugar than tea it tastes like.
>My family used to go there [the hospital] He makes it sound like it was some kind of family outing for him.
Wow he's been crushing on the TWIN of his childhood crush this whole time. What a twist.
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That's kinda messed up.
Yeah their family must be a bundle of nerves. Losing a daughter when she was just a little girl, now the other daughter is in pretty serious conditions.
>Are you the one that gave me this important childhood memory? >No that was just my dead sister
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I guess they get cozy and stuff in the next ep.
who is the better couple
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class president and the cool guy okay gamers okay lets starty
All right.
Gayma I forgot to start what time are you okay
That was an expression. 00:50 0:55 1:00
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This seems like the beginning of a bad idea.
Yeah this will only end in tears.
Oh he caved in. Such is being a boyfriend I guess.
I totally get what they're saying here. It would probably be fun to take the piss out of a shitty theme park like this.
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I had a feeling this double date thing would end up with these pairings.
Oh no.
The imouto seems to be the only one really enjoying herself.
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>wear your cutest outfit, onee-chan >it's just a t-shirt
Oh no.
Oh is she going to finally correct that stupid lie she told him. Or maybe it's just leeeeverage.
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Poor Tendou.
The pigtails on her were pretty cute too. That sort of style is really the only time I like non-twintail double hair ties.
Uehaaaaraaaaa. It's about time you manned up a little bit.
Hah hah hah that was pretty QUALITY from Tendou.
That was a bit cute from the two sisters.
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okay kakegurui okay lets start
Okey dokes.
Those "WOAH"s in the crowd are pretty funny.
I guess it's like being the Bank in Monopoly.
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Is there where Yumeko's plan comes in?
What the shit. Fucking why.
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Hah hah hah. She went overboard.
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nice twist
That's kind of what I expected. Though I don't know how it got pulled off.
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Yumeko is crazy.
Hah hah hah. Sugita's voice just jumped two octaves there.
His hair turned pure white from the terror. And I guess she kind of liked him all along.
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okay isekai restaurant oaky lets start
Time for comfy.
She seems to be talking normally now.
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I guess she decided to start talking like a normal person, yeah.
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Looks like she is only talking to the staff.
Too shy to talk to everyone else.
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>today's special looks good >okay i'll have my usual
Everyone's ordering a side of pork soup though. Guess Demon-chan isn't going to get her end-of-shift helping.
I guess it's the kind of flavour that makes you a little nostalgic.
She's got a bit of a weird way of calling her older brother.
Oh right there was this elf flirting with Demon-chan in the PV. I'd forgoteen about that.
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I guess they can see her power level.
Oh they're touching a bit on the gap in cooking ability of the isekai and Earth.
That's a little romantic. So this hero Yomi married the owner of the restaurant and lived happily ever after, cooking food for people.
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Wow he's fast.
Kuro's pretty laidback. Happily eating whatever food gets made for her.
Them using the usual PV music there at the end threw me off for a moment. Thought we were getting a surprise bonus thirteenth episode.
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I guess that's it. That was a good series, although it leaves you wanting more. I want to know more about the staff.
Yeah it was a nice series. Did feel rather unresolved, but I guess that's just the fate of ongoing series getting adaptations. At least they chose a really nice story to end the final episode on.