Thread #276071
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arrest this man
boku no hero recreators ballroom altair I feel like there's a fourth show that normally is on these nights but I don't see it.
Yeah I was feeling that too. Cheer Fruits has been this night the past few weeks, but I think during the first one or two weeks of its airing it was a Sunday show. So I guess it airs late/takes long enough to sub that it might some times end up being a Sunday show.
cheer fruits is missing
Lets start quick I dont want to die early small headache
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>no cheer fruits okay let's start with altair and get it out of the way>>276087 Cheer Fruits is good! oaky let's start!
oh no make some improvements to your lifestyle to extend your life expectancy cheer fruits is shit
okokokok>>276087 neverrrr
Rip off his limbs huh. Couldn't you just kill him.
Oh no.
I like this princess' seiyuu's voice. It's got a nice low-tone fuwa fuwa feel.
I like fuzzy hair guy
Rifles, huh. I guess that helps date the time period better.
This ending sounds familiar maybe its the artist
oh no asssasinated
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okay let's do recreators and then bokuhero/ballroom after that okay let's start!
All right.
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So what is going to happen now? I've been waiting for this episode.
Haven't the foggiest. Oh no Papa Bear. ;_; This ojii-san author was a really nice character. I really liked him.
even took off the glove
>When you literally pull one over the entire world How exciting.
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They don't seem overly concerned with going back. What happens if they stay?
meteora please
>>276198 I'm not really sure. The series never really talked about the lasting effects of them staying in this world. Though these two seem to want to go back to their world so I guess there's some personal stuff. Even Kubo's characters get homesick I guess.
Eroge-chan felt so pointless in the end.
why would he get a figurine of his own mech
Search [iqdb] (110 KB, 640x718, [Doki]_New_Game!_-_04_(1280x72(…).jpg )
Poor girl. She lives in a world designed to humiliate her.
oh no a shotacon
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Oh, I guess she's going back to a dead world since her creator is dead. I wonder how that works.
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>>276229 I think Eroge-chan was just an attempt to put cute back in and to apologize for killing the magical girl.
I liked her too. Her and the LN author were my favourite "real" people.
Hah hah hah. What practical laws of magic.
what do they mean they tested it what if she actually went back during the tests
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haha what She just send everybody back and now she's going to take it easy in the real world?
i wonder if she's still gonna be really tanky
takarada look like he could use some sleep
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RIP mamika It's odd that Selestia or whatever her name was died in such an unceremonious way. She was like the main heroine and didn't even make it to the last episode.
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they got shipped
>>276302 I kind of get the feeling they played the viewers a bit with that. Selesia definitely feels like the main heroine. after all she was first girl. But if you look at the actions taken Meteora definitely has the major impact. Both were good characters though so I'm fine either way.
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Maybe Meterora is the author's waifu but wasn't sexy enough to be a lead heroine so they had to go with the bait and switch.
where's magane
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I guess in the end protagonist-kun got a creator waifu, just a different one than he had at the start.>>276312 I guess she's still out there but she probably lost her powers.
>>276312 Karma Houdini'd her way into living happily every after in the real world.
>>276315 having no mention at all seems strange like they would probably at least try to send her back
that show wasnt so bad in the endf
also i wonder if metera being a creation avoids the consequences of eating as much as she does
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I would think that she probably became a normal person in every way around the time her magic faded out.
hero or ballroom
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yeah, boku no hero okay let's start!
is that rule breaking in the thread
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>>276362 I think it's okay as long as people don't get too mad or heated.
haha uraraka
Hah hah hah. She turned her spaghetti spilling into a victory.
>>276367 sounds arbitrary as always
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>>276372 Can't be helped. I try to let people do what they want where I can.
Oh boy time for rodent principal.
yaoyotozu smile resotred once more
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I want to see what the principal can do. Surely he's really strong.
I don't know if it's a disappointment or not but he's just really, really good at plotting and being smart.
he's not even human technially but i wonder how come there aren't more animals with quirks around
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Boku no Hero Ac(…).jpg )
Oh no Tsu-chan. Tsuyu even.
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In the end he didn't disappoint.
As expected of the principal he was fully on board with embracing the "act like a villain" part of the test.
Hah hah hah. Eraserhead is doing Present Mic's power description since Present Mic is the one always doing them.
aren't quircks supposed to manifest later in life it's impressive to nuke the ears as a baby i guess
In terms of power match-ups getting her and Present Mic is pretty neat.
oh no
she has blood
oh he noticed too
haha the frog is ok with it
nightmare fuel
It's always fun to keep in mind that Invis-chan isn't wearing anything more than boots and gloves.
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What is this guy's power, just having a gun?
And not even that now.
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hmm Putting the invisible girl up against the guy with a gun seems like her advantage, not his.
>>276424 i wonder why
what a bore of a woman
Mineta is such a scumbag.
he just has a lot of desire i guess and he's honest about it
she's blushing
that face
This music is awfully intense.
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Too bad he's just a little purple midget.
sero's arms and iida's legs are still mildly disturbing to consider
Oh boy next week will be good.
Search [iqdb] (134 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tenshi no 3P! -(…).jpg )
Yeah, next week is going to be great.
An important thing to remember is as much as we know All Might is Deku's idol, he's also a fair bit Bakugou's idol too. There's a lot riding on this test for the both of them.
Oh yeah this is an Origin chapter for Bakugou too. The Origin stories are always super good. Todoroki's fight with Deku in the sports festival was one too.
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okay ballroom now>>276476 I don't know but you aren't orange! okay let's start
barrroooom IS 22 episodes ors o
Wikipedia has Ballroom for twenty-four episodes.
I guess his stamina finally ran out.
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I hope he can finish it out.
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Oh, he's bombing instead.
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Oh, he used a flashback powerup.
He got the dour cripple to smile. No one else here has managed that so far.
moment of glory stolen
haha that kick
Oh wow a vocal OST track.
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MAL says this will be 24 episodes.
RIP Guess he's stuck with the imouto for his partner for a while. Oh no what a terrible thing isn't is.
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Well, he is a beginner.
Wow they ranked last of the people that got ranked. Guess he really was a poor dancer.
mako doesn't look like she cares really
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Yeah, he really was a poor dancer. He did a good job making her look good though.
Oh there's one last chance to "defeat" Shizuku.
how embarassing being the worst dancer and having the best partner
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Well, he is very aware of the fact that he's a complete beginner.
the judge always looks a bit surprised
won her onii-chan back
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 1(…).jpg )
That was a good episode. I wonder who she thinks is terrible.
Sengoku is such a bully.
now he needs a partner again
I wonder if I might ever fix my slouch.
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Start dancing.
i guess there's a large bit after the ED
What a patient dad. Oh he wasn't even in high school yet I guess. Guess the REAL STORY has yet to actually begin.
is 23 his number everywhere
I guess he's a little popular now that he competed in a dance competition.
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well that was a super good episode. thanks for anime!
Yeah a lot of the stuff this evening was a lot of fun. Thanks.