Thread #270492
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owo an anime thread
uso girl isekai restauran youkai apartment tenshi altair
Yes ameni.
Samu 🦅 !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/12 (火) 04:07 No. 270497
beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuiz
hi>>270497 you've doomed us all
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okay lets do this order uso girl youkai apt tenshi isekai restaurant so starting with uso girl okay lets start
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Let's see what the dramatic combo of white haired drama girl and uso girl can come up with this time.
when is the gay end
Oh they're getting scouted.
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I will be disappointed if protagonist-kun spends the time lusting over uso girl instead of HIS WIFE
He's probably going to ogle the both of them.
>Bouquet toss Oh no.
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Catch it Ruri!
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Oh no, Ruri caught a glimpse of it instead.
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shower me in webms i beg
>Onsen episode Oh no.
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>>270515 More like onsen/NTR episode.>>270514 Ask in the other thread, this is an anime viewing thread.
Well it's pretty clear the eyecatch was a chapter break in the manga this time.
>>270516 Where are you all viewing?
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>>270519 You can find the list here:>>270499 we are currently on koi to uso
I wonder if she's going to get his first naked girl viewing because of this trip.
Hah hah hah. Oh no.
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Riri is handling things welll. She's so beta.
Onsen towns always look so comfy. I'd love to go to one but I'd probably stick out a bit as a filthy gaijin. Even if they're naturally tourist hotspots.
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>>270521 eeeeeee
Ririna's had an awful lot of hair down over her eyes this chapter.
Oh that endcard artist. That's the guy that did the character designs for The Tatami Galaxy. I like their style.
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Riri needs to get her shit together. She isn't even trying to compete!
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okay youkai apt okay lets start
>>270542 she doesnt know shes lin love
Okey dokes.
Applying real world realism he'd probably end up getting fired if they brought it up with the staff. I guess she's a little nutty though.
It looks a bit like Sailor Moon for one of them but the rest isn't anything notable to me.
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Yeah that one looks a ton like sailor moon.
Oh I guess he goes spirit crazy in the faculty room anyway.
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I guess he's having lots of girl trouble.
Important life lessons from the oppai scantiliy-clad ghost lady.
I don't really like cold rice. That meal sounds nice when fresh and warm though.
>Girls at an all-girl's school can be nasty WHO WOULDA THUNK.
This is some kind of intense music for a film-grained flashback.
Wow. gay.
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It ended on the same exact cliffhanger that last episode did.
But now he's got a KNIFE.
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okay tenshi okay lets start
tenshi no pedo
>Attendance Day >"Why is this a thing?" >You don't get an answer just do it Oh what. I mean this isn't surprising but oh what.
I wonder if the school uniform requires them to wear some kinds of tights. And the oppai womanservant ended up being a grade school in the end anyway.
Oh no. Poor Sakura.
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I guess it's no surprise that she was an elementary schooler.
Oh no.
Man she really takes out all her stress on the piano.
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You know, despite the work and despite the author, protagonist-kun seems to take an interest in the older ones. Maybe there is some hope for him.
>Maids in their natural habitat.
A N I M A T E Man I want to go back to Akiba.
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I want to see maids in their natural habitat.
Hah hah the loli basketball series was on the elevator doors.
Hmmmmmmmm I think she's a little bit young for this.
its too late this is how rika came to love BL
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>>270581 How old is she? She's not an elementary schooler too, is she?
She is an elementary schooler too. Had a red backpack and all when they showed up at the start of the episode.
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Oh, I guess that makes sense.
I think they subs try to show that Kiryuu has a bit of a crass tongue and uses a bit of contemporary lingo.
I like the priestess the most
>>270587 Lolicon.
>>270588 who do you like the most huh
Sakura. I don't really feel any appreciable feelings for kids.
>>270590 oh right I forgot she existed where is she
She's still BSOD-ing after Kiryuu married the MC. Also this is really starting to play with the borderline.
Hah hah hah. I think that was a bit of JAM PROJECT.
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>>270587 vanilla is the best flavor
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Wow he was trying really hard not to commit a crime.
He's moderately respectable for the main character of a lolicon series.
Those evil queens in Sunday morning anime are always a little bit risque.
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I think he should get with Sakura despite hunyuu being best girl.
>>270600 I like her design but i dont like her hunyuu
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This side profile is a lot different than the one from last episode.
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The one from last episode is a little bit QUALITY. It's a bit endearing but there's still errors there.
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In loli basketball, he actually ended up dating the team captain girl. He had to wait a few years for it to not be a crime but he totally did it. This protagonist doesn't seem like he'll follow that path, though.
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I dunno, Pink is cute. I would be fine with an end where he dates her after waiting an appropriate amount of time. okay isekai restaurant okay let's start!
>>270608 pink is the priestess
Good point I can have Sakura to myself then.
Oh another Kuro episode.
I wonder if she'll finally start talking through the mouth.
Manager-san has some pretty good allies because of his food. Centuries-old elven mages, immortal dragons with pretty much god-tier magic.
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I don't think he really needs any of them though. No one really has any motive to hurt him.
Well they might kidnap and enslave him and make him their personal nest.
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>>270620 That wouldn't work out well because he needs access to his own ingredients.
Well that might not be something they know beforehand. And someone with the gall to kidnap someone who - WOW THEY'RE ACTUALLY TALLIES IN SEVENS. WHO COUNTS IN GROUPS OF SEVEN. - who practically cooks you food for free probably wouldn't back down because you fuss about the food selection. They'd probably just get him to cook with what they can supply, worse quality be damned.
>Random door appears that wasn't there a day before >Yeah it must be safe
This birds are - Oh no.
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They're being disruptive!
The female bird is a little obnoxioua. Obnoxious even.
Tuna is probably a fish birds like these would have a hard time eating anyway. Tuna are BIG fish, and sure, these two are larger than most birds, but tuna are still BIG fish.
Oh yeah this island must be where the Admiral guy was stranded.
Which means HE must be the one that counts in sets of seven. Who does that.
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She's taking her job as watch dog very seriously.
Are they gonna eat them all before Kuro gets through her curry and leave her out. Oh I guess she goes in and gets one.
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IS a super strong dragon immune to burning her mouth with hot food?
>>270638 yes
I only ever have green curry at home. Maybe I should try some other colour some time.
Oh she spoke normally that time. I guess it's not a difficult thing for her to do.
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Looks like next episode will be about demon girl lusting over an elf.
This ending and Uso Girl's opening are my favourite songs right now
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Uso girl's opening is very good.