Thread #258695
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altair x2 made in abyss 18if bahamut
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Where is Tilde?
playing video games
lets watch a bad show first like Altair
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Without Tilde? he's the only one who even likes that one.
Hmmmm What else Jigoku shoujo
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It's friday so can't we just wait 20 minutes for him?
>>258726 oh yeah we could
He doesnt know how long we got 5 shows right we'll probably watch like 4 so what 4 shallw e watch
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I don't mind waiting a bit.
ok but choose four shows
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The four I listed, we'll save the newest altair.
we oh nvm
Okay I'm here.
Also we still have this week's Tenshi no 3P.
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Oh, I forgot about Tenshi. Let's get that in so the list bahamut made in abyss 18if tenshi tfw ika always changes the list okay made in abyss okay lets start
lets made first then bahamut tehe
All right. That feel when you orange because you feel your download will finish before everyone shows up again but then it stalls down to almost nothing. What time.
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All right.
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You missed pretty much nothing There was a scene where that boy was crying about them leaving from last episode, and then they went down a little rock tunnel. That was all!
this op is good
haha! I'm watching anime!
She's not even apologizing for their deaths they're nothing more than bait.
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Nana Maru San B(…).jpg )
He has a ridiculous amount of cable in his arm.
Yeah Reg's the one asking the right questions. How is a ship stuck in the side of a rock wall.
>>258762 ew anime is for nerds
the abyss is a strange thing! reg has so mich cable! how is that!
Hi Roque how has your Friday been.
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Nap time!
Those little furry guys were defending their burrow with their bodies.
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Reg has it tough.
Robo-shota abuse.
Oh no.
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It's a stomach!
She gets kind of hardcore when she needs to.
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It's a stomach ulcer!
They all think she's a fruit, huh.
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The curse will get worse if she goes up? Isn't it supposed to be the other way?
I think a component of it is dependent on altitude change. But yeah it gets more lethal the deeper they go.
shes rika-ingm
Man she is tripping balls right now.
It's about time he got a weapon that doesn't make him pass out the moment he uses it.
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I'm pretty sure that one is close to breaking though.
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okay on to bahamut okay lets start
Yup yup.
Ballgown battlegirl.
i think this is my favourite show today its so fun
Azazel really dresses kind of goofy. Like you see him walk past and it's hard not to think "oh this guy is a devil."
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Wow, dragon fight!
Not anymore.
Saying something like that about Nina when she's all naked gives it all sorts of grim undertones.
Oh fuck it's her. Only took twenty episodes.
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They're back in action!
Hsh hah hah. These two.
Holy fuck Azazel. Just flew right into the dragon's maw/
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That was a really nasty combo attack.
Favaroooo is truly a classic rogue. Tries so hard to act heartless but has a soft spot inside.
I thought Dionysus was trying sneak away from the angel. But he got all short-tempered.
Hmmmm. If El is going back to to the land of the gods, then does that mean the crazy keikaku angel isn't completely out of the picture yet?
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I can't tell if he was doing it because he was right, or just trying to save his own bacon.
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That dark knight guy is totally lying.
ninas dumb
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Azazel is a screw up who can do nothing right, but I guess he's the only demon still doing his job.
He also looked out for El when no one else would or could.
Oh well.
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Wow that's certainly a way to end an episode.
See you next week Squid.
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ika 30 minutes ago: this is my favorite ika now: DROPPED
It's pretty funny.
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Nana Maru San B(…).jpg )
That was a really unfair way to end the episode though okay 18if okay let's start
muguro is actually dead unless they bring him back with angel magic
Everyone's gotta die some day. Some times that day is in the last two minutes of the episode!
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>>258829 He is the plot device that disables the black knight guys, so I bet they will bring him back.
Huh, a bleepout.
wow hes a ninja did you see how fast he went
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Wow that fan is a super fast runner.
Some times that day is in the first three minutes of the episode.
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This is one messed up dream.
Yeah we've taken a weird sharp turn right off the bat this episode.
I feel that's a metaphor for something.
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I wonder why they're bleeping the names. I wonder if they're similar to real names and they're trying to imply stuff.
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Wow WHAT is this episode.
Yeah this is, uh. Oh I wonder if that one determined one is supposed to be femHaruki.
Search [iqdb] (120 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tenshi no 3P! -(…).jpg )
Yeah, I'm trying to figure out where protagonist-kun is. I haven't heard his voice yet I don't think.
Well there's no men allowed at this academy. But the movie guys turned girls are taling with their normal voices.
>>258843 Thats what iIm thinking>>258842 This episode is so weird.
It also might be the guy that attacked her. Haruki's been in every episode from pretty early on though, so it's weird if he hasn't actually shown up yet.
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I wonder if it's a coincidence that the hardworking one looks similar to Haruka.
this ep is so weird
Ah there we go. His imouto spoiled the game.
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I guess it wasn't a coincidence that Haruki looked like Haruka. This episode is MESSED UP
Wow one of them was holding a vibrator. A lot of the things they're holding are rather raunchy too.
Oh wow really. REALLY.
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this episode
hes still naked
Not quite. He's still got socks on/
Rock hard.
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How many boners was that? Seven this episode?
You were counting?
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You weren't?
Boners aren't really something that fascinates me.
Man what the fuck.
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Well that was the weirdest episode yet by a large margin.
How many drugs is the creative team behind this show on.
Well I've got nothing.
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okay well time to move on to tenshi okay lets start
She's...just rubbing it. Dead fish, all over her cheek.
Hah hah hah. She didn't get to show off her swimsuit to the MC.
Search [iqdb] (118 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tenshi no 3P! -(…).jpg )
gal at school maid at work hugs dead fish in her private time she wears a lot of faces
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That's a good first step. She should just jump him. Otherwise he's probably going to commit a crime.
She gets a little weird. I like that about her.
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] New Game!! - 07(…).jpg )
Maybe this is to be expected of a drummer, but it's impressive she could pick it up so carefully with drumsticks.
sora saved their lives twice already
Oh wow she's an actual dorobo.
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Wow, her plans always fail. She's as bad as Gabby.
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Wow is stuff getting supernatural?
Maybe. Or maybe she's just one of those living gods kind of completely normal people.
whaaaaaaat so the one talking to him online is the god thing
Search [iqdb] (66 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs]_Princess_Princi(…).jpg )
It's probably closer to what Tilde was saying. that girl is probably just the shrine maiden.
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Well thanks for anime. Tonights shows had a lot of twists and turns.
Yeah lots of bizarre and unpredictable bits. Good fun.