Thread #255732
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nana maru aho tsurezure new game smarphone various leftovers
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yes nana maru aho girl tsure new game isekai smartphone isekai restaurant fate tenshi youkai aparment altair
Isekai Shokudou, Fate/Apocrypha, Tenshi no 3P, and Altair.
Oh and yeah, the apartment show. I didn't get all the way through my Y's.
downloading fate so watch another
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okay what are we doing tonight? What do people absolutely want to watch? New Game will be one of them, I imagine.
New Game, obviously. Other than that, nothing in particular.
all i want is to watch fast
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okay youkai apartment fate tsure aho girl new game sound good? i know it makes ika finished a little early but it's probably best to watch aho girl with new game since Ika doesn't like it.
Squid probably needs his beauty sleep anyway.
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okay youkai apartment I'm trying to get Ika's attention. okay let's start!
rokei rokei rokei
At least they're self-aware of the genre they're leaning heavily on.
how lame
what a rude greeting
what time
ugh girls 4:40
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>>255816 4:50
They were acting like pretty normal girls instead of fictional expectations of girls.
I wonder if there's a relation between MC's friend and the exorcist. They're practically carbon copies of each other.
the exorcist is clrealy oh not in in this shot but generally more blue hair
can he even smoke that properly
also his nose is giant
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Fate okay let's start
Like announcing that you will be the victor of a Holy Grail War mid-war has ever been a promising situation.
berserker of cute
Black Keys Shirou.
Shame all the Masters of Red except the Necromage are DEEEEAAAAD.
is that a tuba wew
Search [iqdb] (72 KB, 621x712, [HorribleSubs] Netsuzou TRap -(…).jpg )
Red's masters died? Did jack get them?
Well they might not actually be dead. But Shirou had all of them under some kind of stupor-inducing smoke that had them all comply to give him their command seals and controls over their Servants. Aside from the Necromage for whatever reason. As far as we know that's the last we see of them but considering how Kotomine-y Shirou is in this story, I don't think them all now being dead is too far-fetched.
his breaking their batteries
Well Astolfo had pretty good reasoning to assume she was the Caster of Red. Something of this magnitude isn't something you'd expect an Assassin to pull out.
Hah hah hah. Oh no.
Also Alstolfo ended up being a really, really morally good character. It feels kind of nice.
naruhodo naruhodo the music is silly
So Fran's enemy is Shakespeare instead.
Search [iqdb] (100 KB, 1280x720, [Doki] New Game!! - 01 (1280x7(…).jpg )
She's upset!
i don't know the only real problems seems to be her inability to speak seems like talking could resolve a lot
who is this saber of fun
Oh no. The half-Saber of Black against the Saber of Red.
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 1280x720, [Doki] New Game!! - 01 (1280x7(…).jpg )
okay tsure is next I believe.>>256020 he's just in the other thread>>256045 he's coming, don't be impatient! okay now we need ika again okay let's start!
tsururur Tilde did you die
gonna go do stuff then i'll be back for new game
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How embarrassing.
See this is why I wanted to wrap up the conversations before starting the show. I haven't been watching the first four minutes of this whatsoever.
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The first segment was pretty cute too. You should go back and watch it after anime!
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She's blushing so she really did it.
the first couple was cute
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Yeah, though the last part was really cute too. I think that's all we have for you Ika, unless you want me to shuffle things around.
nah its okay
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okay then on to aho girl okay we're oreange let's start!
Well I didn't get to watch any of that episode.
definitely should rewatch
This gal really isn't much of a gal. Even visually she doesn't really have much gal power.
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I think most actual gals are a little more mundane than the painted whore Japan portrays them as.
Oh no he lost it.
This damedame gal is pretty cute though.
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Don't trust aho girls.
You can't let your guard down around them either. They're a real menace.
For a brief second there that was-yup. As good a present as fondling oppai. Though not really but what would he know 'bout that.
Oh no normal-chan is losing it.
Search [iqdb] (174 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Aho Girl - 08 [(…).jpg )
She's the best character by far.
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Wow, she really broke this time.
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okay new game hopefully floop is still with us okay let's start!
so is there anyone up for anime
Okay I'm relieved now. Ready.
the horrible fate of being an event planner
She's trying too hard to be an adult again.
i don't think this is the solution to the problem wow that's really athletic of her to flip like that from the floor to stand she's in good shape despite the age
Oh yeah this was in the PV.
is this abuse of power
Wow that's kind of an insult though. I guess it's also a compliment though.
sexual harassement
oh no dead yes ahagon save the day
were the subs really right there
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 628x716, [HorribleSubs] Action Heroine (…).jpg )
Maid outfits are cute. She didn't do anything wrong!
she left her uncommunicative friend for dead>>256248 .
Yun gets kind of old lady-y when she's flattered.
Yeah wow they're really laying into Kou.
>she cares about what she wears she put on a maid outfit i kinda doubt it
the onigiri feels like it would leave a mess all around as it falls apart
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haha, I'm surprised Hifumi is getting along well with this girl. I thought she would dislike her because of her rivalry with Aoba.
They're even roommates. They must be pretty good friends. How enviable.
hmm i wonder how many times has she done that lunch scream in the series
All that food she has to eat has a place it goes pretty clearly. Oh no poor Hifumi.
Also seeing Japanese people living anywhere in Japan complaining about seafood being expensive is such a riot.
it's a valid complaint
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 567x875, [HorribleSubs] Minami Kamakura(…).jpg )
They have character design classes? I guess that makes sense, maybe? I can't wait for this drama girl to go away though.
I like her. Certainly not my favourite but I do like her.
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Idol Jihen - 02(…).jpg )
Thanks for anime! Sorry for distracting you.
Yup, thanks.