Thread #253650
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fuck I totally forgot about anime
knights and magic cheer fruits princess principal i believe that kakagurui was new too, wasn't it?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/08/28 (月) 03:18 No. 253655
>>253652 Anime is a myth
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In that case let's do: knights and magic princess principal kakegurui cheer fruits where is tilde?
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What was it that replaced nyaa? I lost the bookmark.
Floop isnt watching probably
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Is he still mad at me?
>>253657 I'm ready with knights
>>253659 not sure might be b usy
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What about tilde?
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okay well knights and magic okay let's start!
I didn't even know floop was watching with us
These sound effects in the OP are new>>253669 I like it. I think it synches the visuals more with sound. Except not these particular sound effects I don't like them they feel sorta slapped on
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Yeah, lots of shows lately will do an episode with sound effects in the OP. Looks like it stopped though, that's good. I don't like it!
Good job Ernesti
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Aren't those the bad guys using his design? Didn't one of the robots get stolen earlier?
>>253668 >>253669 it reminds me of older shows like inuyasha
>>253673 yeah, that's what happened
Those maces are cool>>253674 I think I've seen it in some 80s shows
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Is this 12 or 24 episodes?
>>253692 I really hope it's 24 Otherwise it's gonna feel even more rushed than it already feels>the gold mecha has a lion on its chest THat's fucking sick yo!
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With this big arc starting, it would be hard to finish in 3 episodes.
lances > swords
thanks for anime /moe/s I likely won't be here next monday, so feel free to go without me that day
rika may be we should just skip anime tonight tilde and floop are deaaaad
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I'm fine with that if that's what you want to do. It does feel like a shame to leave tilde behind on good shows like princess principal and cheer fruits. We'll have to work hard to catch up though!
i think its finnee
>>253734 okay thanks for anime!