These sound effects in the OP are new >>253669 I like it. I think it synches the visuals more with sound. Except not these particular sound effects I don't like them they feel sorta slapped on
Yeah, lots of shows lately will do an episode with sound effects in the OP.
Looks like it stopped though, that's good. I don't like it!
Good job Ernesti
Aren't those the bad guys using his design? Didn't one of the robots get stolen earlier?
>>253692 I really hope it's 24 Otherwise it's gonna feel even more rushed than it already feels >the gold mecha has a lion on its chest THat's fucking sick yo!
With this big arc starting, it would be hard to finish in 3 episodes.
lances > swords
thanks for anime /moe/s I likely won't be here next monday, so feel free to go without me that day
rika may be we should just skip anime tonight tilde and floop are deaaaad
I'm fine with that if that's what you want to do. It does feel like a shame to leave tilde behind on good shows like princess principal and cheer fruits. We'll have to work hard to catch up though!