Okay. We left off with everyone arriving at the National Guard camp. Dan is standing around and there aren't many guardsman around.
I remember Tilde wanted to spend some time with Eddie before moving on.
I was going to have Felicity ask him if he was the murder and related things, but it seems like Word of God is that he is. It was mostly just in-character stuff anyway.
We kind of had our backs to the wall with little choice and then immediately went back to camp Not that I mind either way since we HAVE to get it at some point
>Every page but one is empty. The one page with content is a detailed drawing of a bald man with a crooked mouth - although the character's mouth starts on the right side, it curves downward into the chin. It is a bizarre drawing. a crooked mouth the bar is The Crooked Mouth >>23307 yeah haha
I'm not very clever about these things and neither is VV. We're doers, not thinkers!
We did deny the clue to the mob but I am pretty sure that they'll find the book anyway if we don't do anything.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I just figured the guy had a crooked mouth tbh
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
nonplussed is a good word
Thomas is so fucking useless.
Also the original reason we came here was to recover a book from the Seminoles--which is likely tied to the weird sasquatch creatures. Higgensworth's book was a diversion. A SIDE QUEST.
>>23330 lol what are you talking about we need to get the books to stop Archie from becoming an eldritch abomination It's a "side quest" only in that it's important but not the objective we're immediately doing.
I don't understand how a tome isn't a major objective.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
there are two books here
>>23343 you guys are the ones that get to decide whether or not it's a major objective but archie never had any expectation of you bringing eddie's tome home, he just said you might find a second tome belonging to higgensworth
At this rate we'll just have to get it later, since we can't go to town really safely. We can get FBI guys with funs to help us later. Maybe the book will still be in the bar since we denied the clue from the bad guys.
>>23336 I would have been fine with siding with him until he started acting like an ASSHOLE
What I mean is it doesn't make sense from a story perspective.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>23352 But you still had to grab a fair amount of the first several stars you were given the choice of getting.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>23353 maybe you just haven't figured out the secret of the tomes yet oooohhhhh spoopy
but also this is an RPG and not just a story so it's totally possible to complete the game without scouring every nook and cranny for the side quest items
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
For the time being, I think we're good to boat out into the swamp.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
keep in mind that chansky has been looking for the eddie tome for a while and hasn't found it so you probably don't need to worry about him finding it any time soon
Is there anything else left to put our affairs in order here. Sicily is staying, Vernon's coming along, the poor sod. Oleander is dead, Dan is even more useless than Thomas.
Or even baseball, 'cause who knows, you might still have that bat off of the thug from last session.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
naked cat squirrel fish
Thomas the Squirrelfish Whisperer.
Oh great they're piranha squirrelfish.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
also i need a quick 5 minute intermission be right back
Also Tony have you never been in a small, aluminium boat with one of those hand-steered motors?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Oh okay. Rika's pretty right; they are LOUD. I think you could have still caught attention by shouting loud enough though. But maybe motors from the 1930s are even noisier.
I can't yell loud enough to overpower the noise from a large lawnmower. I certainly could not yell louder than an airboat engine. Watch some youtube videos with airboats if you want an idea of how loud they are.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>23453 these are usually made of airplane motors these days, they're designed especially to be more silent but in the 1930s, which is pretty much the time when innovations in airboats started being made, they'd be waaaaaaaaay super loud
I definitely can't yell louder than a prop airplane. They're NOISY. Even in a sound protected cabin, you have to wear ear protection in smaller planes. And you can't hear anything anyone is saying unless you have a headphone system.
I sure am glad Felicity has the good excuse of piloting the boat.
That's kind of where I figured all the OBVIOUS INDICATORS were pointing. But I also think throwing living organisms into a whirling fan is not exactly a comfortable situation to go through.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
he already named it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
And to think I was going to throw this thing into the motor.
Thomas is still pretty convinced that he'll have a chance to read the tomes eventually. Whether or not he can resist the urge when he finds them is another story
If he's this bad with 4 stability I don't want to see what happens when he gets below zero.
Fucking charades.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
He's trying to say this reminds him of the shared weird dream experience VV and he had
Unless the other two do anything, Felicity is going to keep piloting the boat towards the intended location. I mean I guess it might be intelligent to cut the engine and talk these things out, but whoooo knows.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
surely you guys can communicate whether you want to stop or not with your eyes thus saving time
Felicity didn't have much to do. I mean I guess I could have cut the engine when all the squirrelpiranhas jumped on board, but I really don't know if that's the smarter choice than just powering through that part of the water and avoiding any others that might be lurking beneath.