Thread #228502
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time for anime woohoo
knights and magic princess principal I'm not seeing much else so we may have to fall back on jikan x3? Strange we were so backlogged a few days ago. Maybe it is some kind of holiday in Japan?
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I'm attempting to gather Ika and Tilde. It isn't going well.
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>>228506 waiting warmly
Yes hello.
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There we are all. Is there anything new I've neglected to put on the list? Well, anything old or new I guess.
Don't believe so.
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I didn't think so. In that case let's begin with knights and magic. okay let's start
Unlimited Gundam Works
>all these unbuilt kits
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I dont even know what htis hsow is about
>>228533 Roboto development
In magicland.
a girl?
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Wow, he's trying to build a flying robot already?
Oh man that reminds me a lot of White Glints design
He created a sonic blast there.
I feel all the girl sister has to offer in this show is being a shotacon for Al.
I swear this is the first time I've seen anyone in a mecha show attempt to implement some sort of ID system so they can't just get stolen by any random dick or joe
Didn't some Gundam shows kind of have a mechanic that works like that? I feel there was something in G-Reco.
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hmm Surely there are lots of shows where the mecha has keys or access codes. It's dumb not to have that stuff.
>>228568 I know that in Zeta and 0083 they sure didn't 0083 opens with a nuclear gundam being stolen Actually no Geass had keys I'm pretty sure.
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I think Geass had keys too. I guess he built a mecha centaur. That carries some weird stuff.
The king or emperor or whatnot was really excited by the design. I guess he likes innovative designs.
That's sick as yo
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Thanks for anime /moe/s
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I want to see what kind of robots he came up with. okay let's move on to princess principal aren't we missing a bunch of shows that normally air today i feel like we are okay let's start
We still don't have Re-Creators from Saturday. Don't un-orange I'll be right back.
Okay ready.
Oh I bet this is the intro episode for the little Japanese girl.
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It really is odd that everyone just calls her Princess.
Nin nin
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You can't really just jump on top of a moving train like that.
i can do that
What are they doing. Hah hah she took Ange's lie in stride.
Train pirates!
oh no
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Wow things just got crazy.
In before this is a Skywalker-esque "he killed my father by becoming a monster" sort of thing.
Holy fuck Beato.
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Robot bullshit moment #1
Beatrice is pretty great.
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>>228626 She's tied with Princess for my favorite. Even though I complained about it, I hope we see some more robot bullshit moments.
And even then, this one is still kind of bundled into the voice modified anyway. He went for her neck like a sensible killer but didn't expect her to have a bunch of metal junk shoved in there.
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I couldn't really tell from the sound effects, but it sounded like her head made a metal sound on the train wall too.
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okay how much do we care about jikan?
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Kinda seems like the answer to that is not at all.
hmm we can do an ep i guess
Squid's the one particular about it. I'll watch it if you all want to. If you don't particular want to I have a show that might be interesting instead.
try it out if we hate it we drop
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okay then which episode are we on? 4? okay episode 3 okay let's start!
All right.>>228670 Zaregoto Series. It's an OVA adaptation of a series of mystery novels by nisioisin. The OVAs are currently working through the first book, with all but the last segment released.
>>228663 what would that be
>normal people cant find it i don't know i think floating rocks over a pit would stand out and attract a lot of people
ew what kind of outfit is taht it's dgray man all over again
It's really fucking gaudy isn't it. Plus he's got hairy legs. That makes it really awful.
wonder if shes evil
what a placement
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50% chance she's evil.
made it to the top of research in 10 years not baddo
his wife is calm about this
Hah hah he played them with his fetishes.
big bad order of exorcists
they all look awful but at least it's just skin colored pants
That remote of his had pantsu on it.
that remote was wearing pantsu
Heart = Broken
>this our misson >eh just let them walk away without a fight oh they actually did something
that's like half of the 67 people that they have alive
That's probably a good thing to be wondering about. That is kind of an absurd amount of cards to be keeping around.
a headband like levi
delayed explosion!
This guy is kind of chuuni about being evi.
Evil, even.
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His shark teeth are kinda unsettling.
those are some nasty teeth
It's him before he became a teenager again.
oran juice
I wonder if he had a harem or something.
he should have kept the book surely someone can read it
what a twist!
that was the weirdest place to end it
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The ED is the best thing about this show.
dropped or next
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I'm sleepy so I probably won't be around much longer. I think stopping at 3 is about all I can do tonight. As to whether we drop it for good, that's up to you guys. I don't really care enough for it to really want to continue watching, but if you guys want to watch it I don't hate it so much that I'd insist on dropping it.
hmmm i dont hat eit what abotu you two
My opinion on it is more or less identical to Rika's.
last episode kinda ended on a dumb place so i kinda wanna see what's up
and just want to watch more than one show today well more than one episode of anime
okay we wont drop it yet
>>228821 I thinkj rikai sdone regardless
oh today is done rip how awful
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I'll catch up on anything you guys watch without me. I'm tired though so I'm not going to last much longer.