Thread #227053
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There doesn't seem to be a Re-Creators episode this week. Will this show ever actually finish its airing.
sagrada 18if boku no hero cheer fruits jikan x3
Or well maybe it's delayed. Either way.
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Let's do: sagrada boku no hero 18if cheer fruits
sounds good jikan marathon eventually(tm)
All right. In that order?
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yeah, in that order so starting with sagrada okay let's start!
Risotto jan might join for bokoheru
i hate this mc
Jealous of his perfect memory and KanaHana girlfriend?
>There's no harm in being forced to compulsively laugh with no way of stopping oneself
The last time we had a show with a girl saying she was perfectly happy, that was when everything went as terrible as it could get.
why is everyone in this show a robot
Maybe the abilities eat up parts of their brains and make them unable to act like normal functioning humans.
i will join for bokuhero
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>>227074 Okay. We should be starting that in around 10 minutes.
theyre gonna bond
He's pretty casually threatening to wipe Kei from existence.
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okay boku no hero!>>227086 I told him 10 minutes so he should be here soon. oaky there he is let's start!
wheres anon
if they dont show up in like 3 minutes lets do 18if first
Okay ready!>>227083 sorry I was having some kind of party in VOICE CHAT
did you guys know I sound like a dad
Yeah kind of. I never really thought about it but it makes sense.
why does he keep itching
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>>227092 I'm not upset, I'm not impatient like Ika!
>>227096 edge is itchy
>>227096 It's supposed to reflect how his power works. It decays things by making them turn into dry flakes. The kind of flakes that might come off if you itch at a bit of dry skin.
All three of them buddied up in a hospital room over night.
oh they stopped using the everyone has a quirck intro
>>227095 I never thought about it until a teenage girl told me
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Are they getting in trouble for not letting the hero killer stab them to death?
That's one way of putting it. You have to remember they're not heroes yet. All the action they took in taking down Stain was essentially vigilantism. And vigilantism isn't really tolerated in most societies.
dog man is right
ew his tounge is out
hes got a weak jaw hes an old doggo
Yeah I remember this was how it went. They covered up the fact that the three of them took down Stain by pretending Endeavor did the legwork.
>kids do all the work >adults get the credit
>>227111 child labor
>Baaaaww Stain took all my limelight
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That's what he gets for working with a cool guy like Stain.
best jeanist
Hah hah hah Bakugo.
haha bakugo with proper hair
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>>227117 And jeans.
hah that face
Poor Deku is still getting all excited talking with a girl.
220cm all might is big
>>227122 almost 7 feet tall what a baller
And he was like that without the powers of One for All. The guy was a tank and a half without the power and then he got super-strength.
i wonder how tall he is as no might he;s kinda hunchback like that
6 foot 10 with a one foot slouch
Hah hah hah. Todoroki is a little dorky.
hoho that ringtone
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Wow, he got sanctioned.
pls no ants
deku's hands look so fucked up
Want one?
Chizome kind of sounds like a somewhat effeminate name.
thumbs up
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Stain really likes heroes.
Stain did nothing wrong
No he definitely did a lot wrong. But he also created something greater than him.
I like this ED
Ah it is an anime-original episode. I was thinking I don't remember them putting much spotlight on the other internships. I guess we get this episode inbetween the end of the Hero Killer arc and the next one.
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okay 18if okay let's start!
Okey dokes.
oh no lets not do that
Oh no '
the op feels like it has an anticlimactic end
Enter the red doors
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Having breakfast with a cat.
It's been a while since we had a Koyasu-voiced character in such a prominent role. Not really since DIO has he showed up in so many scenes. This is a fun character for him to voice too.
why is he not a cat there
mirei kirei
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>>227166 That's the real world. He's a normal person in the real world.
so he's a furry then
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>>227172 We don't know that he chose to be a cat in the dream world.
He still kind of reminds me of the Baron from The Cat Returns.
She really went super reserved after bashing her leg in.
real smooth good job guy
Oh she didn't even get to swing the hammer. What a shame.
wow did you want her to crush her leg are you some sort of edgelord
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Because she's been in the dream world ever since!
A normal life is the best thing there is. This guy doesn't know what's good.
don't go pro with your hobbies
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I think he's asleep too. Like the doesnt wake up kind of asleep. We've only seen him with cat man in cat mode.
He pretty much only encounters the witched girls in dreams. And yeah, he doesn't seem to go out in the real world like Koyasu does. I think it might be intentional on his part. Or he was a part of the dream world all along.
oh i guess thats the issue she's really happy in the coma and he's have to break it
Oh so in this one he becomes her gay best friend. I guess that makes me feel better about the high school girl one.
same voice
This guy has a bit of the KEY uguu to him.
Hah hah hah. You can't escape it.
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It's weird that the dude has the same voice as him. I guess all the witches end up falling for protagonist-kun though. So maybe it makes sense. I wonder if it's intentional or cheap.
I guess they both have the KEY uguu. Oh no.
WEW what the hell
Oh fuck her skateboots are physically a part of her legs. That's really unpleasant.
are they?
Looks close enough.
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Maybe he is his imouto. In the sense that she's the witch and he's just a dream.
Oh no. No wonder they hid her when Koyasu found her in the hospital.
well that's something
if it were real life they'd probably pull the plug way back
Oh I like this ED.
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wait a sec If she's been in a coma for like 80 years, why did she have a cell phone in the dream?
Well we don't know what time period the "present" in this anime is.
how long would a place keep someone alive for normally anyway
The next episode breaks from the formula of "The Witch of X".
what makes them witches anyway
this one was the witch of orninariness right?
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>>227259 It's immoral just to kill them! Taking them off life support is one thing, but she was just asleep. okay cheer fruits okay lets start
Oh this little bit at the end of the OP is new.
wow she went blue haha
Wow I was feeling for her there and then her twin went and punched her.
wow what the hell hella rude
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She used a train metaphor on her.
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An rukki
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I thought she was going to be a snooty idol but she really isn't that snooty.
Instead she's just plagued with paranoia. I can feel for her.
all SR my rolls
What a total waste of kids treats.
whats with the subs this episode they are all over the place
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shobu desu wa yo
>Akagi Ann But she's Akagi An.
desu wa
hmm i don't think bringing a cake is that dramatic but i guess she would normally use the railing
An is a super Pollyanna. She's always positive and happy-go-lucky about even the most inane of things.
desu wa ne
the paranoid one is more cute
She's wearing a poncho in the background. I guess this pink haired girl that's going to eventually join gets to be an ascended fan or something. Oh wow she's ACTUALLY showing up in a poncho.
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Kotori and dohoho are the best ones.
but why?
Oh this one seems like she might be a bit fo -of a weirdo.
Wow a reference to Dokuro-chan. Rei would be going nuts.
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She's definitely a weirdo if she's referencing Dokuro-chan.
She's like, seventh or eighth grader age and she's referencing it. It's what, fifteen or so years old now? She's referencing a fanservice and bloody comedy show that's older than her--she would have to go out of her way to watch it. What a fucking weird kid.
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It's also thoroughly unsuitable for an eighth grader!
>>227330 but do you know the timeline of the show maybe it's like the cell phone ina coma
Maybe it's stuck up your arse instead.
what a rude comment
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You can't just excuse everything with timelines!
thanks for ani me
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yes, thank you!