It looks like Ika had something he needs to take care of come up so he can't make it. I have an early morning tonight anyway. Let's pick an Ika friendly list, even if we have to watch a light load tonight.
Nana Maru I guess, since he's probably happy skipping or even dropping it. I don't think he particularly likes Aho Girl? Not too confident on that though.
I haven't, but you watched it last night. I'll make some time and watch it slowly and take screenshots. Let's just go through the list so I can go to sleep a little early. Like I said, I have an early day tomorrow.
It's in my best interest to get into bed a little earlier.
Let's start with Nana Maru. okay let's start!
I'm fine re-watching it.
What do you want to start with.
All right, loaded up.
Hah hah. His mother's got a different kind of being helpful in mind.
>>214463 He reminds me of that character from that show. I don't remember the name of it. oh Sket Dance.
I couldn't get into Sket Dance. My memory of it is too fuzzy to recall most of it's characters. One of the main characters had a bandanna? The token female main character was a bit of a yankee? That's pretty much all I can remember of its characters.
There's also the morning after pill. There's nothing stopping you from taking the morning after pill the moment after. It's more expensive though so it's not really something people use as a primary form of birth control.
thicc as they say
i wonder if they selected just a few pairs to adapt snd just do their storylines and ignore the rest
That looks like what's happening for the most part.
Though I kind of feel like they might run out of material for these specific pairs if they try to do a full twelve episodes of it. They might do something like switch up the cast of characters halfway through the show.
It's important when negotiating that you're willing to walk away from the negotiation table.
i think they could tap into the group events?
i like negative girl
She's a pretty sympathetic character.
I think these two might also be the source of one of my favourite strips from the series too. It's been a while since I read it though, so I'm not sure.
this ones a handful
i think they are the slowest developing pair? though i guess the music club one isnt going fast either
>>214754 There's also the Astronomy Club duo which is so slow we haven't even seen another skit from them since they first met.
>>214760 wait arent they 3 people stuck in thr club in a love triangle?
>>214764 Nah, there was the pink-haired girl who was in love with her club's president, but he was graduating and for whatever reasons a relationship between them wouldn't work. Her skit with him was a farewell confession and acceptance of implied rejection. Then there was the kouhai which she snared during club recruitment at the start of the new year.
well isnt that the end of that? she got a kouhai and the another person whobliked the kouhai also joined no?
Uhhhh that might have been in the manga, I feel like I remember that slightly. But they haven't done that skit in the anime if that is the case.
Also Squid there's a new Kono Suba OVA out. We can't do it tonight but throw it on the pile.
aho boy
mixed feelings about aho girl
The comedy isn't that great in my books. But there's little things about it that makes it fun enough for me. Like how the OP is always fresh and different each episode.
They're addressing another one of those real life Japanese problems that's becoming a serious concern over there. All these elderly people that don't have the infrastructure they need out in the sticks--and no democratic, fair options for providing it to them.
Well he has a right to be concerned. But at the same time it's still a fairly distant problem. Even once self-driving vehicles are implemented, large ones like buses will probably require a human on board for a while to ensure things operate smoothly.