Thread #205991
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Amine Thread.
Dive!! Gamers! Jikan no Shihaisha Konbini Kareshi Youkoso Jitsu wa watashi wa Fate/Apocrypha There's also Tekken Ranbo did we wordlessly drop this or is there still interest in it.
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the ones I wanna do tonight are youkoso school points gamers konbini kareshi we should probablyt throw fate in there too? how does that sound?
yeah sure
No complaints.
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okay let's start with youkoso then! okay everyone is ready! let's start
All right. I readied up for F/A despite reading moments ago that we were watching a different show. And then had to go hunt down Youkoso.
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They're just unaffected because normies are stupid.
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Oh, they lost all their points as a group. That sucks for the ones that had self control.
They more or less insinuated that last episode. Or at least I was aware they'd lost them all because of overall class performance.
Wow those are some pretty harsh regulations.
He's decently toned for -oh she's mentioning it herself. For a guy that doesn't do sports he's fairly fit-looking.
I hope this show is good i lik eit
Oh the money-grubbing begins.
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This dour girl is more interested in friendship than she seems. well kinda
she definitely knows more about this situation maybe shes a relative to someone important and wants REVENGE
Hah hah hah. I knew this was coming the moment she started pushing him into eating it.
At least he tried.
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Using this girl is a good idea. She'll do all the work for him.
I like the designs in the sh ow
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The normies are really hopeless.
Some people just can't budget themselves well. Though to be fair none of them knew the rules beforehand, so it's a little unfair. But such is life.>>206029 The LN designs are a bit nicer in my opinion. The colour palette in this show can get a bit grey-ish at times.
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Oh, she wants to prove herself to onii-chan.
Onii-san's having none of that though. He seems like a right proper ass though.
Oh shit this was not expected.
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Oh, I guess this guy is super strong but only operating at half his potential.
Half is potential in everything. Fifties all across the board. Har har har.
I don't think normal girls are so accepting of their older brothers wanting to drive a fist into their side.
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the MC is funny even though hes deadpan I was surprised the president was a butthole who would beat his siste rup
>>206042 I still don't really like how forced the deadpan voice is. But at the same time it makes sense because of >>206045 It just still jars at me.
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He's actually a good bit more interesting now that we know he's just pretending to be retarded. I like this twist.
This show really, REALLY harps on the pathetic fallacy.
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>>206044 I would argue that a deadpan voice is supposed to be jarring.
wew they did well thats really surprisingly i thought they'd bomb
>>206049 If they bombed they'd get expelled. I didn't expect this show to go that deep into doom and gloom so quickly.>>206048 I know what you're getting at but I think there's a certain jarring in that case that works, and one that doesn't. Kyon from Haruhi, was a very good deadpan at times. Tomokazu Sugita in general does a really good deadpan voice. This felt intentionally forced from the start for me, which is why I -really- didn't like it in the first episode. But with the revelation that he's intentionally holding back, the forced makes sense. But I still don't like the way it sounds.
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The problem with Sugita's deadpan voice is deadpan Sugita is still sexy. To actually do deadpan justice, it needs to be weird enough that the character still seems like a loser. okay let's move on to fate okay let's start!
All right.
This scene was so similar to one from last episode that I had to double check to make sure it was the right one.>>206056 Yeah episode three. Like I said this scene is almost the same as one in the previous episode. It threw me off.
ep 3 right
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Yeah, episode 3.
Fucking Astolfo.
Wow these guys are dumb.
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He should be careful, Lancer always loses.
I remember hearing karma was super strong
I think he's kind of OP in the Extra games.
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>>206080 Yeah, but he's lancer. Cu is the strongest hero in FSN but he's lancer so his life sucks.
This guy is kind of pathetic.
Jeanne is so responsible.
;_; Poor Jeanne.
I guess the story of Frankenstein can work either direction. Though this Frankenstein is kind of a moeblob.
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yeah I think she's a little too coherent to be a Bahasakah. I'm a bit disappointed with her.
dont worry she'll basak later
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Lancelot and Hercules were crazy all the time.
Though Hercules could maintain some manner of relationship with Ilya without actively Bahsahking.
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I guess he was clam calm at times, but he was always more like a beat than a human.
It looks like the other Bahsahkah is a bona fide Bahsahkah though.
This is a nice Seiba clone though. She's got some of the personality of Nero with a bit of Arturia's reserved character with a dash of absolute tomboyishness. I really like her.
Speaking of the other Bahsahkah.
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This is kind of what you'd expect from a Bahsakah.
Pretty much. Bahsahkahs gotta bahsahk.
bahsahkah fight soon
Have you gone and spoiled yourself on all the major events of the story, Squid?
hello anime I'll watch gamers and konbini if/when that happens
Well they're happening RIGHT NOW.
oh shit I need like 3 minutes
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Wow today is rook's lucky day.
ok I need 0 minutes now ready ika said kobean so I opened that
Which show do you want to start with. This isn't directed strictly at Roc it's a general question. All right.
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konbini first okay everyone is orange let's start
The skintone on this MC guy always makes him look like a zombie.
It's kind of weird how this show isn't even marketing for a convenience store chain or anything. It's just celebrating conbini in general.
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>>206139 Maybe he is!
oh fuck konbini ntr
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when another konbini kareshi is after your gurl
Oh I guess they're getting along better now.
Oh it's Kamiyan.
Wow she's a subtle schemer.
it was a good scheme the japanese are weak to those sorts of tricks
>Let me abduct you and feed you sweets Why doesn't this ever happen to me ;_;
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He's a bit of a difficult guy for a spaghetti girl to hangle.
Oh fuck it's NASA-kun.
Wow he's a real sweets master.
Why is MC-kun getting roped into it. He wasn't even a part of the commotion.
>Why are real boys so stupid? >>206159 >>206159 >>206159
They're really bad at that.
What sports nerds.
16 entire minutes before konbini this episode I was getting worried
Way to fail your subtlety roll, girl.
>conversation ends >just stare at her
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popsicle sticks trigger me
ptsd probably
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The texture. It's like fingernails on a chalkboard.
Oh snap they ended up sharing an umbrella.>>206173 Huh weird, I never have had that problem with them.
oh it's one of those things I have that problem with some brushed metals
I guess I get something similar with some ceramics. Usually dishes after they've been washed with a certain pH of water or mineral solutes I guess.
literally who was phone though
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yeah what was spaghetti girl dismayed about/
we just don't know it was an awfully calm episode to end it on a cliffhanger
The show is kind of super low-key they've gotta rack the suspense up somehow.>>206186 Guys that go to highschool that has a conbini nearby and their social lives.
whats this show even about
>>206186 konbini girlfriends
Like I said earlier it's not even marketing for a conbini chain or anything it's literally solely about these high school students.
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okay gamers okay let's start
Yup. Oh yeah Roc if you've got spare time knocking about you should check out Nana Maru San Batsu. It's a show about kids that do quiz bowls. You might enjoy it.
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This girl got wrecked so hard.
it's fine everyone will just sympathize with her and MC will look like the bad guy for doing what he wants>>206190 I'll grab the first episode
I'm pretty sure that was PUBG there. Pretty up-to-date on the game references.
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This is a good OP.
>>206197 Punch-chan is always best girl.
He effectively rejects her and then goes straight back to his mobage. This guy is really obsessed.
oh wait isn't this the guy that gets cucked by MC later?
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literally ika
>>206200 He's the lame guy with a super-hot girlfriend. Who might not remain his girlfriend.
mobage destroys lives
ika please get help your friends are worried
I'm not worried.
I said friends
I'm Ika's friend! Right Ika~?
ika is too busy playing mobage to respond right now please check back later
Wow he's pretty halfheartedly going about that relationship. Stuff like that is a disaster waiting to happen.
I mean, he didn't seem interested in her in the first episode either beyond "I have a gf that's neat"
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It seems like protagonist-kun might steal his girl anyway!
he should she's VERY cute
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painfully spaghetti
I can kind of understand his pain. Japanese arcades are a really overwhelming sort of environment.
Ultimax neato
It's so close to being actual Persona 4.
p5a soon
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>i picked the one that looks cool >picks teddy
I guess someone thinks he looks cool
Uehara is getting caught up in MC's happy attitude.
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We thought protagonist-kun was going to steal his girlfriend, but he actually stole the girlfriend's boyfriend!
What a shocking twist. Blonde totally got shafted. It's almost comical.
>ditch your girlfriend for hours >ten seconds after she finds you ditch her again this guy might actually know what he's doing
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I bet Ika is pretty excited by all this!
this is funny
>>206226 rika you mena
This episode swerved hard into a sideroad I wasn't expecting it to take.
Oh I'm liking Uehara more and more. Shame he's gonna lose his super cute girlfriend because he's apathetic.
it looked like in that flashback he could still be thinking about some other girl or maybe he's gay
Holy shit MC don't go psycho all of a sudden.
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Ika did that to me when I told he told him he was spending too much on granblue.
He dangled you off a freeway overpass?
Wow she's a total lost cause.
she's fun
yo that arm reach
This poor guy. He's been throttled hard by two different people within ten minutes of each other.
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Wow that blonde girl broke quick.
I guess he's not the only one that reinvented himself for a high school debut. It also means she knows his DARK SECRETS.
here comes the cuckin
oh no wait it was her she should have left her hair black I think it's cuter
Yeah man that's what I meant but TWIST.
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WOW she was a nerd but she gal'd herself up to have her high school debut because he got cool. wow This is the ship! I hope that he doesn't get cucked now. wow!
Yeah she'd look way cuter with black hair. Hah hah he's freaking the fuck out now.
Man this poor fucking guy. He had such a stressful afternoon.
>>206262 yeah I want these two to stay together now this is some red string shit
To the total strangers in their class the MC must be some kind of weird anomaly of strangeness. Everyone who they figure to be normal or "fitting in" just go totally weird around him.
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He seemed like an asshole in the first episode but now we know he's a nice guy! This is a good show.
yeah this is good so far I wasn't going to watch it based off the premise but I'm glad I tried it
He struck me as the dorky kind of asshole in the first asshole. I like that he came 'round to be less of an asshole and more of a dork this episode.
First episode, not first asshole. Multitasking is hard.
this show is good
Oh man she is TOTALLY gone.
oh fuck SHE'S the one getting cucked
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another nice end card
This show is a lot of fun.
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this girl is BROKEN
>>206287 It's fun to see her completely off the deepend isn't it.
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no chance
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hmm the short haired girl in the ED has the same hair and eye color as his granblue buddy. Is she going to have an image change?
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>>206291 Oh that's definitely possible.
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wait but isn't this her in present day? I guess she might cut it soon though
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She has the same eyes and hair color. It's hard to imagine her being this not-gloomy though. But I guess we don't really know her personality yet.
Man that episode took all the stuff they kind of laid the groundwork for in episode one and just went FULL-THROTTLE with it all. That sort of thing is really exciting.>>206295 Without the shadow from her overgrown hair over her face I figure she'll look a lot more cheerful. But she's got the same eye COLOURS even, not just single eye colour. Plus the same ribbon. I dunno though maybe they're sisters.
well I kind of like her messy gloomy hair but if she still looks pretty cute with it cut and either way pinku and fighting game-chan are cuter so I don't mind whichever way it ends up
I like messy hair but when it starts to look all twisted and grungy I start to get a bit iffy on it. I also hope there's a future in this series that involves Pinku going back to her black hair.