Thread #196207
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Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 1280x720, [Doki] New Game!! - 01 (1280x7(…).jpg )
isekai smartphone aho girl tsureze children nana maru tenshi no 3p keppeki danshi action heroine cheer fruits jikan no shishiaha
How many shows do you have time for this evening, Squid?
het hmmm 3 of 4 4 if shorts for sure maybe 5 possibly not rewlly We have 10 shows>>196217 jikan yes>>196219 oh its 9 im stupid
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 692x719, [Doki] New Game!! - 01 (1280x7(…).jpg )
if I were putting the list together I would want to do jikan no shishia (that's what ika wanted to watch right) or was it tenshi no 3p okay so the list i would do jikan ago girl/tsureze isekai smartphone action heroine cheer fruits
>>196216 What's the tenth, if we count Kakegurui?
lets start jikan
Ready.>>196222 I wouldn't mind subbing in Kakegurui for one of those shows but other than that, no qualms. As long as we keep up with Kakegurui though, I'm satisfied.
Search [iqdb] (111 KB, 827x720, [Doki] New Game!! - 01 (1280x7(…).jpg )
oh, is my list approved? jikan we're all ornage let's start!
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>>196221 Which one is kakegurui again?
The gambling one with all the crazy people and faces.
aots candidate
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Does that have decent subs out yet?
Damn this is some snazzy animation. Throwing all their money into the pilot.>>196226 There won't be "official" subs for it for at least a month or ever because of the simulcast arrangement. But I've watched shows from [RH] before and they seem to do good work. I also don't see any glaring complaints with their subwork in the comments on Nyaa.
yeah this one looks cool
>>196226 no
Search [iqdb] (14 KB, 266x214, question17.png )
Are there unofficial decent subs? I heard there were issues with the subs that came out on time?
Both [RH] and [CCM] seem to have acceptable subs for its second episode.
that dog looks stupid
I'm not a huge fan of that breed of dog.
Hah hah hah. TRUCKED.
It keeps happening.
designs arent bad
There was a bit of QUALITY with her face at the end of that scene though. Eyes were spaced too far apart and the mouth was off-centre.
>Forget about the brother you obviously love and miss dearly
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That doesn't seem like what she asked for.
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>we are time rulers >except we don't really rule it we just can slow it down a little bit
This is a nice OST.
yeah i wqs honna say that
A full day of memories for a special attack.
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Except he still knows who she is.
Well he met her the same night he was joking about his brother eating pasta through his nose. Oh huh they're not even brothers.
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Oh, nice twist.
I wonder if that means it was actually Victo's wife that died and not his mother. Losing your mother in your thirties feels a bit more distanced than your wife.
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okay let's kakegurui okay everyone is ready let's start
not bad ok
Huh, the RH version of this episode is 810p. What a weird resolution.
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Rurus are just a component of gambling, after all.
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I think I would just go to another school.
That ice-blue lipstick certainly is something.
I don't know if I could so easily. The chance of getting rich through casual play is kind of enticing. It's not like this is a casino with an always-winning house.
This is apparently also a super-prestigious school. A fair number of the students are probably pressured into staying at the school because of their parents.
evil seitokai
Search [iqdb] (16 KB, 270x433, 狼犬 - のんのんびより SD こまちゃん.jpg )
I bet Yumeko has a ton of money tucked away.
This challenger probably has a photographic memory or something.
Or maybe they're both excellent at it.
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Yumeko hasn't even started making scary faces yet.
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I think Yumeko is probably playing her.
Oh as in she rips the nails off people and paints them. Yuuuup. This is an interesting girl.
its a trappp
Search [iqdb] (140 KB, 1274x1419, 1346449650361.jpg )
This girl is really messed up. I think it's almost a certainty that Yumeko is playing her though.
It is kind of weird for her to suddenly go all damsel in distress out of the blue here. She seems like her personality swings are self-contained, but this frantic one doesn't fit in.
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>>196285 Part of being a good gambler is playing your opponent. Everything we've seen so far suggests that Yumeko is a monster.
I know, but her game in the first episode was pretty honest. Like we saw the pleasant, amicable innocent student, and the gambling addicted monster in that game. Adding a third extreme afterwards feels weird.
Search [iqdb] (146 KB, 862x719, noukome50.jpg )
Here's where it happens.
She won in a single go. I wonder if she intentionally picked- Oh, no, she just caught on to the trick and used it.
I know it's raining outside but the sudden volume increase on that rain sound in that picture was awfully fascinating.
She really bullied that rich ojou hard.
Oh boy there's a Sugita on this student council.
Hah hah. Saotame is still getting abused. You almost feel bad for her.
Search [iqdb] (88 KB, 600x627, tanks2.jpg )
She's a cheater. She's right where she deserves to be. Tsureze children okay let's start
Tsuredzure Tsurezure Tsurejzure
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 308x661, sonoko question.jpg )
New characters? oh nevermind old characters, that's good I was worried it would be new characters every time.
There'll be a lot of new characters, but there'll probably be weaving in and around the established ones.
But I'm excited to get as much of this girl as possible because this is a good Kana Hana role.
How serious.
Search [iqdb] (88 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tsurezure Child(…).jpg )
She's been a lot of fun.
these two are cute too
aren't you guys suppose to be watching anime way later at night
Squid got a real life so we have to watch earlier or else he can't watch at all.
Search [iqdb] (41 KB, 446x502, [HorribleSubs] Netsuzou TRap -(…).jpg )
>>196311 How's final fantasy going?
>>196313 you might have me mixed up with a different anno because I don't know what you're talking about
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 652x718, [HorribleSubs] Netsuzou TRap -(…).jpg )
Oh, that's a shame. It was worth a shot. We were watching later but we moved it up.
Search [iqdb] (177 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
haha What a careful acceptance.
I have a dumb grin on my face because of that. It was adorable.
He's the taller one, why isn't he carrying the umbrella.
Search [iqdb] (72 KB, 621x712, [HorribleSubs] Netsuzou TRap -(…).jpg )
Is that how it works? Shouldn't the owner carry the umbrella?
Well even if that's the case, he's the owner. I just figure if the taller person carries it, there won't be any issue with bumping the umbrella on heads.
Search [iqdb] (223 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Aho Girl - 01 [(…).jpg )
He let her borrow it though, so it's in her custody.
Poor sod.
poor guy
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Wow, lots of confessions this episode.
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okay aho girl>>196332 oh really i think we need to move the time up okay let's start
Ape Girl
last wan
I guess they'll keep adding characters to the OP as they get introduced.
Search [iqdb] (138 KB, 803x646, [HorribleSubs] Aho Girl - 01 [(…).jpg )
poor blonde girl left to awkwardly stand there.
Oh this can only end in tears.
What terrifying kids.
Search [iqdb] (302 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kono Subarashii(…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (81 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Aho Girl - 02 [(…).jpg )
Those finger movements, huh.
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 308x661, sonoko question.jpg )
So you can't do one more, Ika?
nopeee thanks for anime maybe some nights when i actually get decent sleep past few days were bad
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okay bye bye let's start a little early tomorrow so we can get 4 don done
Don don