Thread #189609
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i see sakura wars sagrada reset dive konbini karesi kareshi whatever
whats new today? I didnt odnwload anything yet
Konbini Kareshi is the only new thing.
wow today is mega dead the deadest day deadliest
>>189620 We're still only in Week 0 of the new season. Really you've just been spoiled by how weirdly populated this first week of new shows has been this season. Normally this whole week would have been about this day.
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the deadliest day? oh tilde get this Ika convinced me to watch a show called Netsuzou TRap - NTR He said it wasn't going to be NTR!
Yeah I read earlier. I'm a bit familiar with the series; I could have told you the girls would have been swapping spit pretty early on. Could also say some magic words that would probably make either you or Squid drop it outright too.
What first maybe Dive?>>189635 We knew you wouldnt watch it alone ha ha>>189635 just one ep!
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>>189628 All you really have to say is NTR. I may keep watching to take screenshots of this girl. She's cute and smug.>>189635 We predicted this reaction. Give it one episode, maybe you will like it!
I was kind of hoping you two would have watched it so I don't have to. I really don't want to watch this show. Geugh. I'm not going to like this. Give me a minute.
HELLO anime friends I'll join for konbini I guess maybe dive so tilde doesn't suffer alone
hello anime friend
Hi Roc.
>>189639 NAKAMA
>>189639 okay are you ready nowish or should we watch something like Reset now
start with reset, I need 5-10 minutes
ok lets reset
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okay sagrada reset okay let's start!
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More Honkers.
Okay that's not quite what I was expecting.
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That's it?
I guess. Like I said, not quite what I was expecting.
I guess they use Lock-kun to seal up more than just the old Witch.
Kei does have a pretty big obsession with Sumire.
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If she thinks she is only of worth to him for her ability, she shouldn't be sticking aroudn with him!
She wants to be of worth to him though.
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Okay, where is rook?
hello I'm here which are we starting with
Dive, probably. So when it's tasteless and pandering, we can wash our mouths with something that's slightly less tasteless and panders to the majority of us.
works for me! ready for dive AOTS
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wow tilde tell us how you really feel! orange for dive okay everyoen is ready let's start!
That I can't ever really be excited for a show that involves fujo-pandering. That's how I really feel. It's a fucking noitaminA show too. The fuck is this.
hahaha one ep!
[intense staring]
You only reserve that sort of staring for your most intense of ribarus.
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see look there's a girl It's not that kind of show, you can like it now tilde!
Free! had a girl in it too and you don't see me espousing the qualities of that show either.
>what is this girl blabbering about >these clothes are too restrictive >I wish I were falling with style right now
Wow she even gave him a saving throw there.>Honey isn't even one of the toppings SAYS WHO BITCH. I'LL FIGHT YOU OVER THIS.
honey is top tier pancake topping
It's a great alternative if you don't have syrup. Maple syrup even. I'd probably still take honey over American syrup.
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>>189711 You're right, you should give Free a try too!
he just ditched his wannabe girlfriend to hang out with this naked guy
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Time for some hot blooded diving.
>>189716 When I'm dead and no longer kicking.
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I've always been too scared to jump from high diving boards.
I used to jump off a near-vertical rock face at my old cottage every now and then. But one time I took a mis-step when going off the flat I was jumping off of and essentially slid the whole way down the cliffside. After that I developed a bit of a fear of jumping off things. I can do a certain height into water, but after that my body locks up before I can get off the jumping spot. And in the rare occasion I force myself off the jump, it's just sheer terror the whole way down.
you should push through and jump sometime, it's a lot of fun I always need a few seconds to compose myself before I jump off something high into a pool or lake like that but after the first jump it gets way easier to just go for it
this teacher looks like a huge nerd
>>189722 damn, that sounds pretty crazy were you seriously hurt or just really shaken?
Just shaken up, with a bit of scrape. I mean this was only like five or six metres up, but I was pretty young when it happened. The set of rocks had a couple of natural "levels", the highest that was still safe to jump from was like, twelve - fifteen metres off the water. I tried that one once after I'd slipped, and like I said, I just locked up and couldn't really enjoy it.
I wonder if the artist of the Durarara!! novels worked on the character designs here. Their eyes kind of look like his work.
bowlcut worst boy calling it
Bowlcut really wants there to be a scandal.
>>189730 hes ugly
yeah his eyes are weird
Did he really shut her down because he's too divesexual. Oh he said yes.
just dive bro
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Looks like Miyu isn't giving up.
Those are some eyes.
>you wanna /ss/?
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hey kid wanna go to the olypics
well that was kinda boring but I can get behind them going to the olympics I'll give it a few episodes
i'll show watch this
I like how that ED lead out.
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It's not bad. Let's watch again next week. and for now let's do konbini kareshi okay let's start!
How convenient.>>189747 Kobeni
Also Okada Mari (scriptwriter for Kiznaiver, Iron-Blooded Orphans, Ano Hana) is directing a movie with P.A. Works. This is her first time in the director's seat.
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>Okada directing will she unleash even more suffering in that role?
This show didnt look that interesting synopsis-wise
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Oh boy, what could Okada do with the power of a director?>>189750 It looks like it could be nice.
Oh yeah the comments were saying the audio is messed up and only on one side.
the synopsis was pretty barebones>>189752 yeah seems like all the dialogue will only be on the left side that's pretty annoying
>More diving FUCK
is this about a convenient store
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the synopsis was basically>these high school kids all go to this konbini store
reminds me of Samurai Flamenco the designs
Yeah I was thinking that in the pre-OP stuff too. There's a certain feel to the colour palette that reminds me of it.
I can see it
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Oh, the audio is messed up. Everything but the voiceover is fine, but the voices are one sided.
shoe gay buu
indeed sasuga
There's a certain stiffness to everything though. It's kind of bothering me.
lost childhood friendo
band x made Or something I think. When it showed her reading that magazine in the OP I thought it might be something involving BDSM.
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Maybe she'll find a boyfriend at the konbini.
Already on it even, I believe.
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yeah, I think that's what she's working on now
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Blondie really stays over at his house a lot, huh. I guess that's how besties do.
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me as blode blue as mc
He strikes me more as the kind of wingman that hinders more than helps. Do you really want that sort of burden?
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he's cetainly helping he's got a plan just look
>I run into people all the time You really seem to. Oh fuck is this another "ARE YOU OKAY, FAMILY NAME GIVEN NAME?" kind of show. What other show had that constantly going on.
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This girl falls down A LOT.
Wasn't it that show with the busty tsundere blonde ojou and the trap romantic -reverse trap romantic love interest?
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It must be nice to meet new people just by running into them.
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wow she sperged out real bad
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Wow, that's moe. I want to harass the student council president at the konbini.
This is just a class rep! The president is a guy. Which is probably more suitable for your yellow fever anyway.
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it's very moe
She is pretty cute though.
oh shit he doin it
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He should have gone for the wall press.
Shame years of being a casual kind-of-jerk tends to make serious situations like this backfire on you.
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no way, he struck a decisive blow there he's well on his way to winning
Yeah but if he played his cards right he could have knocked her out in one shot.
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I don't think you can score a one hit kill against someone like her.
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well this looks like it might be a nice watch, not particularly great but pleasant enough time to watch the other stuff that aired so far do you all have anything new that was especially promising? so far I'm going to check out isekai sho yeah that, knights & magic, that gambling show and... there was another one I forgot
>ORANGE POST REASON These Japanese alternative rock bands always have the funniest names.
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I like it. It looks like it may be about konbini boyfriends after all.
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>>189805 isekai shoudoku You will like it. oh Youkai Apartment wasn't bad either.
Yeah Isekai Shoukudou and Youkai Apartment are probably the most solid new shows aside from the gambling show.
nights and magic seems ehhh
Also if you stick around for half an hour we can probably do the Re:Creators re-cap episode that aired on the weekend.
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Tsurezure Children was good too.
Yeah I'd recommend Tsuredzure Children's anime, even if you've read the manga a bit. It's a good adaptation.
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You should also watch Netsuzou TRap - NTR. It's not about NTR I promise.
Don't listen to her lies Roc she's trying to deceive you.
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I won't be tricked as easily as yuu but I'll watch the other stuff>>189811 I'll probalby be around at that time so I'll keep an eye out
You fine with doing the re-cap after Sakura Quest Rika?
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I think it would be best if we save it. I was planning on going to sleep. i have to go in earlier than usual tomorrow. so sakura quest! yeah, this weekend would be good. Or you guys can watch it without me but you probably won't be willing to do that. play everypne os pramge ;et s start!
All right.>>189824 Half the fun of shows like it are dragging you, kicking and screaming, through them.>>189828 Wow a whole weekend of freedom. Hope you enjoy it.
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I'm free all weekend so some other time works for me
sakura questo
new op\
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There's the new OP. It is a little different than what I'd expect.
Hmm. It's quite different, but I don't know which I like more.
Oh gosh she's all sweaty. Oh wait right she ran back home didn't she.
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Sweaty sleeping is the best.
It really is the best.
Sandaru is best boy.
i forgot she had an imouto
Uin uin
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Sanae should go for that instead.
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Wow all the girls are getting scouted!
the town is dooooomed
Nani nani nan o hanashi?
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Now for the two girls who are country hicks and know no one that would try to scout them. Looks like they're going to get aducted by a cult.
Well that was an unexpected twist ending.
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wow, mexico meme cliffhanger
i can imagine the doujins
Wow no Engrish in next week's title.
the mexican thing was pretty weird