Thread #175501
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recreators boku no hero eromanga
Re:Creators or Hero Academia first?
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okay recreators okay lets start
All right, ready.
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It's hard to believe such a nice girl made such an edgy donut steel. Also protagonist-kun was really cold to her.
They are being really evasive with whether she lived or died.
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I hope that he just assumed she died and that she's actually sill alive. I have a feeling that isn't the case though but maybe as I'm typing this I'm being proven wrong.
I'm having a hard time knowing if we should believe it still. Like all they would have to do is show us a news report or something and that would seal it. But it's still all so vague.
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They've been so evasive with it at this point I think she's probably alive. I bet she's in a hospital bed somewhere.
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tsundere author
All authors are tsundere for their own stories.
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If it's the story that matters as to the character's power, and how many people know it yeah this is where I'm going the author isn't actually important. It's the story and its reception that is important.
She's a crowd-sourced entity. I guess that might also explain the edgy personality.
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They should just upload a ton of videos where she's super weak and the butt of the joke.
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It seems to me like there's no reason the author matters at all. As long as the story is well-recieved by the fans, that's what matters.
A character's story needs a creator though, in the end
reds bf
Oh they got yeah, the MC from her story. That'll be fun.
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okay let's see boku no hero okay let's start!
Poor Deku.
I guess we'll get the proper second half kick off next week.
rip deku
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Deku doesn't want to be a sidekick anyway. He's going to be the best hero ever.
Deku's still pretty much just a hero fanboy right now. He'd be all over being a sidekick to any problems hero.
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He's also effectively all might's sidekick already.
Time for some terrible names
Tsu feels like a children's program hero name.
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He should name himself small might.
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I like that he just used his name.
Todoroki is such a dork.
his names are funny
Poor Bakugou.
Oh maybe we'll see Gran Torino before the episode ends
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She was sounding pretty Naka-chan there for a second.
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Gran Torino looks like he's going to be cool.
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eromanga okay lets start
He's pretty cool. Ready.
The artist who did the work for the Masamune-kun's Revenge manga is the our-world artist for Sagiri. It's kind of neat that they got someone completely different from the LN artist for her art.
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Wow she just straight-up drew the other girls! That's embarrassing.
Remember how you remarked last week that it was probably the last serious episode? Apparently this episode gets pretty silly.
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I had forgotten saying that, but it's good to know that me-of-last-week was right.
The meta-humour here is kind of funny.
She was calling her onii-san a pervert earlier but she's the real pervert here.
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Oh, bookstore girl is here. I like her.
Gotta get all the characters in for the finale probably. Sagiri is pretty perverted.
He let her read it in the end.
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Wow, bookstore girl proposed to him!
>Write R-18 manga >Make your older brother read it
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Sagiri is completely out of control this episode.
Oh boy. I thought it was going to be something like this.
haha that was funny the dick thing
None of these girls are going to know where it's supposed to go.
Hah hah hah. This can only end in tears.
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That's a mistake you see inexperienced female artists make a lot. Girls who don't know any better tend to assume the penis starts in a lower place than it really does.
she licked her lips
>>175601 It happens with a lot male artists drawing female anatomy too. You gotta wonder why they just don't look up references.
Wow Muramasa is a pretty good artist.
Wow, a surprise for the ED of the last episode. That was a pretty silly episode.
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That ended up being a good episode.
Yeah that was a funservice episode.
was the ending ew new naked mc
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hmm, maybe?
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I really wanted to see Granblue tonight but it's not out
>>175609 Yeah that's only been there for this episode.