Thread #168725
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Hello I will be late for anime Watch one or two shows before boku please
Rodger dodger.
boku no hero snk eromanga granblue recreatprs hinako note saekano twin angel okay i think that's everything
Yeah that looks right to me.
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What do you guys want to start with?
Twin Angel.
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good choice i want to see this one for reasons twin angel okay let's start
i might join for eromanga maybe just ask me when yall watch
I feel the butler could have airdropped them closer to the heart of the island.
ching ching ching
Wow she's just automated the process. Like it's a machine.
Oh shit boss rush.
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Who is that guy again?
He was the first guy of team evil they encountered. He wasn't of a threat that time around.
the first evil guy to die
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scientist billy has the same voice as the guy who always saves the day in hmm what was that called again the show with the animal girl band
Show by Rock?
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yeah, that's it.
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That is a pretty crappy lock if breaking the console makes the door open.
yes wa'er
Her Engrish is really going crazy this episode.
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These girls are the original team. They're better than the current team and more entertaining.
i like the designs of the new ones more
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The capes are new though.
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I bet it was yeah onii-chan that saved him
oniichan was kidna useless the whole show
He was a funny take on the usual fantastic masked older man.
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okay what next?
Do we want to do Eromanga-sensei with Bang? We can still end on Konote Hina for comfy.
bokuhero reactreators shingeki eromanga granblue hinako i think thats it we can save hinako and maybe one more granblue probably
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it's up to you guys.
lets shingeki
Yeah I agree. Apparently this is gonna get a season three. Guess it's doing well enough to merit a continued adaptation.
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okay snk we're all orange let's start
We're gonna get THAT moment this week.
ehhhh this moment isnt that exciting whatt ime are you i started late kk
It's just so completely stupid and out of left-field that it's pretty momentous. 1:25 1:30 1:35
this openign is good
REVO always makes good music. I remember being really excited when it was announced Linked Horizon was doing the OPs way back before the first series. He hasn't disappointed.
Hah hah hah. Titan faces never get old.
Oh yeah this was that alcoholic guard that always hung around them when they were kids.
Get fucked, Eren.
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haha eren
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Seems like things aren't going well.
Okay I remembered this correctly. RIP Hannes.
are mikasa's things broken
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what a convenient power
Perfectly pulled out of his ass.
Y'know the plot has been full retard this arc but there has been some REALLY GOOD composition for it too. Like the aesthetics have been really nice and entertaining.
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Why is she trying to help bert and ernie?
is that the most asspulley moment of the series
Maybe. There's one more arc before I dropped the manga. That arc is kind of boring but it's coherent and structured. Well structured compared to this.
Hah hah hah what is this cliffhanger. I don't know what the fuck is going on. I guess they're ending the season here?
eta 15 minutes
yeah thats the end i guess we wait for rook then do recreators and bokuhero then finish
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So we're gonna wait for rook?
we can do a differnet show too GBF Hinako which>>168828 oh i thought you wanted to wait for bang
Why not Eromanga-sensei?
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bang went to sleep.
>>168827 When he was awake, yeah. I don't know if he'll be free enough over the next few days for a show. All right, GranBlue.
any lets go we have 10 minutes til rook finishes lets get halfway done the show which
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Which one are we doing? how about granblue? okay let's start!
eugen's original VA has recovered yay
I wonder if he'll do anything for a possible GranBlue season two.
Apparently this episode takes a considerable swerve in a direction I didn't expect it to.
Kamikaze fish.
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vira never
Yeah. Instead you get an army of other gatcha characters.
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It's good to see them. I hope we get to see cag.
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draogs are super cute also I have this sniper girl and I meant to type draphs
i wonder if jessica will get a ssr eventually
What is this POST.
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Cag is extremely popular, surely she will get to appear.
OST even. My phone is mean.
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There's someone I know. I want to see Cag though! I wonder if we'll finally get to see DJ.
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I guess gacha time is over. It was cool even if I didn't get to see Cag.
Gran's clothes are really baggy on him when he doesn't have armor on.
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are you far enough into the story to know who he's talking about rika
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The black knight lady, maybe?
All the adults are getting plastered.
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Well, I guess it's time to hope for a second season so we can see Vira. and maybe cag if we're lucky They should have let us see DJ at least.
The sky parade is calling~
Maybe in season two they'll just swap in Djeeta as the MC without any explanation and proceed as if she was the MC the whole time. That would be funny.
i think theres 2 more episodes
nvm one
hello I am here
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good timing boku no hero? okay let's start
ok wait we're ending on recreators?
i can do one more after Re:Creators if you've got time. It's the weekend.
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bakugou getting triggered
He's got such an inferiority complex when it comes to Deku.
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Wow, did he choke?
He chose not to use them.
still too emo
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hawk boy did really well.
>You will never get a hug from All Might
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The screen darkening is really over the top this episode.
plus ultraa
He's still got the medal in his mouth.
;_; poor ida
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That eye thing was weird. Kirara will probably not like that.
Ochako has good parents.
>>168911 its a comedic kinda thing maybe he wont mind too much
Ready for some kakkoi hiiro names next week? Well don't be they're all lame.
really lame
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okay what else was rook here for recreators? okay i think that's everyone let's start
Re:Creators.>>168930 Maybe they'll surprise you by having him dead at the start of this week's episode.
yeah that's it ready ikaaaaa
hui i woulda dropped this if persona died last week
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>>168930 I am still on the verge of dropping this.
I want someone i hate to die to balance it out
Who do you even hate besides Magane though.
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I don't think it's proper procedure to hang a patient's half-destroyed bloodsoaked clothes on the wall in their room like that.
Well they're cozy with the government so it's probably fine.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/06/18 (日) 08:21 No. 168939
still don't know why the seahawks didn't run the ball
This effeminate mecha pilot is more of a man than the MC. I'd totally dig a trip like this though.
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I guess he finally realized he needs to get in the robot.
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Wow, she's wearing her mantle over her hospital clothes.
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She looks so nice and normal, I wonder why she made such an edgy overpowered OC donut steel.
It's always the quiet ones you have to look out for.
Ara Ara
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Oh I get it. They're going to tease us with the idea of her dying the whole episode and then kill her off.
>how do I look bitch he can't see you, you have his glasses
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You can't just trade out glasses like that. Everyone has their own prescription.
Yeah but it's not impossible to have two people have sufficiently close prescriptions that it works well enough.
>>168978 >>168978
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Oh she got bullied. The Japanese are so good at bullying.
she was stealing his ideas though right so those bullies were kinda right
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Maybe she faked her death. That happens online sometimes.
I guess these are the breather episodes before we get into the new season. Are you two done or do you want to do one more?
uhhhh i think im done theres only like HIanko and eromanga leftover wecan do it tmr its empty like 2 or 3 shows
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looks like ika is out of fuel. That's okay though, we did well. thanks for anime