But dude you can get rid of the spooky ghost by showing someone else the tape right? A week should be plenty for roping some homeless guy into coming over and seeing a tape
Like, just break in somewhere, bring the TV to the bedroom, hold them at gunpoint and make them watch
in the original ringu the ghost didn't really kill you but you just died of fright which is a heavy thing in many japanese horror stories dealing with "onryu" or vengeful spirits but in the western remake the face is bit more than just "died of fright"
I wish there was new media horror that was actually good the skype-facebook thing was a good idea but it was just crap you just wanted them all to die and it wasn't scary the idea was good, though >>16831 It would make sense her final life's work and everyone thinks it is shit and pretentious and she goes all DIE DIE DIE
go to the psychic organisation and say "i have power to make photographs of me turn shitty" and claim the 1 million
You get randi to prove you can do it with any camera, you get the public believe your story fuck around 1 week with the million and then die and have randi fix it in your memory and save hoomin race from ghosts and become the one who proved that ghosts exist
>get the million >how do you do it >well actually I got the power by watching this tape >show the tape to the testers (a copy) and just walk out with a million
Yeah the problem with the evil ghost plan is NO ONE IS FIGURING THE PLAN if she wants to spread her hate everywhere, she should have slapped it more obviously there
Man we should get into horror writing state taking /making use of supernatural entities and shit to deal with unwanted population and dissidents a communist superstate that abooses the supernatural
Umm those do exist there even is a norwegian light houses >>16894 yeah it is ridiculous at times, but light houses hell those are big shit for just photographers
Yeah but in Horror movies it gets ridiculous at times
Yeah see now is when you stop hanging out at home, alone And get some people to keep an eye on you >>16914 I think the spooker spooked her in the dream, but it had real life effects too
so what the spook grabbed her and then made her go to bed or was it ALL JUST A DREAM
Oh gee NOW you believe her? >>16921 Wait they don't? At all?
WHY Y- YOU ESTABLISHED THIS AS A WAY TO TELL YOURE GONNA GET SPOOKED Why aren't you checking if the kid is going to be spooked?
oh so it was their son
>>16920 they didn't that is like one big plot hole "hey look this tape made myu face turn weird, watch it, oh you did, so let's not take pics of your face"
...why are you looking? It doesn't matter, that thing died already, you don't have the means to rescue a horse from the water
This was an open and shut case the second the horse left the ground
but we needed to see the mincemeat
But this ghost is dead set on killing everyone on its list EXACTLY on time, right? So this guy is safe until she dies, or is she safe now? Do we know if she's safe? Her picture is still fucked up, isn't it?
Yeah that is why I wonder if you shew it to 10k or more people at the same time and one killing takes like 4 or so minutes how long would it take her to kill them all?
I think the spooker spooks everyone simultaneously Probably through elaborate spooky traps and stuff Timed shit
"I just work here and don't care, as long as you don't mess shit up I'll let you see it so you are off my hair and I can go back to watching TV" seriously, that is so realistic portrayal of people in those kind of jobs
I'd do it Would put this on torrent Hack into a newsbroadcast and broadcast it
For laughs
Also I'd have loved a cut of this movie where they backed off the edge and died I mean seriously, they blindly backed on a platform they aren't familiar with with an open edge to some 4-5m drop
wow that much moisture damage and oyu let people sleep there?
Don't worry you turned off the tv and smartphones aren't a thing yet so no mini-samara
It killed a guy in a car too, so it doesn't need a monitor I guess
Man, I wish I could draw a webcomic about state supernatural department that deals and captures and KILLS people with these things would be fun a good platform to make fun of horror and autism about this crap
yeah you can easily fall into a well after getting hit by an old heavy tv and hitting the walls of the well several times on the way down and be all "meh"
No I mean she showed the tape She should be off the hook?
also beebs
>>17037 hmm maybe sammi is trying to get found ya know
Or maybe it keeps doin shit to you, but not killing you
Like "damn mooks they can't even figure out what my message is YOU COPY THE TAPE that is what the fly implies damn plebs can't even art"
oh good
notice the film breaking in the "flashback" nice detail
OK but why is she killing people
hey that is not what some 30 year old corpse looks like
>>17053 see she just wanted to be found but rachel is safe
I feel there are better ways to be found
well she is autistic demon child what do you think
And Semara kills people via spooky ghost magic
It's basically the same thing
What? You can go on for more than 7 days 7 days is water
"Naw, kid, I found her and she disintegrated into gray sludge in my hands" "It was really pretty fucking trippy"
Like if you knew this muc WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY fucking demon child you just play like a good kid but this was your plan
Also what the fuck does it matter? ... No seriously, what does this matter?
also remove the kid from the movie nothing changes... this is stephen king level useless psychic kid
No listen Remove the entire plot of her going to get Samera
...nothing is different Freeing her doesn't seem to have made any changes to the situation
that too
>>17090 well it works as a good twistish story instead of helping a poor cursed girl she just wanted to be free
It's a thing for the characters to do, but it didn't actually... do anything? It didn't help them But Samera was gonna ice both of these two jokers anyway
¨This movie doesn't make any goddamn sense to me anymore
cause she can
that is why japanese horror remakes don't make sense our ghosts and demons are different for japs the onryuu kills people because onryuu makes sense it is part of their culture but for us nah we need to know why
It's more that the movie acts as though there IS a reason why
Also that's not a fitting scream for seeing someone you assumed was dead... be dead
yeah and you couldä've shown the body and also real nice of samara to put him back on the chair
Yeah she's real considerate for a murder demon ghost
Might I suggest taking a hammer to the TV.... blonde whose name we've hear three times Rachel?
So why are they watching the tape? Are they making a copy?
is the studio where she made the copy
basically pop made the original video and left it at the motel most likely built the house on the well or shit >>17123 yeah this barely is scary it has some good cinematography but that is pretty much all the acting isn't that good the plot is pointless and in the end it was all pointless and the movie is pointlessly long at 1:50
For such a cult classic, EVERYTHING but the premise was poorly executed
It's not even about the scary factor, it's just... so poorly done because nothing in the movie feels like it has a purpose in the movie NOTHING the characters did seemed to have an impact on the future at all
This is like that Nic Cage movie where he tries to save the children being taken by the aliens and shit Fuck if I remember what it was called, but the point is NOTHING done throughout this movie mattered for the conclusion They could just as well have all sat on a couch and nothing would have changed
and then solar flare
>>17124 yeah we didn't even get any answers really even if it was the "you all die anyhow" horror thing if there was some story told proper, it wouldnä't matter but this really didn't rely the story either
like why did samara need to be freed? what did finding her body matter? if she requires people to spread her video, why not make it more obvious and so on
Like the "is free" would've made more sense if the kids from before had died like one ran under a car one did suicide one fell down stairs and shit like she didn't kill them just frighten and now that she was free she could ACTUALLY kill people and not just spook
It was hyped because it was the first hollywood jhorror adaption grudge was actually quite scary and the follow ups were just bad like dark water and one missed call and so on
but ring being the first of its kind most likely spooped the stupid american audience who are used to BLAAH MONSTGER