Thread #163526
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/14 (水) 06:41 No. 163528
You hear about those escaped convicts?
LWA mahou no sho shuumatsu fuku noise akashic records
lets do fukunoise lwa akashic for sure today maybe +12 +1* maybe not
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okay there's tilde let's hop right into it what to start with?
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hello I will entertain any opinion on what to start with okay fuku noise okay let's start
FUkunoise probably
It would be nice to start on the first half of this hour, rather than the second half.
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>>163545 Yes I would like to start on the first half of the hour too. I woke up confused thinking it was morning and hit snooze. Soemtimes I will be late on hard weeks and this week has been a lot of work so far.
Chicken and onion skewers sound pretty good.
Doing both rhythm guitar and vocals is really tough though. It's no surprise they wouldn't be good to go with them right off the bat.
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She's kinda stupid too. She should probably just stick to singing.
It's not like doing both requires any modicum of intelligence. Just practice.
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Wow, he's transferring just to get away of her. What an ass.
Oh Momo's out of the picture again.
The band antics are the best part of this show. They should just scrap the romance plot and do band antics.
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He may look like persona 5-kun but he has a terrible personality.
hello bang
oh this is the anime thread
Hello Bang this is the anime thread.
>>163559 yeah his personality is kind of lame
I gained a bit of respect for Alice for not going along with his petty "if I win this rock festival you give up" bull.
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I would get tired of dealing with her constant drama and freaking out.
She needs one of those "please be patient with me I have autism" hats.
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I hope milk kid wins. Momo's attitude is too terrible.
What a turnaround from the start of the series, hah hah hah.
momo is like i want you but i dotn want you
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>>163572 I only put up with terrible things for so long. It's like when I drop a show for being bad. What next?
Next I relieve myself so make a decision.
LWA then Akashic
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okay LWA>>163581 that's fine i can go blow my nose
Actually it seems like my download got mussed with. Do you wanna wait like two minutes or just do Akashi? Akashi, even.
Lawa>>163581 NO
Akashic. Why is that C so evasive.
cause you like akashi from kuroko
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>>163584 I haven't even watched or read a single bit of that series though.
Like I don't even know who that is.
Okay downloaded.
>>163584 The mangaka of that series has a new sports manga running in Shounen Jump though. It's about golfing.
Ready for Little Witch Academia.
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okay LWA okay let's start!
AWL its almost over
Coem -Come to think of it, did their school year start in the spring like Japanese schools, or autumn like they would in Britain. It's got to be spring.
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The academy is supposedly in Britain.
Yeah but think of it. If it's only snowing now, that means all of these episodes have been over the course of like, three or four months tops.
Croix really went nuts with envy.
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>>163596 A lot can happen in four months.
d i a n a
I'm a little upset they didn't really do anything with Lotte's spirit singing in this series though.
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Side characters in general did not get a lot of attention, aside from Diana.
Akko lost her yay
Also she was just sitting on a park bench, it's not like she was hiding or anything. How did everyone have such a hard time finding her.
diana might be my fave thjen android then chariot or akko
Diana had the best character development out of the cast. She's the most complete character out of them all; it's hard to not be drawn to her.
last boss fight
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pokay akashic records okay lets start
Oh it's not a duel between Glenn and the other guy. Or well, strictly between them.
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Yeah, I guess this obviously evil guy was hanging around.
Hey you know what you get when you re-arrange the letters in "Leos"? You get LOSE.
>>163640 Well there was duel declared last episode, so he was gonna be around for at least this episode.
Re=L is pretty precious.
They're all using Glenn's short-form casting too.
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Using a military weapon girl is mean!
Oh his good guy facade is cracking.
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wow he just pushed her face
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Sara must be the girl that coincidentally looks almost exactly like shironeko.
Yeah that was pretty explicitly shown last week.
Sure okay but what naked.
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Wow he must have worked hard to create those tulpas.
Pride goeth before the fall. I guess it goes both ways for this situation. Glenn got too cocky with this guy. But at the same time he showed his trump card to Glenn before the big fight.
Oh huh.
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haha, shironeko's expression in this endcard
the power of tulpas
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He has some weird tastes, making his tulpas weird geometric things. So we completed the list of things Ika wanted to watch. I think the only two stragglers are shuumatsu and mahou no sho?
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Tilde may be mad at me now anyway so maybe we're done for today.
ok th anks for anime
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thanks for anime! sorry tilde